Ctrl f coffee on catalog

>ctrl f coffee on catalog
>73 matches

Other urls found in this thread:


and if you look at the content of the coffee threads, they're all bait threads regarding specific countries/racemixing etc


Holy fucking shit OP is right

A lot of them are "look at these liberals holding coffee!", which I think are slide threads

Didn't notice the racemixing though; I just figured Folger's or someone had an alternative marketing idea

>drinking the caffeinated jew

look at these examples. Notice the preponderance of Sweden. If you look through the catalog you'll see that most are from Sweden and mention coffee only in passing


Either some weird social engineering experiment, or the lefty pol raiders are thumbing their noses at us, showing they can coordinate a takeover of the catalogue... albeit, in the middle of the night.

Shit's odd.

Here's anther that fits all of the standard criteria

>baits a specific group, guaranteeing (you)s
>OP is Swedish
>mentions coffee only tangentially


/coffeegate general/

>filter coffee
>26 threads hidden

Don't worry about it, goy

Which is interesting, since Scandinavia in general has a fondness for coffee, but the amount of posting is higher than usual. Maybe they're using Sweden because they like coffee more there, not knowing that Sup Forums considers Sweden to be irredeemable cucksters. I get the sense that they're from the outside, and might be expecting Sup Forums to suck swedecock like most westerners

They're signaling to each other, identifying "friendly" threads. That implies multiple parties, and with it, coordination.

Could be someone is testing some bots programmed to produce pre-loaded slide threads, and they're gathering information on how effective they are at garnering responses.

To what end, though?

It's gonna start soon, Sup Forums

Fugg you're right. More than shilling, looks like board sliding.
Everyone, report these threads since they are off-topic:

but the threads seem too typical of Sup Forums to be bot/outsider made. For example the Russia post in my second example image.

>use of Sup Forums memes like comfy
>good knowledge of Russia, guaranteeing replies from Russian anons

My guess is that they are from another board. Maybe Sup Forums

It's plebbit raiding, look at the flag of the threads' OP, it's the retarded Swedecuck who makes the commie threads.

is it a jew trickery ?


It's one loser with a bot, some proxies, and an a couple hours to kill clicking on house numbers and store fronts.

it's blatant topic dilution and board sliding.

But what are they achieving? The really strange thing is that the threads are pretty typical of the crap that's posted here regardless.

They're trying to push this off the catalog:

Leftists are shitting their pants, literally shaking.

Coffee is the only redpilled warm beverage

I myself preffer drinking cold coffee tbqh.

Ever since Pizzagate, we've had a persistent leftist infestation. The cost of infamy.

Of course, all walks of life and ideologies are welcome to get dragged through the muck here on Sup Forums, so they're free to have their generals and spar with everyone as such.

The thread sliding and underhanded attempts at catalog manipulation is what's shifty and repulsive, however.

we need an image which we can drop into any coffee thread to immediately alert people as to what's doing on.

I've made this to start with.

Please add to it and once it's perfected we can get it in the first 10 or so replies of any coffee thread to immediately flag it for other anons.

Sure. I'm just saying it's probably one no-life asshole, not a room full of Soros drones executing their devious master plan.

Anyone with any decent amount of technical competence or resources could come up with much more effective ways to fuck with Sup Forums.

why add the 'coffee' flag if you just want to fuck with Sup Forums?

Oh look its nothing. Time to take your schizo meds, Mr tin foil hatter


*shrug* Aspies gonna asp.

Maybe because it makes it easier to search for his threads later to check on how many replies he got.

To be fair, you have a point.

If you wanted to fuck with Sup Forums you would just need to make it look like a conspiracy to get it to circle the wagons in response.

Could be nothing, as you say, but it's unusual nonetheless. If it's a troll, it's a good one.


Bump for awareness.

This all spergs are equally unwelcome here.
they are sheer AIDS