If this picture fills you with dread, then you are a republican


>salvation army bums were out in front of the grocery store the other day
>one had a violin
>sounded like she was trying to murder the violin

or liberal

Salvation army is anti-gay

>implying I'm not a libertarian

There's one outside my work and I've put in 6 folded up job applications from inside. No ones caught on yet lmao get fucked leeches

I hate when public signs are in Spanish, but no I am not a Republican

Hey the Salvation Army helped me get toys and shit for Christmas when I was but a lad, My mom even rang the bell for them in the blistering cold. I always donate to the Salvation Army.

Christ drives people to do good in this world, share in that joy once in awhile OP.

>not supporting the salvation army

Ive seen them take 10's and up out for themselves, and use the pot money to buy food.

Fuck panhandlers.

hey, it was windy!

nobody has change anymore

Colleting for the starvation army is a job, dipshit.
They get paid to ring that bell.

No, Republicans support charity as a means of helping the poor. Democrats think it's better to force people to donate large chunks of their money instead.

Republicans are usually heavily pro-charity, just not pro-welfare. So, your argument is entirely invalid.

Freddie's, GP OR?

dude I wish I was payed to jack off with a bell


>I hate when public signs are in Spanish
Get used to it nigger.

better subject would be:
>if this picture fills you with dread you are an atheist cuck and have no heart, soul or morals.

>nice looking lady
>Christian charity
>based Christian charity

Nah this gives me GOPboner

King soopers, Golden CO


>the salvation army
>be me
>young child
>dad talks about salvation army
>tells a story about how they are shit
>ends with him talking about a big pile of shoes
>don't remember the rest and can't ask him cause he's dead

don't know why or how they had a big pile of shoes, but they aren't getting my money

>run to grocery store
>RING RING RING RING would you like to donate to the salvation army today?
>not today
>would you like to buy some garbage to help the boy scouts out?
>no thanks
>go inside to shop
>checking out
>would you like to donate $1 to some bullshit?
>not today
>would you like to donate your change?

i'm scared to make eye contact at the grocery store now for fear of being hit up for money by these goddamn vultures

Republicans are more charitable than democrats

lmfao, just like that south park episode

Or you know... I work at Wally World and they expect me to donate when I go out on lunch and when I come back.

>don't give them a dollar
>can't ask for cashback or else they'll know you have extra money

Wear headphones.

>would you like to buy some garbage to help the boy scouts out?
I give money to those cheeky little fucks, I was a scout, I like the scouts, when I have sons it's my hope they'll be scouts, I enjoy the idea of an organization making our kids scrappy.

>hahaha we're slowly making your country worse
what a weird sentiment

If this picture fills you with disgust,then you're a democrat.

>cashier asks for donation
>no thanks
>open wallet to put card back in
>dollars fall out

>go to self check out instead

Spics are a petty race

Libs hate the based Salvation army. I always drop some cash in their bucket when I'm out with my liberal friends to piss them off.

The BSA is super cucked these days. No scrappiness allowed.

Voluntary charity is libertarian. It's forced charity that libertarians object to.


Salvation Army is the best charity organization out there. They have the lowest administrative overhead of almost any charity.

True republicans donate to charity but oppose taxes for welfare.

christians are the most charitable group. Christians are socially conservative.

>tfw these beggars won't even make eye contact with me
Being ugly has a few benefits

Scrappiness is still very much allowed.

We are an organization that openly and proudly defends our religious basis and teaches traits like honor, respect, and loyalty to young men. After Boy Scouts most people notice that they are perceived as more readily hired and considered a more upstanding person by coworkers and acquaintances.

Meanwhile, you're anime panty club does nothing to increase your marketability and doesn't let you shoot guns.

Fuck me I actually thought this was Spain or something. You're fucking cucked to the hilt.

>never carry cash
>get direct deposit from my job
>pay for everything with a debit card
>"sorry I never carry cash"
>No lying either

Works with Bums too.

I was literally bell ringing for the Salvation Army today and there's not a single person who has ever lived who has held more conservative values than me.

>not writing a check and getting a receipt for tax write-off

Why would I had money directly to drunken bums?

>Donate money.

>We are an organization that openly and proudly defends our religious basis and teaches traits like honor, respect, and loyalty to young men.

What timeline are you living in?
The kids talk about video games while the adults sit around takking away on their laptops and drinking coffee.

It's become daycare for autistic children,

oh cool, trips

I always hand a buck or loose change to them when I have some on me. I doubt anybody on Sup Forums has an issue with them aside from AnCaps or something.

Working class environment. What's there to get rustle about,it is what it is.


>brown hair, brown eyes

pick one

When I was in Brownsville in South Texas a couple years back there were several businesses I went into that had no one who could speak English working there.

>From Nov 28 until Dec 24
>Anytime you walk into a grocery or dept store
>That motherfucker with that goddamn bell

The part I dread is going to Walmart.

>Current year
>Shopping at Wal-Martâ„¢

For what reason?


My question is where does the money go? I rarely donate anymore because I don't know where it goes. So many assholes out there taking advantage of charity events. I just donate my time and do volunteer events nowadays.

Wow dude. Your troop must really suck.

My troop didn't have time to sit around and talk about video games.
>Sun rises
>Cook breakfast for ourselves and the adults
>Go on hike to a cave or waterfall
>Climb, explore, adventure around
>Come back
>Collect sticks and logs
>Eat lunch
>Catch a live beaver and use it as an interactive saw
>Cut logs into approximately equal lengths
>Build a tower or a rope bridge using orienteering skills
>Go fishing
>Have a fire building contest
>Make tennis ball grenades or fire bottles and throw them into the ravine
>Practice trapping skills like primitive fire building or makeshift signal flares
>Cook dinner for ourselves and the adults
>Pray before we eat
>Surprise the adults with cobbler to thank them for taking us
>Oh snap! The adults brought cobbler too to surprise us!
>Have a cobbler-making contest with the adults
>Theirs is better, every fucking time, but it's all delicious
>Burn an entire hay bale and stand 20 feet away because it gets too fucking hot
>Throw marshmallows over the top and watch them fly out the other side on fire
>Go to bed, sneak out our phones and text our girlfriends back home

>Next morning
>Wake up
>Adults let us go to the lake
>Time for organized hazing of the new kids
>Duct tape them into hammocks and hoist them up into trees like coccoons
>Only let them down once they've recited the scout law but changed each point to "a __________ bastard"
>Laugh about it
>Swim and fish
>Pack up
>Head home

Man scouts was the best time of my life. The beaver was an exaggeration but other than that it was amazing. I'm going to make my wife keep popping out babies until we get a boy so I can be a scout dad.

the whole picture of her and poles look alot like Hillery's campaign logo interestingly.

Last I checked liberals were shitting themselves because the salvation army isn't in support of gay marriage.

fawk... it looks like ill be dumping cash into that little red pot now. and all this time I thought they were just low level elites that you beat up for some extra loot drops.

Oldfag? I ask because scouts today have very little in common with scouts from decades ago. It's all bubble wrapped cargo culting now.

You took this picture in Springfield, Oregon.

Is this collectors in general or just the Salvation Army?

>tfw you hate all charities, but especially the Salvation Army

I don't really think so. I'm 24, I was involved with my troop until I was 20. My troop may just be an exception and I didn't realize it. Did other people have shitty experiences?

I'm in Oklahoma.

Literally everything here is printed in English and Spanish. It's easier for companies to pander than to make spics learn English.