Anyone else love when a lefty calls us 'brownshirts'?

Anyone else love when a lefty calls us 'brownshirts'?

You just know you're doing something right when they compare you to their worst nightmare.

America is not going to save you degenerates again! This time, we'll be leading the charge towards a bright tomorrow!

>act like nazis
>get surprised when you're called nazis
Trump supporters are so deluded it's sad.

You seriously think that trump will change anything? Like even make a dent to the establish oligarchy? He can't even keep a promise. Don't be a romantic fool

>London's mayor is a shit-skin

Glass houses, son.

Problem is they call every Republican a Nazi, so if an actually authoritarian showed up no one would believe them.

We haven't done anything yet faggot keep pushing

Did anyone express surprise, leaf?

>Leaves can't even read

A bright tomorrow for all the elite and trumps swamp friends maybe.
He played the workers like a fiddle


daily reminder leftists will defend this and then unironically turn around and say what a great president obongo is


>literal fucking nazis
>win the presidency
>win congress
>win the senate

Well I have to admit user, if the same proportion of the electorate were Communists, i'd be pretty fucking frightened to.


>the workers

stop trying to unite whites and non-whites under one banner, ahmed

heh heh nothin personnel kid.

>Living Blue in a Red State

Might as well just say, "I have daddy issues."

> 51 seats in Senate.
>need 61 for cloture

Enjoy 2 years of dems not allowing anything to get done like reps the last 6 years

Daily reminder Trumpkins cried for the left to stop violent protests when Trump won, but threatened armed revolt if they didn't win (and still do if the EC changes the results ).

Where does this meme come from?

They just passed a pro censorship bill in two days. The grip of the state has tightened noticeably during Obama's reign.

If the EC votes for someone other than hillary it will be the system admitting it does not work. It would be an affront to everything that America stands for. Of course there would be armed revolt, it would be the greatest backstab in the history of the world.

Exactly. The stupid fucking demoshit retards have been centralising power for decades, not considering the possibility that the tables would flip.

And with the pendulum crammed so far to the left, when the question is asked to conservatives
>do we fix this issue of centralized power or
>do we fucking take the wheel of this big government machine and fuck up the other sides shit.

I wonder what they'll choose.

I think even an anarchist would choose the second option.

Priorities, you know?

Trump is a rich globalist elite you retard. He's as different from Hitler as can be.

I'm a centrist extremist. I believe it is my moral duty as a voter to support options that prevent the balance of power from being upset.

I want to watch the left get their shit fucked up so hard for the last 20 years. It's going to be an anal 9/11.

Yeah. You don't decentralize power until you have things the way you like them. So you build the wall, then give states and counties the authority to garrison it if the federal government refuses to.

>tfw shutting down local diy spaces
fuck off hipster faggot

You have to do the second one first and then let it go after you've ensured they aren't coming back.

It's fucking ridiculous that we spend more time under Obama worrying about the amount of squeeze we can put on colleges using Title IX and how we can argue the Commerce Clause allows for regulation of non-economic activity than we do with educating our over-breeding underclass and ramping down our level of intervention abroad.