Is this the red pill?

What have you done to me, Sup Forums? I can't enjoy things anymore. I watch TV or movies and see people seeking out short-term, non-committed relationships and all I see is degeneracy. I've become prejudice against foreigners, especially Arabs, and I can't watch the news without picking up on (((their))) influence. I never saw the big problem with the weird gender stuff, but it wasn't hurting anyone so it was okay; now I see it as mental illness and I'm left pitying them.

What must I do to be satisfied again? Where do I go from here?

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Congratulations, you're here forever.

Suicide. It's the final red pill


Blackpill or ironpill, friend.

Read these books. :^)

fug forgot to change my name teehee

Armour yourself with contempt.

I prefer to take the steel pil and learn how to shape metals at will

I feel you...

>I watch TV or movies

You still don't get it.

But isn't living with contempt hollow and sad? I want to look past some of these problems and just enjoy things.

Get a hobby.

A trade would be the most useful stuff. Like learn to be a carpenter or something. But even small and geeky shit like putting together aircraft models can teach you skills that are useful and it is fun if you find the right thing.

The holocaust was a hoax. Hitler called you Honorary Aryans, come gas Jews with us. Jews were the ones pulling the allies strings!


I know this exact feeling user, I'm right there with you.
They say fascism is the final redpill, right? I just don't see it, I'm just digging further into libertarianism.

Ever since I started browsing Sup Forums I find myself angry at the people around me more often, I'm kinda worried.

I know that feel jap bro, yet from my experience you can't un-take the red pill, disdain becomes your way of life since you took the decision to see reality the way it truly are and not to be naïve enough to bypass degeneracy, and the only way to free yourself from the "suffering" the red pill implies is to fight degeneracy and engage more people into taking the red pill rather than just being an expectator. Its basically choosing between ignorance is bliss and weakness to deal with real issues vs knowledge is pain and strength to acknowledge the reality of things.

"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." ―Morpheus, to Neo [src]
The term redpill refers to a human that is aware of the true nature of the Matrix. Redpills are typically humans whose bodies and minds have been freed from the power plant by Zion hovercraft teams, but humans still connected to the Matrix can also be aware of its reality. Usually, Redpills encounter anomalies or glitches in the system, or may free themselves from physical bonds by exceeding human limitations. In either of these cases, other Redpills find them and offer them freedom.

Join the Alt Right and let our power levels grow together! We're already winning!

You cant just unrealize what you have realized or unsee what you have seen, you just have to live with it and maybe go deeper, read books or watch documentaries and get more knowledge. If normie entertainment is not satisfying anymore you gotta let go man. Specially TV, the more you watch the more mad you'll get, just stop.

I haven't been watching much of anything in the past week. It's just been sad or stupid. I've spent most of what time I used to watch working out or reading up on an old hobby. What kind of documentaries would be good? I don't want to become a full-on racist and just listen to propaganda. I recognize differences between races, but I know that the individual is the most important distinction.

To be honest with you i haven't watched that many documentaries but this material is pretty good.

Some Jordan Peterson (watch this asap)

Zeitgeist Trilogy

These could be a start if you haven't already watched them. Empire of Dust and The Greatest Story Never Told are some Sup Forums essentials i have not seen, sorry lads, but they most likely don't fit the no race documentaries rule, still.

Empire of Dust

The Greatest Story Never Told (download this, might get deleted)

It's time for you to become a meme magician.

hit the gym and find a qt

Congratulations, you are now on stage 6,

some people started meming it not knowing what it was

I'm going to look into these, thank you.

I don't think I was ever between 1 and 3, but I think you're right about the rest.

do something with yourself or you will turn into a faggot.

there is always more to learn and always more ways to better yourself.

Redpill me on all the pills: red, blue, iron, black, you name it.

blue is for hedonists and people who don't think past today, lol muslims are people too

red is for people who are actively looking for the truth, (jews control the banks and media and are actively working to further their own people and that has a detrimental effect on ours)

iron is for people who are trying to better themselves because just taking the redpill is pointless without trying to fix things. (the only way to be better than the kikes and win people to my side is to be as physically fit and smart as I can)

black pill is nothing matters might as well kill yourself or do whatever. (lol where is the DMT I don't have to work tomorrow)

Don't let depression set in. It is a bitch to deal with.

It doesn't get easier

It doesn't matter. It spreads the concept that there's something more, something hidden.

Something that can pierce the boring life of the average normie who wants to feel more "enlightened" than the others. He will start searching, and searching.From the entry-level commentary of liberal skeptics on youtube to basic philosophy and political analysts. Then, in the comments, he/she will get advice for documentaries and books

Somewhere down the spiral he/she will end up here, pass the trial of newfaggotry, get grades in shitposting and nthDimensional post-irony

Some user down the way will see the effort, and greet him/her with a simple one-liner, the final acknowledgement:

>one of us, one of us