Does anyone else despise these YouTube intellectuals with their endless...

Does anyone else despise these YouTube intellectuals with their endless, shitty Skype call interviews and how much they obviously over-value their own opinions?

Just listen to how ridiculous the intro music to Sam Harris' podcast is. Why is it so serious? It sounds like a trailer for Schindlers List

He clearly thinks what he and who he lets the priviledge of talking on his show says should be treated very seriously

Not everyone lives the life of a carefree memelord, some people take everything more seriously


>YouTube intellectuals

It like he doesn't even know who Sam Harris is.

Because it's all just wishiwashy speculation. Sure sometimes some good thoughts arise but it isn't structured or properly constructed. If they were more rigorous in their methodology, say like the scientific method, or by using actual logic they'd actually might get some shit done. Now it's mostly "they r da real raciss xD"

Well they're trying to sell themselves and make people believe that they are worth listening to.

Listening to bill burr is kinda funny because he follows everything up with "ahhh what the fuck do I know I don't know anything".

He really doesn't know anything though

>YouTube intellectuals

>omg why do they care about stuff so much

Deflection tactics. Parlor tricks so people don't notice the abhorrent amount of fallacies they spout all day long

Sam Harris is fucking based

Not based like Alex Jones -type idiots

Actually fucking based

What has he done of any worth apart from coming up with elaborate opinions?

Why is there a market out there for smug losers and their insignificant opinions?

The only reason people like them is because these YouTube intellectuals themselves think their opinions on things are so important to the point of covert arrogance, and weak-minded people buy into it and make this cult of personality around them.

Isn't it ironic how these people enjoy idol status?

So based he supported Hillary Clinton

The man is a blue pilled bore

History will judge him.

The question I have is Sam Harris pretending to be a super serious smug intellectual or has he gotten high on his own farts?

Definitely high on his own farts, and his fan base

'The Four Horseman'? You must be fucking joking if you're that smug to sit around a table and bash religion, tape it and expect the world to love it

How else can they legitimise spouting their opinion for no apparent reason, other than the 'fact' they're very important people whose opinions should be taken seriously?

>very important people
Harris believes in xenoglossy and reincarnation, he just has to pussyfoot around it otherwise his fedora fanbase stops giving him gibs

Dawkins' work is chock full of fallacies and data snooping. Only legitimate scientist amongst the merry fedora lads, i liked his books and his genetic theories but he is little more than a science entertainer

Dennett is not a scientist, has a degree in philosophy and his arguments are precarious. He creates strawmenand then proceeds to gloat in the same vein of those threads saying POL BTFO. Has no peer reviewed papers at the active, i have no idea where his credibility and his "science" comes from

Hitchens was a sionist drunkard. Entertaining but that's it

How would a YouTuber have any better an opinion that someone in an internet post.

I've never taken those types seriously.

I guess I can respect them for putting their face out there with an opinion attached to it though, even if it's something like the young Turks.

Not an argument.

listened to him for 5min


never again, he's a mincy fagit

I think its interesting nonetheless

Its sort of like when 'gurus' convince retarded Americans that they've reached enlightenment and they let him fuck all of their wives

People are being convinced of their legitimacy by the sheer weight weight of their own egos.

>Does anyone else despise these YouTube intellectuals with their endless, shitty Skype call interviews and how much they obviously over-value their own opinions?

Not an argument.

>Just listen to how ridiculous the intro music to Sam Harris' podcast is. Why is it so serious? It sounds like a trailer for Schindlers List


>He clearly thinks what he and who he lets the priviledge of talking on his show says should be treated very seriously

Invalid. Not an argument, buddy. Try again.

>implying Sam Harris doesn't have a PhD in neuroscience, which you couldn't accomplish given 100 lifetimes, and hasn't done more to fight Islam than you could manage given 1000 lifetimes

If I introduced him like this

>man with Phd in Neuroscience shares his thoughts

Would you give a fuck? I wouldn't.

It might look good at a dinner table but on CNN I don't think so

Tell me something noteworthy he's done.

Fuck off

holy shit, autistic as fuck

Harris is pretty cool. I don't agree with him about a lot of things, but i generally respect his interaction style.

People in the thread say he's pretentious (and he may be), but at least he has a lot of patience in trying to explain himself. Can't ask more than that.

He seems Intellectually honest, if misguided.

pick one

this video is a secret red pill.

rent seeking elite (jews) are bad

autism speaks