Let's talk about vietnam war, the turning point in US government-citizen relations; before vietnam...

Let's talk about vietnam war, the turning point in US government-citizen relations; before vietnam, for the most part everyone trusted the government and viewed it as a organization by the people for the people.

Enter vietnam, where we fight a hugely unpopular and grueling war. Oh, and there's a draft too, so not only do you have to go fight in a SA jungle and probably die, the rich, politicians, etc find loopholes or escape to other countries to avoid the draft. This means that the poor black and white men of the usa are the ones fighting, and for what? A country that made them fight a war of profit that makes no moral sense, that enforced racial segregation, that let pussy boys escape death with $. After vietnam, Americans lost trust in the American government.

Oh and btw, trump was a coward who dodged the draft and is somehow now POTUS.

In my opinion, we should do as the Romans did and make ex military men more commonplace in our government and presidency so that when we do fight a war, the ones giving orders know what it's like to kill and die.

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>We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.


My oncle via marriage was a two tour pig gunner in Vietnam. He is old but if you don't wake him from sleep by pulling on his big toe he'll immediately impulse punch then strangle you.

>Oh and btw, trump was a coward who dodged the draft and is somehow now POTUS.

Kek. My dad volunteered for Vietnam and got a bronze star and purple heart. He voted Trump.

Try again nigger.

So did my oncle.

My opinion was corrected, your post was very informative.

Ok, veterans have voted for all kinds of presidential candidates, that means absolutely nothing retard. Whether he was voted for by some veterans or not doesn't change the fact that a draft dodging pussy is the president and what that represents

Vietnam was the first mistake. The second was sticking around for more than 2 years.

>Bay of pigs
>Getting shot in the head
Just some of the things JFK was good at!

Most of them were volunteers actually.

But the USA won the Vietnam War. it was Ford that ended the agreement to replace every weapon and bullet used by the south vietnamese against the communists and then the communists took over.

>"fuck DRUMPF"
>"we need more military men in government"
>Trump is appointing large numbers of military men to senior posts

Almonds status: activated

My grandmother was a Phung Hoang agent. An actual agent in the real sense (local recruited by the Agency) and not a CIA Officer or employee. We are close and she talks sometimes about how bad the war was and how fucked up the National Liberation Front was. She married an SF guy and relocated shortly before the fall. She was pretty fucking pissed off during OIF and Enduring Freedom because she felt that the faggots over at State were hand tying the "kids" (fighting men) "Again". She is a pretty amazing woman.

They enlisted because if you enlist, you get to choose your MOS, whereas if you get drafted you are put where they tell you.

So yes people commonly enlisted, as a way to avoid their sometimes inevitable draft pick.

>You are a pussy if you don't go marching off to some god forsaken jungle to kill people who pose literally no threat to us

I mean, I would have gone because I couldn't pass up on the chance to blow away communists, but I can't blame people for not going.

We have a patriotic duty to defend our nation, our people, and our way of life. Those gooks threatened none of the above.

It's not about winning or losing, the fact that the war happened itself was the issue.

This is 100% true. The world has not seen the true fighting force of America in 75 years. The people. We are mostly former military. And complete fuckin animals.


what I'm saying is that in most civilizations, and in my opinion, that kind of behavior would be viewed as cowardly and disqualifying for office as the leader of the nation.

Idk, dad got drafted, went, came back. Hates talking about. Voted Trump. I dont know what else you want.

My bad I thought you actually wanted to discuss the conflict in Southeast Asia. You can always head back to DU.

Cool, but it's not just about senior posts, it's about congressmen, senators, and the president himself.

Also, I believe draft dodging disqualifies you from office as head of the nation. Just my opinion.

>Oh and btw, trump was a coward who dodged the draft and is somehow now POTUS.

and democrats overwhelmingly hate the military,now fuck off back to your safe space libtard

I'm not a democrat, consider myself to be independent and if anything leaning conservative. You're the one calling me a "libtard", when all I did was point out an obvious problem with our president elect. If we had a democratic president who draft dodged, you would be all over him I bet. Dumbass.

Like slick Willie? ^__^