Lets have a serious discussion on race and end the shitty slide threads

Lets have a serious discussion on race and end the shitty slide threads.

There are regressive genes in all 3 races on this planet. Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid . (We don't discuss Abos because they are a small isolated group.)

There are also progressive genes in these races which which seem to evolve human beings for the better, we are talking stronger bones, higher IQ, healthier body.

Now, in regards to the many different variations of these three races, for example caucasoid. There are clearly regressive genes in the Irish as the irish while the Germans and Polish have more progressive genes.

Same goes for the Negroid and Mongoloid, we see the Japanese as more progressive gene pool compared to the Phillipenes.

The negroid is in specific tribes in Africa are very different as well. Nigerians appear to be highly progressive versus the lowly Ethiopians.

Anyone care to share more info on this?

its already all quantified

And so from these points of origin, these races moved and evolved differently based on what key factors tho?

Was there ever a purge of lower regressive genes documented in these movements, where 1 group splits off into 2 based on one being highly progressive and another being regressive?

>3 races
slide thread

There is only 3 races.

Mongoloid mutations stretch from asia into north and south america.

There is no Amerindian.

That's the stupidest shit i'v heard. The name indian has nothing to do with natives, it was just the early explorers used because they thought they had landed in India.

The Caucasoid stretches allover from north africa to the middle east and Europe.

Jews and Arabs are still Caucasoids even if Caucasians or Anglo Saxton are white and blonde hair.

Caucasoids have the highest variation of mutation, from darker skin, to red hair to dark hair and blonde.

Also, i'll prove why arabs and jews are caucasoids.

There is no history or even civilations where negroids-caucasoid or caucasoid-asian or negroid-asian have mixed into an entire populus of their own.


Because races have kept to their most closely related genetics. The aryan people are proof that the caucasoid of whiter variations are indeed the same genetic pool as the arabs or persian nations.


I'm not even fully caucasoid you dumb leftist faggot.

>Ayo user what's up?
What do?

Tell me about americans morbid obesity genes

The way this woman contours her face like a mask with makeup if unnerving.

It would look super weird having sex with her, but I am willing to try, for science.


she's not even hot. 0% chance of sperg out from me

>Just arguing on Sup Forums what about you?

> morbid obesity genes

It's called regressive. you have to remember america is also well mixed so the variations are going to be much more wide and erratic.


I'm a big guy.

Did you learn genetics from Hideo Kojima

Well, that's okay. Not everyone will find the negroid favorable. There is nothing wrong with this.

'Murica Mutha Fuker

Yes, so there regressive genes.

Same goes for manlets and women who can't into 5'5" range or higher.

Average height for a woman is 5'4

Maybe for chinks

We are all one. The difference is only thousands of years old.

Also, culture seems to be huge factor in the genetic regressive and progressive movement.

For instance, Irish people are massive drug and alcohol abusers.

I have yet to meet an Irish person who isn't the stereotype of being a sloppy drunk shit talker or heroin addict. They steal, lie, cheat and accomplish very little unless it has to do with unethical behavior, owning slaves and such.

This might by why the British pissed all over them so much.

As far as negroid go, the regressive ones seem to be very hostile and careless.

The more benevolent ones appear to be more curious and thoughtful but however... depending on the group in africa, you may find that while one tribe likes to dance and cook food, the other does not but is very hostile, then you will find another group might be quiet and more curious.

Notice the heavy body modification in the more regressive tribes vs the more progressive tribes who rather build and evolve.

My roommate in college was a hardcore alcoholic and Irish as fuck. That being said, they usually are because most metabolize toxins faster then everyone else. He had never had a hangover a day in his life, Im sure it contributed.
>Redheads in particular have been found to need MORE anesthesia then an average person.

I love her.

Linda :3

Yes, I found that nearly all of my old friends who were either part irish or heavily irish was alcoholics.

They often were sneaky fucks too, jealous, often careless about anything in life by getting their drug fix.

Breeding with irish is nearly as bad as breeding with the lowest of negroid dna.

She looks like a Skyrim character

Also, my typing and grammar may be way off today, I have a massive headache and it's affecting my vision.

I think I type something correct and find out it was way off.

This girl looks like a badly made skin for that female from Half Life 2.


Get him out. Out! Out! Out!

Yes, many negroids have a very progressive genetic pool.

The issue is that the culture is awful. They need a reset. They are heavily inbred as well in some areas. Even in the U.S.

Don't try and understand niggers, they are the fuckup of the human race and very few examples of humans are worse. They could be wiped off the face of the planet and nothing of value would have been lost. Leave it at that user.

> cam girl porn slut
> probably does lots of drugs too

Don't be fooled by aesthetics only.

It's indisputable that whites are the most cuckable race. While we have the best genes for intelligence (real intelligence, not that phoney asian calculator shit), we also have the most genes that promote cucking, and you can see its effects as white people all over the world turn into cucks. We should probably take top tier nigresses, like op pic related, and mix with them, to improve our own genes. that can be proven to improve our athletic ability, while erasing our cuck inclinations, and if managed correctly, can actually increase our intelligence.

>Name: Unknow
>Birth Place: Unknow
>Name Unknow
>Height: ???
>Weight: ???
>Reach: ???
>Character Locked

>caucasoids are just northern indians/aryans who lost their color due to gene leprosy and went north into the mountain caves

>tfw when you've fucked black chicks but not the blackest ever black chick

about to go jerk it, wanna help me out?

>There are regressive genes in all 3 races on this planet.
>There are also progressive genes in these races which which seem to evolve human beings for the better, we are talking stronger bones, higher IQ, healthier body.
You're giving some educated people cancer right now, bubba

This is true to some extent, but i think the bigger issue is the exploitation of this race.

Instead of simply putting a foot down and teaching them, the government has cultured them into a nanny system which tells them to simply be free but act black.

The fact that we have entire cities in the U.S. of these degenerates is proof of the exploitation.

Yet, the blacks who were raised outside of the black culture grow up to be good people with workings.

It's the culture that has been allowed to breed this regressive dna structure.

To add to this post above, I don't think there is much we can do to fix these issues.

They really do need a black leader or several leaders who are not racist degenerates.

When it comes to racial mixing, this only works for specific dna, specific cultured minds who have been exposed and evolved in such a way that they are compatible.

This whole idea of forced mixing, like a white woman would ever want to mix with a black who was the farthest from her own cultured understandings.

Same goes for white males and asian or black females.

Multiculturalism doesn't work unless the culture's foundations and principles are very similar.

t.Jamal here. Just going to speak my mind here

I really don't get it. I grew up in the hood and was always surrounded by other black kids that wanted to be rappers or football players etc. But the thing is, all of our parents pushed the whole "Knowledge is power and education is key" meme really hard. A lot of them didn't go to college, had a bunch of kids out of wedlock, and overall had shitty lives because of THEIR mistakes. Even though they pushed all of us to at least do something with our lives, they still went the opposite and fucked up the same way their parents did.

I honestly think the only reason I'm not a typical hoodrat is because being a nerd distracted me away from black culture (or at least what it is now)

Next thing we are going to hear is Irish are negros with white skin, and we will make full circle.

More too add.

The problem with America is that you have all these cultures who don't pledge allegiance.

They create and isolate themselves into cultures that are not based on the foundation of American values.

Freedom has become a meme for "do anything without consequences".

The black mainstream culture in America is so anti-american that it's toxic.

> I honestly think the only reason I'm not a typical hoodrat is because being a nerd distracted me away from black culture

Same goes for me. I'm only half white, half hispanic and many of my white friends were acting like black urban thugs while few of them were interested in anything else.

i'v never had black friend's because the majority of the blacks in my area are racist and have a very lowly mind when it comes to anything but sports, rap and being a protestor of white people.

I tried but it was too hard to converse with people who couldn't speak english properly, let alone have curiosity without criticizing everything and placing themselves above as a superior regardless of their flaws or ignorance.

nah, they are caucasoids with severe degeneration.

>Her face falls off.