Why does the US treat territories and their residents as second-class citizens?

Why does the US treat territories and their residents as second-class citizens?

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Because that's exactly what they are. If you want citizenship push for statehood.

You have had plenty of opportunity to become a state, but your territory votes no everytime because there are certain fiscal responsibilities involved.

Current year man didn't mention that I bet.

There are other countries in which their territories are treated the same way

We're already citizens, you dildo.

We voted yes in 2012. The only reason that wasn't followed up on was because the pro-statehood governor lost his reelection bid. The incoming govt. is pro-statehood and will take those 2012 results to Congress.

Then what is the problem?

This would have all happened sooner anyway if you had voted to be a state sooner.

Mentioning that though would ruin Oliver's show so I can see why he didn't say it.

They don't. Compared to all other imperialistic nations that have territories the U. S. is the only nation that makes no demand or requirement that a territory give up any of its natural resources as payment for some service. And to add to that the U. S. is the ONLY country to repeatedly go out of its way to aid territories, the Philippines during WWII is a perfect example.

Read history critically before you mouth off.

America doesn't need another blue leaning bailout state. You can go do your own thing.

I really don't care if PR were a blue or red state. The US is just as responsible for our current situation as we are. Also, you invaded and bought us.

>Then what is the problem?
No voice in federal government and massive under-funding, for starters.

NYC is part of America

because they arent states

so they dont get treated like states

what have you done to be treated as first class citizens?

Meh, Washington D.C. also gets treated like shit, but you do know that we get some benefits as a territory.

>2012 statehood vote. On November 6, 2012, eligible voters in the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico were presented with two questions. First, when asked to approve or reject Puerto Rico's current status as a commonwealth (or territory), voters rejected it 54% to 46%.

>i want to be treated like a state
>votes against being a state
makes you think

Fucking Texans bringing the shitposting threads

because that's what they used to be.

The only benefit we get from being a territory is federal tax exemption. And even that hurts us, because if we did pay federal taxes, the amount of federal funding we'd receive in return would vastly outweigh the taxes paid.

You misunderstood the question. The question is asking 'Are you ok with our current status?' 54% said no.

That said, more recent polling shows some 65% of voters favor statehood.

Fair enough, though I'm still not that enthusiastic to get our statehood, good-luck on yours.

>No voice in federal government and massive under-funding
Then become a fucking state!

Support for statehood is pretty high now that SCOTUS basically declared our status as a commonwealth to be a farce. Pro-statehood govt. is set to take over in January. Might actually happen, provided that Congress gives enough of a shit to listen.


Puerto Rican public schools consume more money than upper-class private schools and crank out students who test so poorly they must be doing it on purpose.

Just drop it Armando they only see us as cannon fodder for alibaba and the 40 thieves.

I'd be all for it

Why does Israel treat Palestine and their residents as second-class citizens?

>No voice in federal government and massive under-funding, for starters.
> massive under-funding
you brown fuckers flush all the money we send you down the toilet then come here to commit crime
fuck off, you should become your own country

Teachers here are paid less than in most, if not all, states. And most public schools lack basic resources like fucking books.

Because republicans fear that they'd give power to the democrats in congress and the electoral college so they will never allow them to have any political influence

Trump should give them statehood desu

Oh look our government is as corrupt as yours fucking suprise.

Yeah no my family hasn't been in two of your fucking wars for you to give us the boot fuck you.

>The US is just as responsible for our current situation as we are
The US is responsible for Puerto Rico being full of Puerto Ricans?

We should give them all independence immediately desu.

Pay denbts

Becuase you faggots cant get your shit together long enough to petition for statehood. You have to have seperate votes every 2 years or whatever but then never petition.

When we fucking bought you, we did it SPECIFICALLY so that if you wanted to be a state later, your could be. But now we gotta fuck around with your bullshit votes every couple of years and "Oh is it a pro statehood govenor this time and whats the populations opinion on a changing relationship vs blah blah blah"


Or he could give you independence I guess, idgaf

Half the island would bail to the mainland the second word got out of the thought of the US kicking us out.

Its going to happen early next year. Should have happened back in the 90s, but what can you do.

Is there an exception to the allegation that, if you give resources to Hispanic people, a very small number will get rich, the rest will get nothing, the resources will largely go missing and the original purpose will not be achieved? I am asking informationally and not trying to be sarcastic.

We don't you fucking spic dipshit, we didn't make PR a state yet because you dumbasses can't make up your mind a pass a coherent referendum to either stay or go, and the little shithole colonies we have don't want to be states because they don't pay any taxes and still collect welfare

All territories should be cut loose. All of them.

Give them their independence whether they like it or not.

We don't need to be bothered

This essentially. Making states is always a partisan thing. If Puerto Rico was a red state John Oliver would have argued against it.

No, our government is a democracy, you are a banana Republic. The amounts of corruption are not even remotely comparable

we have enough shitskins to deal with already. we don't need more

Watch the Macheteros rise again and every Nuyorican cry bloody murder if you try this.

>Its going to happen early next year.
Thats literally been the line every year for the past 6 years at least. I'll believe in when I have a 51 star flag

Nah fuck that it's American clay.

>don't want to be states because they don't pay any taxes and still collect welfare
The amount of 'welfare' we (or any other territory) would receive would be vastly greater if we did pay federal taxes. For instance, right now we get about 12% of what states get for Medicaid, just because we don't pay federal taxes.

I think that holds if you hand resources over to any ill-suited entity. When PR became a commonwealth, there was an explosion of industry and economic progress. PR simply got too big, too fast, and for decades the various administrations just went along with it. Fiscal irresponsibility.

But the US is a Republic, you silly memer.

This. You'll get more terrists coming from the caribean than the middle east it's gonna be pretty funny to watch desu.

because we'd feel bad if we treated you like the 3rd class people you are

We should only accept PR if they will be a red state - which they won't be since they are a basket case.

As long as the abos on Guam and Samoa get their brown bottle, they don't give a shit how much they're getting

USA should grant PR independence and tell them to go fuck themselves in their debt. The corruption in PR is insane, a lot more than people think. While working as a consultant to a member of the Board of Directors to the power company, I could only conclude that the people running the power company are idiots, at best. Back in 2006 an oil fired plant was significantly damaged and the insurance company paid $600 million for repairs. Instead of building a new, modern, power plant which is more efficient and has lower operating costs, they decided to repair it and throw the rest down the drain in corrupt contracts which weren't effective.

Since about 2000 the culture has been shifting towards young idiot men trying to prove who is the gangster. People expect the government to provide for them yet they believe in not providing for anything. The government is filled with "confidence employees" which after a short probation period their jobs become permanent. It is damn near impossible to fire these people, even with due cause. The vast majority of these people don't give a damn about their jobs after they recieve their job permanence.

Theres a few good people on the island, but the majority aren't worth a damn. Most are trying to do as little work as possible while earning as much as possible.

we gave you moana what more do you want. PS I like you more than stinky mexicans.

>Second-class citizens
>>Has Affirmative Action


>Most are trying to do as little work as possible while earning as much as possible.
Isn't that just economics and human nature?

You constantly vote to remain a second-class citizen because "muh culture"

Puerto Rico will never be a state..rosello is a homo

Because you bitched when the v& whacked Filiberto RĂ­os. That guy was a total dick.

>Why does the US treat territories and their residents as second-class citizens?
because they are.

Does Affirmative Action mean I can vote for POTUS? The POTUS who could reinstate the draft and send me to war if he felt like it?

I hope to god PR never becomes a state. It will just become another DC, where the Dems are guaranteed a victory in presidential elections. except this time it would be worse, since they would get house representatives and senators.

As far as representatives go they would be like the 30th biggest state. Which could be huge. Add in the 2 Dem senators and this country will become a banana republic in no time. Fuck you Puerto Rico. We don't want you as a state, you will just fuck things up

They don't pay taxes but get almost all the benefits of being a state.

We get a sliver of what states get. Educate yourself.

Are you guys left wing like said? Don't jew us when you become a state.

Fuck that. We've got strategic positions in places like Guam that are better to keep than to give away.

Granted they would still probably be allied with them, but still.

Five years ago I would have said that PR was predominantly left-wing. But in the last few years there's been a lot of push for government downsizing, more pro-business policy and other economic policies that are usually viewed as more conservative. So call it an even split there, with momentum shifting more towards the right.

Socially, I'd say people are still fairly conservative island-wide. Though major population areas are more centrist or left-friendly.

When this limey shitstick go away. Every week when he puts out a new episode all of his little retard fans instantly become experts on whatever he's talking about. It annoys the hell out of me.

you also get your own flag

How nationalistic are they?

>Socially, I'd say people are still fairly conservative island-wide. Though major population areas are more centrist or left-friendly.

This is the same meme people keep pushing in general for the good ol' catholic hispanics that are already here.

Sure they may be personally socially conservative, but in the ballot box they throw that shit right out the window and vote for the dems overwhelmingly.

PR will be a perpetually blue state if they ever get it. Obviously not to the DC tier of landslides, but enough to fuck up our government royally.

Not that it really matters. Even without you guys this country will be basically Western Europe in a matter of decades and I can guarantee you that.

i've always thought that performing ratification in public view modern day is politically dangerous as it calls attention to nationmaking Constitutional concepts with the common people.

much easier to just quietly status-quo the whole thing, money moves, power intensifies. nobody talks.

OH, Puerto Rico??

No, that's their loophole. Will never happen.

Because you are second class citizens.

There's a lot of nationalism, both pro-PR and pro-US, though they don't always overlap. Lots of Christmas songs on the radio right now have very pro-PR messages. And there's a few people in my neighborhood that fly US flags from their rooftops.

>but in the ballot box they throw that shit right out the window and vote for the dems overwhelmingly.
Yes, which is why people voted for the incoming government that is anti-LGBT, against Obama's school bathroom shit, is against medicinal pot, and has been quotes as saying he wants to reduce the government's footprint by 75%.

Yeah, but at a certain point, it becomes just being a dick. When everyone acts like a dick, everything gets fucked.

The nuyoricans are the ones who will have you believe that PR is being exploited and are screaming about indepence.

Goddammit, if they are so proud, then let them be Puerto Rican. Give them independence, now.



What would you say is the most glaring example of foreign intervention/economic exploitation in your daily lives?

Puerto Ricans dont identify as American.

Man I really can't stand you people. My next door neighbors have that stupid fucking flag in their patio with dog shit everywhere. 2 pit bulls who never shut the fuck up. With their busted ass BMW and that stupid fucking flag hanging from their rear view mirror.

From a strategical point of view, it makes sense to have PR as close as possible while they still want in, unless you want to give your enemies a potential base of operations for a naval invasion

Those are Nazis. Completely different.

Never understood why people feel nationalistic about a territory or country they had to leave because it was so shit.

I love America and so I stay here. If I had to leave because it turned to shit, I certainly wouldn't hang an American flag in my new country.

every porto rican knows this
stop using a vpn for the flag. and stop using a subversive foreigner to criticize this stuff

our forefathers died to setup our borders. want to rehash that war?

>we want *ALL8 the benefits of being a State in the United States... ***WITHOUT*** all the taxes, legislative and social responsibilites expected of being a State in the Union!!

t. every-last-one of these 2nd/3rd-world "territories" (which we just do to keep them as Naval/Airforce bases to keep other REAL nations in check.

Especially You Puerto Rico! STFU... you guys consistently go on about your
"Boriqua Pride" and "we proud independant nation nao!" BS... then BEG for handouts as if you are actually a US state.

Shit or get off the pot.

And stop coming to NY. Stay on your coconut and unexploded WW2 bomb-filled island.

We don't want your bankrupt asses being a state.

You know, of all hispanic groups PRs are the laziest motherfuckers. You can say what you want about Mexicans, but Mexicans work.

What happened to Puerto Ricans, wtf is wrong with them?

They are citizens, they could just move to a state and vote. They choose to live in a territory, which has no right to vote, in federal elections.

another guy who's completely forgotten about air-to-ground. that's not how war works anymore.


big guys flatten small guys. take all their stuff, those terrorists. news parrots the line. sheeple eat it up. pizza party. done. that's "war"

And listen: Puerto Rico is where they run all the banking/taxing scams.

Why does nobody even talk about this shit anymore?

>Yes, which is why people voted for the incoming government that is anti-LGBT, against Obama's school bathroom shit, is against medicinal pot, and has been quotes as saying he wants to reduce the government's footprint by 75%.

>reduce government's footprint by 75%

fucking kek. do you actually believe that shit?

What does that even mean? it sounds like a libertarian level of reduction, which even in the US we all know will NEVER happen. this coming from a libertarian.

Wellfare and shitty lefty government.

We're not allowed to have them, actually. It makes us feel dirty.

SCOTUS would never let that happen. You can't take away U.S. citizenship on a whim like that.

I wish for nothing more than for PR to be kicked out of the US along with their debt.

I could never understand this either.

because they are. they are not states

Sounds like you live next to some Nuyoricans or something. We hate them too.

Honestly, I wouldn't say there's any one particular thing. Its a whole host of issues that have collectively placed us in the situation we're in. Cabotage laws, removal of federal business incentives and chapter 9 inclusion, federal under-funding, etc.

For the same reason that Jon Oliver doesn't live in a black run country.

Virtue is something that lefties like to practice from a great distance. Up close and personal virtue is just too ugly.

the real problem is that the shitskins in puerto rico have spent decades fleeing their island
there is like 5-6 million of them in the US

What formal area IN THE WORLD *doesn't* have a flag, bro?