The most active parts on Reddit are FUCKING DYING due to their censorship of anything that isn't liberal enough to please the San Francisco communists who run the site.

Be prepared for influxes of cancer here and on other websites as this problem grows worse.

Other urls found in this thread:

those are the main subreddits which are fucking shit thats why.

The smaller subs are just becoming more popular as they have better content.


>explain like im five


ledditfag here
came to Sup Forums a month or so ago
never looked back

Not worried.
You fucks will convert them.

Hell, I used to hang out on the site that banned misogyny.

Now I'm swapping my pancho villa mustache for a slimmer more toothbrushy model.

There's a stat on the front page that says there are usually about 200,000 users on Sup Forums and it hasn't fluctuated since I've been watching it.

Redpill me on /r/televison, earthporn and mildlyinteresting


I hate redditors so much


More Redditors

My Friends Are Finaly Going To See tHE lIGHT

Haven't looked at the front page in years

There's a front page?

Pathetic degenerates.

Their site was dying so they decide to show everyone their 50,000 upvotes.

Riiight. As if 50k people even took a second look at one of those threads and upvoted.

I don't know what is more pathetic; This whole reddit deal or youtubers like pewdiepie trying so hard to stay relevent.

Hell, i even saw a pewdiepie thread on Sup Forums and Sup Forums some time ago.

Wouldn't be surprised if the faggot created that thread himself.

Looks like the pizzagate censorship did more harm than good for them.

I take this as a good sign more than a bad sign, even if Sup Forums's quality will have to pay the price for it. That means more people are waking up.

I am sure cuckoldcommunity is thriving kek

>Total Posts: 2,360,333,755
>Current Users: 204,500
>Active Content: 728 GB
I'd kinda like to know what constitutes "Active Content" because Nip Moot was crying about server costs a little while back and I'm pretty sure 728 GB makes me what to send a third nuke to Japan.

how the fuck do you lose traffic during an election year like that?

Oh wait. I don't give a fuck because it's reddit.

All of the default/ large subs have trash for content so it's no surprise there. Reddit is pretty awful but it's useful for finding niche communities.

This isn't le reddit my friendo

You will get no recognition for your posts, so stop being a fucking name-faggot.

I bet most of the faggy canadians here are from reddit

Now take off your namefag or go back.

cancer basically

Reddit here

Other subs are taking their places. This always happens. Nobody is leaving reddit and if they are they're not going to dive into Sup Forums, they're probably going to back into real life unlike you nerd virgin losers

that's just the number of faggot redditors who killed themselves after trump won

Half the people in this thread use reddit, and the other half are lying because they're trying to fit in.

That said, it's pretty weird how even the growing subs have had a massive drop.

Is it cause of the CEO censorship stuff or is it just because the site is boring now?

yea that number is likely a load of shit
should be massive up and down over the course of a day

The average IQ of Reddit has reached the critical threshold where it isn't interesting to the people that would actually post decent comments and content.

It's all emotion and snark. The percentage of grills is way up too, contributing to the decline.

Reddit was always cancer because of usernames and internet points, but it has metastasized. Sad.


A political subreddit gained popularity during the election season for a major candidate?!
Should we start a hashtag for this???

Probs the stuff you can still post on. Even before the archives existed threads still existed for some time on the servers before being completely deleted. Moot had to do something with that in the past for legal reasons I think. I don't really remember though. I'm pretty sure there's more not active content than active content.

I stopped browsing reddit because it is just too namby pamby and everyone on there gets butt blasted.

There are too many femenazis and shitty people who down-vote you if you're views don't align without any real discussion.

Hundreds of gigabytes downloaded hundreds of times.

It has been two years now, I took the redpill and now I am stuck here forever you faggots.

Notice how subs that rely on cute or interesting pictures are getting more users, while those that depend on discussion are slowly becoming ghost towns? really maeks me ponder.....

>should be
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It does change slightly but it never seems to ever move away from around 200,000.

So what's the deal with that? Why put an inaccurate counter on the front page of the site? Or is 4chans user base really that small?
So almost nothing then?

> data from 1 year
> not even showing actual trendlines, just projecting from the first point to last
As if this data even means much of anything

Im going to miss reddit :(

I got banned from /r/worldnews once for talking bad about European migrants. I cursed the fuck out of the moderators and told them i will never again fucking come back to this sad sack of shit website.

> Data points over 1 year
> Not even posting actual statistical trendlines but just projecting straight from one end to the other
As if this data even means much of anything

>that 30 percent drop across-the-board in a single year

wow internet culture changes quickly

Also prepare for the storm of dissenting opinions with no logical or factual support, and posts treating racism like it's the worst thing ever. shits gonna get gay here real quick

At least we can just call them faggots and nothing will happen. Like a fucking downvote brigade.

Nothing some gore, misogynist, and anti trans pics and posts cant fix

These losers gotta get scared and triggered and leave eventually

I can't believe you would post something like that. I'm so angry I'm shaking right now you racist. I can't even..

They say "sage" isn't a downvote.

But it is.

+1^ It's ok sweetie! just let me know your pronouns and trigger words and I will send you an internet hug ok?xD :3 :D

>yfw the sharp drop is because CTR has been disbanded

Main subreddits handled by SJW

no shit, the ctr nonsense has pushed people away.

Good thing is that you can't "Downvote" here without posting, that way it'd be a lot harder for gaylords to bot sage threads of dissenting opinions

after /r/fatpeoplehate went, everything went to shit. unfortunately voat is even more of an echo chamber than reddit is.

can there just be a popular aggregator that doesn't suck again

Khajiit, you have to go back


/r/videos and /r/pics experiencing a slow decline is really bad news for reddit. I would also say /r/IAmA going down is also a major concern for them as that appears to be where celebrities show up to promote their upcoming products. I don't if they were eventually planning to use that sub as some sort of venue for paid promotions but nothing is happening without an audience.

It will be catastrophic for us if they ban the_donald though, if even 5% of their regular users come here we will be deluged with normies.

Hello, I'm from Reddit. How do I meet the hacker know as "Sup Forums"?

only shitty threads get saged.

And I mean really shitty "how can _____ even compete" and "MADAM PRESIDENT Sup Forums BTFO" threads. Those aren't created with discussion in mind.

Sup Forums here, I'll be your personal army what can I help you with

First, get a dog.

time to go to another chan

what the fuck that's insanely small fags are coming. Fucking shit

Though the majority of that content has to be replicated and distributed many fucking times. It's not about the raw data that you are storing.


their blatant nerfing of T_D is both heinous and hilarious

check these traff stats:

320k subs

3.2M subs (order of magntitude greater)

they shilled

Is this a bad thing ?
>Reddit is gone
>Sup Forums gets flooded with nominees
>normies get redpilled
Makes me wonder how many employees CTR went though

Redditfugees Out!

Fuck Off, We're Full!

>dat collapse at the end
Woah, what happened?

When you engage in open censorship and allow CTR to run rampant and have mod privileges.

RIP, Digg

Please stop bullying my wifes son.


lol no, the site is hemorrhaging users because the_donald is shitting up the entire site and the admins are too pussy to ban them all

I like liveleak except you can't straight up call someone a beaner or nigger. They actually banned the word dindu because it quickly became a new nigger type word.

We need to get Hiro to set up a ban filter for anyone who has reddit cookies saved on their system.

b-but I have some for my niche gaming and porn subreddits....

then how would you propose gauging reddit's traffic

The way I see it this is a perfect opportunity to Redpill more normies from leddit to do our bidding. We beccome the jews now.

>the donald ruined reddit!
if you don't like r/the_donald just don't fucking go there, christ it's not hard.

Reddit is such a cancer website. the atheism subreddit used to be a default one, as in every one who didn't have an account to filter it out saw a bunch of fedora tier shit on the front page. I still go there for a few subreddits for some video games because Sup Forums and /vg/ are shit and even less useful for actual discussion than reddit

I'm going to say inaccurate, or the site has a really weird definition of what it considers an active user.

tripfagging is best fagging you fag

bait i presume

Election day.

Most of them are electionfags.

Rev up your best infographics, lads.

We're going to redpill them all, or we're going to drive them off. Continue business as usual, and they'll be forced to join us or flee.

This is not how web browsers work.

>people do not like being censored
I for one welcome fresh blood, because this site is suppose to be a melting pot of ideas without the influence of status AKA upboats

>I cursed the fuck out of the moderators and told them i will never again fucking come back to this sad sack of shit website.

Oh man oh man oh man nuh uh no way you did that lmao

maybe if you weren't so shit at videogames you would actually have content to talk about but NO, you don't have anything and the only game you can play is shitposting and muh reddit

>Uses a name.
>Not having stars denoting user status.

Stay pleb.

>he doesn't know that half of t_d is red pill Sup Forumstards pretending to be normies and feeding subtle red pills

it's an anonymous image board

Could someone fill me in on what the fuck happened the 3 days I was gone? I saw some pinned post earlier and multiple posts about leddit emploading. Motherfuckers better not bring that cancer lib bullshit here.

Dubs, and kek

you have to go back

Sure it'll start out as cancer, but I'm 100% confident we can redpill these shitlords.

The_Donald certainly had it's purpose for awhile and the amount of rage it induces in lefty Redditors is delicious.

That said they ban people for the gentlest of red pills. Still it is fertile ground, just have to be subtle.


do you guys think we can convert nu pol to old pol? I mean tons of them used be liberals, can't we just further redpill them?

why is this surprising to anyone? You alt-cucks have stunk up every single main sub that drove away sane people who generated good content. No one wants to read a site that's a bunch of autist faggotry 24/7 and leaking altcuckery.. You all cried about Pao, but she was the best thing that could have ever happened to you. But hey, thanks for giving us free r/all filtering.

>Also prepare for the storm of dissenting opinions with no logical or factual support, and posts treating racism like it's the worst thing ever. shits gonna get gay here real quick
>like it hasn't already happened