Reddit Bans Infowars Links

info wars is terrible and a private community ridding itself of their horseshit can only be a positive thing

Good goy redditor.

Reddit is censoring people and stopping freedom of speech under this idea that you are a retard incapable of thought.

This is media control and should be illegal.

Reddit has been a shithole for so long...but it has just gotten so terrible and biased over the course of the last 2 years. I'm afraid to actually post anything there for fear of doxxing and whatever the fuck else those commie faggots do now.


Is this a joke? I know Alex can be a bit of a nutjob sometimes, but he has a big audience and is respected by many. Sure, he likes to talk about baseless conspiracy theories a lot, but banning links to his site is going way over the line. I absolutely love his content. He's a great entertainer and full of energy, so if you take his stuff with a grain of salt, it is highly enjoyable. Banning his stuff like it's dangerous or something is simply disgusting.


well faggots, why do you care?
do you go to reddit?
scum, all of you
mongolian imageboards 4 lyfe


Agreed but it's still hypocritical for them to ban infowars while approving of Salon, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post and the Washington Post.

If you want to stop people from consuming bullshit news then you need to tackle it from both sides. Suppressing one side is why we're in this mess now.

>Reddit is censoring people
> and stopping freedom of speech
no it isn't. there is no freedom of speech on private forums.

All this retarded shit Reddit is doing is bring newfags to Sup Forums. Newfags who are use to flopping their opinions. I've no problem with that but the dumbasses don't know how to use catalog and they flood our fucking boards.

Dose this reddit immigration seem oddly familiar to what's happening in Europe? Least we can't be cucked like they can.

A silent censor cannot be trusted. Without public discourse with the culpable, agenda is hidden.

havent read much on wash po about fema camps, satan, and extraterrestrial forces.

Alex Jones said the rest of the podesta emails are more important and worse than pizza gate and told people to stop falling for the pizza gate trap and that it was a smokescreen, then removed the video when they got exposed for it.

Why do you care about Jones?

>private forums

You mean you want us to censor ourselves from openly discussing any news that is problematic for liberal democrats?

Oy vew, comrade this is like anoddah shoah!

>there is no freedom of speech on private forums
check your priviledge shitlord, opression and stuff


>you get to use a private company's platform to say whatever you want under the law

I don't think you read much at all

Reddit is going to rape our women and children?

>A silent censor cannot be trusted. Without public discourse with the culpable, agenda is hidden.

Few years ago I thought Alex Jones was absolute lunatic with zero credibility because of some of their cringe stories. I'm still not fan of him, but he must be doing something right now when after all these years Reddit starts banning his news.

I don't but all the normies do.

You read similar bs stories, it just began with "Trump team proposes" or "Insiders claim".

fuck off, dumb nigger. i dont give a fuck about their agenda but they're allowed to censor whoever the fuck they want. that's how our great country works. private entities are allowed to control themselves. its fucking amazing.

>mfw Alex Jones becomes press secretary

It's a massive social media with a huge American population. Either they need to adhere to American culture with full freedom of speech or die (like they are) and just witther away like the pointless media that they are.

Their needs to be a social media that dosnt force propaganda or try to control the masses.

Also what do you think of stores that deny they gays and Muslims?

Reddit needs to burn. I'm tired of seeing their shit spewed on this board.

because pizzagate is a joke based on the Sup Forums meme that Cheese Pizza means child pornography. After that it's a bunch of jokes and incidents of grabbing anything from wikileaks that adds to that joke. Jones got that memo a little late and was embarrassed about it

There's nothing offensive or illegal about Alex Jones though, so try again redditfag.

Good. Now they have to get rid of Salon, Slate, Huffington post, Buzzfeed and Politico. No? They'll probably get rid of Breitbart next though (even though it's pretty shit-tier aswell). I guess integrity is overrated.

You also get your account suspended if you vote the way mods don't like.

voat dot co/v/pizzagate/1473733

Boy, reddit is just asking to have its whole userbase migrate away to competitors.

no. there's no similar stories to aliens taking control of the government and satanic forces at work. that's not the same as someone claiming that someone might be for a shitty policy.

you not liking their shitty narrative doesnt make it utterly insane like the shit alex jones says is.

Infowars is fine aside from Alex Jones

>every issue of freedom of speech is about suing people
>i have no idea how large companies uniformly censoring opinions can negatively impact society

Because these are the people always whining about tolerance and free speech. It's a great way to point out their hypocrisy.

find their servers

reddit and info wars are both private enterprises.

If someone said that Reddit must be allowed to force links into infowars articles you would REEEEE like a little piggie.

1. i never said there was anything offensive or illegal about alex jones.

2. not a redditfag. never been there

3. that still doesnt change the fact that private entities are allowed to control themselves. you're never gonna sell that as a bad thing.

Alex Jones is great. Often wrong, but great. Tiresome sometimes, and the novelty faded, but still a bulldog.

didint the CEO of reddit edit peoples post when they talked shit about him? at this point you dont visit reddit for politices.

Reddit is free to moderate and censor as they wish.

Readers are free to leave and disagree.

The system is working ^_^

that's one meme too far!!!

yes, you do, now make my fag cake or get sued

So you can't really defend any moderation penalty on the basis of actual content, can you.

I could see if it was drug related talk, and the admins find themselves in some government liability situations, but really, INFOWARS?

There's virtually nothing to warrant any kind of financial or FBI investigation or worry.

It's literally a matter of 'you can't talk about x because we don't like it'.

They're free to ban users, yes, but what kind of fucking moronic website bans their traffic from visiting them?

You have to be some special kind of stupid to believe censoring legal conversation on your boards is good for business.

>implying reddit tier faggots can doxx.

Even if they could what is one of those pussies going to do to you?

who the fuck cares. they're allowed to do it and they're allowed to be bad at business. why are people bitching about this?

>yes, you do, now make my fag cake or get sued
C'mon in, it's ready for you to pick up! :D

>hurr why are people upset about a shitty website trying to censor us for no reason?

You're kinda slow, aren't you.

to alert the public so more people can stop using reddit obviously

dont try to censor complaints

I don't Reddit, so I'm inclined to not care, but I doubt this kind of thing will reduce their traffic, which is somewhat concerning.

It's like rather than changing their stance to fit the american psyche, liberals are just going to try to change the american psyche. Creep stuff.

>for fear of doxxing
Are you fucking kidding? What are they going to do, passive-aggressively wee on you?

Not to mention, if you're stupid enough to put your private info on the internet you deserve what you get.

Rules are simple:

1. No personal info. EVER. Not even just the name of your dog. Even if your dog is named Spot, if you must mention it, call it Xerxes.

2. No photos of your own. EVER. Use clip art, public photos, etc.

3. No links from or to your Facebook or other social media. EVER. If you must Fartbook link, make a fake one with a throwaway email.

4. Never use the same nick for any account, anywhere, on Reddit or wherever, that you have used ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE WEB. Use fresh nicks and passwords, ALWAYS.

5. If you're super paranoid, use free public wifi, or a public computer (library, copy center etc.) or at home, use TOR and/or a VPN or proxy.

There. No doxxing, dumbass.

I think you're letting your personal biases influence your choices for media consumption to the point to where you are generating strawmen.

Aliens taking over the government is as far fetched as stating that Trump will be the next Hitler and that everything he does is another sign that doomsday/WW3 is right around the corner. It sounds batshit insane to suggest so, but I know many find it entertaining.

They are both guilty of producing baised fear mongering. You're right you can't compare the two because the audiences Alex reaches are extremely small compared to WashPo.

info wars is terrible and a private community ridding itself of their horseshit can only be a positive thing

1. im a trump supporter so you clearly dont know what you're talking about.

2. you're confusing insane and biased.

alien strawman generator detected
captcha: *that's not fucking tea that's COFFEE* ^$%^$#$^&^$%&

Oh yeah, and don't use pics you've uploaded to FB and resaved or saved from there, EVER. UNLESS YOU HAVE RENAMED THE PIC. The FB photo filenames contain the account they were taken from--the numbers between the first two underscores _. Try it, you'll see that this is a major security/privacy issue with Facebook right there. Even if you just save a friend's photo and repost to Reddit or similar, you've just linked that friend's account to a bunch of strangers. At least resave and rename the photo file.

I ask myself the same thing when Hollywood continues to whine about Trump, the election, and his individual supporters.

Daily reminder: retarded pastas are for those who cannot think of a single original thing to say.

you guys really stick out now that everyone knows what shilling looks like.

>Often wrong
He's wrong at least 98% of the time.

they're confused and stupid.

Try to suck your dick without consent.

infowars is pretty shit

also this

>satan, and extraterrestrial forces.

Haven't read about that on infowars either.

>inb4 muh lizardmen

At this point, what difference does it make?

>It's like rather than changing their stance to fit the american psyche, liberals are just going to try to change the american psyche. Creep stuff.

Spot on. It's terrifying that we are becoming the USSR and some idiots are so short-sighted that they think this is great because it stifles the other team. Sooner or later, they always come for you. Those who wish to oppress and silence their detractors by force are never, ever, ever your friends. Only fools believe that.

Daily question for you all ONCE AGAIN:

Why are all these important sites--Twatter, Reddit, Facebook, Google etc. ALL CREATED AND RUN BY LIBERALS?

Where have we been? Why have we been sitting passively around on our asses while they took over our means of communicating with other human beings?

We need to ask ourselves this every motherfucking day, and work like dogs every motherfucking day to change this.

Those of you (above the age of 14) sitting around here on your asses cringeposting endless anime waifus and retarded pastas need to realize what you have done, what you continue to do, every goddamn day. You let them silence you. You let them intimidate and bully you. Every. Day.

all the difference in the world. one is an opinion and one is the talking of a lunatic. people are allowed to have opinions and we're allowed to ignore lunatics.


>infowars is pretty shit
No, it's actually not. You may not agree with their "news", you may not like or enjoy the site personally, but they make considerable effort to present their stories in a professional, competent manner.

And this year in particular, they were right about a lot of things. Hence the censorship.

In other words, just because you believe aliens secretly infest our society or similar, doesn't mean you are certifiable, at all. And it doesn't mean that you cannot also report a political conspiracy accurately and truthfully.

In any case, Infowars isn't pornographic, seditious, terroristic or dangerous in any way (except to a bunch of criminals in government, maybe), so censoring it is patently ridiculous. At the very worst it's silly; at its best, it's accurate and courageous. No cause for censorship at all--unless YOU have something to hide.

Except all of the bird dogging bullshit pulled on Trump. Being right about Clinton's health. Being right about the garbage polls and Trump's real chance of winning. Being right about Bilderberg (CNN as of two years denied its existed and mocked people who thought it was real). He was right about government mass surveillance years before Snowden. He's right about the existence of FEMA camps.

He was also right about you being a faggot that can't get past the shit he sells to fund his show.

He gets shit wrong but suck a cock.

>professional, competent manner.
>screaming about satan and aliens
seems legit.

>people unironically using r*ddit
It's shit and so are you for actually posting in that pozzed shithole full of cucks

That's all very good but in reality people start using the internet from a very young age where they don't understand that and I've had a friend who practiced all that and facebook still recommended his internet-persona profile to his wife to friend because they accessed it on the same IP. There'll always be some bullshit out of your control that gives you away (especially in this day and age where the state gets more and more asshurt at internet anonymity) and there'll always be some asshole who tries to get you fired for disagreeing with them online.

Is it site-wide or do they just not understand that moderators can choose which sites to ban on their own subreddits?

>Why are all these important sites--Twatter, Reddit, Facebook, Google etc. ALL CREATED AND RUN BY LIBERALS?

can confirm

dont forget being right about the fema camps and obama declaring martial law and taking your guns, rigging the election, hobbit homes. agenda 21.

maybe reddit will finally fucking die




He is very religious. If can't understand a metaphor about Satan and Clinton and how she'll ruin America, Family Guy is probably more your speed. I don't care if believes evil people like Soros are demons or not, they're still terrible people.

Compare with any goofy low-budget cut and paste conspiracy blog out there, going back to the 90s. Infowars is well-shot, well-presented by clean-cut individuals, in plain, straightforward language that is easy to understand. They also attempt to support and substantiate what they say.

I can't disprove most of their stuff. If there really are aliens embedded in our society, well, it wouldn't surprise me. Why should it? Why scoff? You never know.

And anyway--I differentiate their purely political research from their fringey, Fox Mulder material. I will take the truth where I can find it nowadays, since most investigative journalists appear to have died or retired or been silenced forcibly in the last few years. The few surviving high profile ones, like Bob Woodward, have acknowledged that something is deeply wrong in modern journalism, and this is objectively true. Infowars is attempting to fill that gap; maybe they're eccentric, but they are much better than nothing. You really want state-run media?!? Are you nuts??? At least Infowars may inspire some young people to get out there and really look into shit, perhaps they are helping to create a new generation of REAL investigative journalists. We can only hope.

We lose our free press completely and we are sunk as a society.

I forgot I said he didn't get anything wrong. You should read UN Agenda 21 unfortunately it isn't in a listicle format though.

That's right goyim! Stop telling the normies what is really going on! They don't want to know anyway! You are only upsetting them and making yourself unpopular!!

>alex jones
>never mentions aliens

Look at all the frozen fruit. These freeze peachers watch Dave Rubin, are dumb enough to think he's smart and thoughtful, and squeal like pigs when we scrape the shit off the windshield.

It's for the greater good you creeps. We shouldn't allow capitalist pigs to clutter your minds with made up, tenuous bullshit. it's a matter of public health and safety imo.

wasn't reddit about to get sued? what's going on with that? section 230 of some law?

reddit and arstechnica went to shit as soon as conde nast bought them. i'm not too impressed with conde's parent company either. after researching, it's clear to me why reddit's front pages are always full of cat pictures and bullshit

remember digg?
i loooved digg.

reddit saves all your history allowing for users to cross reference open source data

reddit has mods.

two easy ways to get a source IP right there.

Whether you agree or disagree with Infowars is irrelevant.

This is "Electronic Book Burning"

Who runs reddit? Some Nazi?

>unironically using jewish memes to encourage people to go to r*ddit
Oh wow

>go to car forums
>say "cars fucking suck I hate cars stop driving cars"
>get banned because they like cars
>ok, I guess they can do that

>go to reddit
>post infowars
>get banned because they're cucks

don't get it

This is true, but you can at least be cautious. The level of idiocy internet users out there STILL display amazes me. Like the furry IT guy Hillary hired. Here he was, working for the fucking Secretary of State, working in IT for god's sake, and he kept using the same nick to talk about his sex crap as he did his professional work! WTF man. This is stupid on steroids. We at least should be smarter, and we should teach our friends and allies the same.

So, what stage of grief are the Hilldawgs in now?

Care to give me a link where he isn't talking about it sarcastically or making a joke? I'll wait for the clip about greys or reptilians.

And nobody is surprised.
Again, reddit is cancer, and I can't believe people still use it after figuring out the owner had been editing their comments.

I agree with your implied statement ;>)

But nobody tied us up and forced us to accept it. We could have been out there innovating and creating these sites and similar ones. We still can. is a good sign from what I can see, but it needs to get more widespread. I KNOW right-wingers can code and create. So do it, guys.

The main problem with Alex Jones is that he DOES peddle fake news. But its constantly mixed in with bits and pieces or real / credible news. He just has severe bias in his journalism and fails to recognize or articulate that.

In either case, who gives a shit if a private company wants to block someone they don't like? I thought infowars were "classical liberals" and lolbertarians? Doesn't that mean they want extremely limited federal intervention in the private sector? So why does this bother them?

Fuck off, Jones. If reddit doesn't like you, tell your audience to post elsewhere.

>Except all of the bird dogging bullshit pulled on Trump. Being right about Clinton's health. Being right about the garbage polls and Trump's real chance of winning. Being right about Bilderberg (CNN as of two years denied its existed and mocked people who thought it was real). He was right about government mass surveillance years before Snowden. He's right about the existence of FEMA camps.
>He was also right about you being a faggot that can't get past the shit he sells to fund his show.
>He gets shit wrong but suck a cock.

Fucking this.

because the nwo funds them. plenty of websites whos owners dont submit to the pedo ring are sued out of business.

i stopped going there after they deleted niggers.

>go back 2 reddit
i've been here since 2004 faggots eat shit. if you cannot produce a pre-2007 SA account then your opinion is discarded