Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand...

Seriously, the bullying against German members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Germans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only German man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Americans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Italians get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a German man a "cuck"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth German man that they are a "cuck"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

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Stale pasta is stale. This is now a nazi thread.

Kauft nicht bei Deutschen!

gtfo you cuck


Im Ernst, die Mobbing gegen deutsche Mitglieder dieser Gemeinschaft ist immer aus der Hand, zumal die Deutschen sind einige der größten Beitragszahler und die meisten in diesem Board beteiligt.

Es ist nicht nur "Memes" oder "Geplänkel", seine bösartigen Angriffe und unabhängig von Absichten es erniedrigende Menschen und verletzt Gefühle. Ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich der einzige deutsche Mann bin, der es schwer findet, stolz auf sein eigenes Land zu sein, nachdem er jahrelang ununterbrochene und unnötige Angriffe hatte, die mein Erbe vor unsicheren Verlierern verleumdeten. Warum nicht schikanieren Schweden oder Amerikaner? Haben sie nicht viel mehr zu schämen als unser friedliches kleines Land? Italiener werden weniger gemobbt als wir und doch sind wir das reinste Weiß in Europa.

Wie wenn seine nicht nur Geplänkel, wenn ein Mem wiederholt sich wiederholt und immer wieder, systematisch wiederholt, wird es schließlich eine Wahrheit ohne Rücksicht auf die Absichten bei der Wiederholung. Und das ist nicht nur Witze, dann seine schädlichen!
Würden Sie einen deutschen Mann einen "Kuckuck" (nicht wahr) an sein Gesicht rufen? Würden Sie sagen, zu einem freundlichen, friedlichen und hart arbeitenden Salz der Erde deutschen Mann, dass sie ein "cuck" sind? Würden Sie diese Worte zu Ihrem weißen Bruder sagen? Fühlst du dich jetzt schämen? Sie verdammt degeneriert?

Ihr zerstörender nationaler Stolz, Ihr teilendes Weiß gegen einander, Ihr Tun das Gegenteil von dem, was Sie behaupten zu unterstützen, wenn Sie in diesem unglaublich verabscheuenswürdigen Verhalten engagieren. Also ermutige ich Sie, jetzt aufzuhören.

grow a spine m8

This guy gets me.

sagte der bergjude und bestellte erst einmal irgendeinen elektroschrott aus deutschland.

> tfw you threw out German hitchhikers from car because they supported Merkel

>Your destroying national pride.
You are destoying yourself with your own apathy and misgided shame. Rise up, Germans! RISE UP and redeem yourself in glorious battle!!

The eternal anglo cannot rest until all krautnigger blood has been cleansed from Europa!

Shoo shoo German poo

>literally shaking general



Deal with it faggot and dont be triggered.
Also it could be much worse, we could be indians,.


German men are so hideous German women would rather cuck them.


If doubles AfD wins next election

Kill yourself

To be honest with you Germany your posters are far too bland and non inventive or creative to pay any attention too. Maybe it came from years of National Pride being brainwashed out of you, sure immigrants are way more exciting to be around, they are more passionate to your women and actually have a sense of humor. Your identity will be lost over the coming decades, this is just the natural progression of anthropologic evolution, unless you can compete you will be breed out. I personally do not like Germans their whole industry has been a failure and they have been animalistic to fellow Europeans throughout history. I really hope that the Islamic flag is incorporated onto your Flag.

Thanks for pulling out of your sheep long enough to leave a comment.

>this is pasta

but if you really feel this way krauts brought it on themselves.
>like they always do

Oh, sure, lessons in Bringing it Upon Yourself from Mr. 62% White.

O would you just look at the time.

This video just raised my slavic smuggness to unbearable high level.

How can that monkey even compare to this Aryan Goddess?

Germans you should just kill youselves.

Because you deserve it. As in both world wars you will yet again autistically and stubbornly die upholding your standard, in this case the standard is multiculturalism. You will genocide yourselves, why or what is in the kraut that makes him be this autistic to do not know, but you will do it all the same.


Oh, sure, a lesson in Why Multiculturalism Is Bad from the Isle of Pakistan.

he has just been translating what you said tho


Proving that he gets me.

I think more people should be able to speak German. The world would be a better place for it.

Oh, sure, because the Brexit referendum magically made all the Pakis disappear overnight.

everything I mean EVERYTHING that has been bad for western civilization for the last 100-200 years originated in Germany

You guys suck


Oh, sure, a lesson in Things That Were Bad for Civilization from the Jewish sockpuppet nation.




I think you are right but everybody get bullied here lol, you should never expect respect from /pol

>muh pound
>hurr anglo why isn't wealth more important than liberty to you

There's a reason one of us had a successful Empire m80

The Anglo and Teuton are natural friends. When the day finally comes we'll both know who our allies are.

I don't expect respect. I expect a sense of brotherhood. We have enemies to fight.

>We have enemies to fight.

But you invited them here in the first place.

>successful Empire

Which you got cucked out of by an anorexic pacifist wearing diapers.

Germany you made a lewd reference to Sheep. I accept that and do not harbor any grief or malice to that statement as I know during WWII the Autistic Gene was passed onto your fellow generational offspring that we see performing so poorly on this board today. You have lost the Warrior Genes that made you so Pioneering in the Important Fields like Quantum Science, Medicine and Automotive Technology etc and this is a shame. You created many right wing organisations that have been a Cancer to your fellow Anglo man for many hundreds of years and like a Catalyst have propientiated this disease till this point in time. Your Appeal to Fascism is still alive to the low IQ members of Sup Forums and like Cancer the treatment is widening your Gene Pool. I hope you embrace your new Multi Culturist Society so we can finally nail your Coffin Shut for eternity.

>krautcuck doesn't know history

That's ok, that's party our fault (yanks too) because we wrote your history between 1945&1991.

>you made a lewd reference to Sheep.

I didn't mean to insult your gf.

>Germans are some of the biggest contributors
more like some of the most autistic contributors

Am I reading this right? Poles have relatively low welfare?

>I expect a sense of brotherhood
Without respect that is difficult, most people here shit over everyone and every country.

Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't aware Gandhi did NOT send you running with your tails between your legs, much like Vietnam did to America.

It's almost half a billion Euros.

And no other country gets as much hate as Germany.

1. Stop concern trolling
2. It is just banter, faggot
3. Sage Ahmed. SAGE HIM HARD.
Shills are trying to slide something, stop them.

Stop letting Merkel get away with flooding Europe with shitskins.

You deserve it.

Slav = Aryan

The effects of America's foreign policy is flooding Europe with Muslims.

Merkel is just dealing with the fallout, and I have yet to hear an apology from you.

Oh, sure, I guess this image is just a meme, then.

Can't we all just get along, guys?

Can't the white man and the anglo live in peace?

Not being a filthy continental never gets old.

Then fix your fucking country hans

And? Seems roughly the same per capita?

Comparing goddess Darya to this modern german.
Are you Malaika's brother?

I'm THIS close to shitposting.

Don't push it, guys.

stale pasta

I still got a few anglo bites out of it. So I guess you're wrong.

And I accept your apology.

yes maybe but my country gets lot of hate too even if we are a peaceful colony of United States, Im glad you expect brotherhood and possible solutions brainstorming here, sometimes if you are lucky you can find that in /pol but most times its a meme fest and hate everywhere

Maybe we should all meet at Oktoberfest next year and talk it all out over a couple of beers.

>Why not bully Swedes or Americans?
Are you fucking kidding me? Literally the lowest earthworm says that.
>Boo-hoo don't pick on me, take those defenseless retards instead, look I can show you
Stand straight and improve yourself, soldier.

hahah sure! I have good german friends i met over internet, they are amazing people BUT they get angry at me when I say something about migrants and their crimes, I bully them a bit too because they should react somehow and talk about this problems with other germans.

Anyways... /pol is very bluepilled enough to think the migrant problems is your fault because we are all dominated by the same corrupt and anarchist power, the same ones who say to you to do something dont do anything against the domination their people are suffering

I think we have found some common ground. Bless your heart, little Argentinabro.

stfu argentina you are fucking useless on the world scene, you look like shit, you smell like shit, you are generally shit at posting, I sincerely hope your shitty country devolves into violence and chaos. Fuck you!

>Thank you for correcting the record

i wish the same to you motherfucker

You are literally getting cucked from all angles, your women eat too much meat their glands smell like shit and they have basic and generic features typical of inbreeding. I wouldn't even jack off over a an argentine woman for fear of creating a worthless child.

You got it wrong, Boris.
Malaika is the new Aryan.

your fucking shitty country smells like shit, If it isn't the butthole of the world you sure can smell it from here.

The German people are destroying their own national pride. This is banter and the purpose of it is to make you guys man up and take back your goddamn country. You Aryans with your lust for power set back our agenda nearly a century with your unquenchabke thirst to rule Europe with Hitler's expansionist mentality and then your kike influenced government forced all of Europe to deal with the migrant crisis the kikes convinced the Burgers to start. We had to kill Merkel for you by triggering the EU implosion for you and you might even still vote for her again and revive the corpse because you're such cucks. How do you think New Years in Munich will be this year? Grow some fucking balls Germany.

I notice this all the time with German posters. They take nothing seriously. It's all a joke to them, and they're the butt of it. But they don't mind. They're like the dopey kid who's been bullied and instead of fighting back he just accepts the abuse and laughs along with the bullies because he thinks then they'll accept him.


Fully agree you with you britbro, I wish I could feel the adrenaline our forefathers felt squeezing the trigger and blasting holes through the worthless and barbaric kraut. They are such faggots, literally as worthless as the boring posts they make on Sup Forums. I wish DNA science would advance enough to exterminate them and create something half decent as a race and a country, they are literally the biggest cucks and failures I have ever seen in my life, they don't even have a space program yet New Zealand is sending rockets into space all the time. Literally factory Robots that are too tired to type anything coherent on Sup Forums. Fuck them all.


Seriously, the bullying against Greek members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Greeks are some of the least shitposting and least involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Greek man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Spaniards or Americans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful little country? Italians get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest Turks in Europe.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a Greek man a "denbt"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and not working salt of the earth Greek man that they are a "denbt"? Would you say those words to your fellow muslim brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking kaffir?

Your destroying muslim pride, your dividing islam against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

Sheesh, you guys *STILL* fall for this jerk?

He's a nothing but a fucktard troll, a jerk, a wanker, the lowest of internet dreck. He's changing what he says from right to leftie to to antifa to plain bullshit to play serious every other post. Fuck that dumbass.

Why don't you exterminate more innocent people you Psychopathic Serial Killer?

>USA in the background with an even darker nigger xD

>I'm THIS close to shitposting.

Do it you faggot
