How much time have your ancestors been in your country?

How much time have your ancestors been in your country?
Where are they originally from?

I think it is not necessary to say this thread is mainly for colonial countries:
>South Africa
>Etc etc.

Mom side has been here for thousands of years

Dad side is Ukranian-Spaniard so like three generations

Grandparents were both germans blonde blue eyed that moved to jalisco, had my grandma who married a chilango shitskin. My mom came out pretty pale and blonde hair (brown eyes tho) and was born in the us. And she married a fucking chilango shitskin. I came out olive skinned and I want to die

There are several families that came in to blend into what created my mother and father

On my moms side the earliest folks were English and came in the early 1900's. Great great grandfather on that side fought in WWI for the Allies. My fathers family came after WWI in the aftermath of the treaty of versailles from Germany. There's many other small pieces that came to blend in, for a grand total of the super mutt that is me.

>mother is anglo/german/italian
>father is german/austrian/russian

In the end it's a bretty gud mix. 6'1", pretty good bone structure/jawline and face. Sadly I inherited my moms brown eyes instead of my dads blue eyes

We've been here since the 1600s, my father's line at least. And of course their country of origin was England. My ancestors were pretty much all colonists, including one line of my mother's family who came from Spain to Florida in 1812 while it was still a Spanish colony. That's the latest any of them came over as far as I know.

Ancestor got told by the king to manage his holdings in the colonies in person.
Ancestor didn't give a shit about the new world, it was a business venture and he was comfy in his castle.

im only 4th generation Canadian on both sides.
Scottish/Irish/little English. I have no idea where my Dads ancestors settled but my Mum is from the East Coast.

father side: Great-grand father came to USA from Hanover ~1850.
mother side: idk

1660 and 1624
England, with Irish and German later.
Ancestors were half New England and half Virginia, southern. They fought on both sides in the Civil War.

I don't know, we have always been here.

Celtfag here, so it's safe to say we've been here a long time

Are all the ameribros who have relatives from the 1600's dixies? I'm from the northeast where almost all the white families came in the early 1900's

500 years


Get on my level you mongrels

Late 17th century. Came from southern England and the Scottish lowlands.

so youre irish or italian

Some fought in our revolution, Others came over around the late 1800s. We've been here a while.

refer to Plenty of Italian on moms side but first from her family were English

lol english immigrating to america

My ancestry is mutt. Somehow still 6'1", blonde /blue-eyed male. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


1/4 of family came in 1877-ish Irish mass emigration, Other 1/2 been since at least revolutionary times. 1/4 unknown. It's cool to have borderline ancient hard-bound books on your family history though.

My dad's ancestors are entirely from Ireland. Mom has one Italian grandparent, two Scottish, and one English. The Scottish and English were here since before US independence, Italian great grandfather moved around 1908, and the Irish moved in the 1880s.

Whatever you say Batavian-Frank rapebaby.

My moms side settled from Ireland in New Hampshire in the late 1600s.

My dads side came from Germany in 1917. My great grandfather was a German pilot in ww1 who defected in 1917 and finished the war as an American pilot lel

About 100 years
Italy. They fucked off because of WWI. Smart or cowards? You decide.

My mom's side came from London in the 1850s. My dad's side came from Prague in 1914.

Smart, Italy's army was fucking awful in ww1 and I wouldn't fight for them either.

all my 4 of my grandparents came to the US in the 1950's. Sicilain grandfather and Italian grandmother, and Italian granfather and Irish grandmother. My Irish grandmother went to leafland first

My ancestors are from Prussia and northern Germany.
They lived on rightfull German land for as long as I know.

8th generation on father's side, 7th generation on mothers side: both sides immigrated from Germany

~2500 years.

My parents moved here from Wales in the 1980's.
Legally, juan, legally.

on my dads side, My grandfather and grandmother immigrated to the united states in the late 1940s. And my mother's side has been in the united states for about 200 years

200 something years...
living on the same property my ancestors farmed.

? We were the Batavians and Franks. It was a marriage of love, not rape.

220 years exactly
My family were nobles in France before the revolution, after the revolution we got a charter from spain to set up a sugar plantation in Louisiana been there ever since

What do you know about slavic-sounding indigenous Prussian names?

One half Southern Irish descendant other half British. Although the British side is Carlisle, Cumbria. The last place in England before you reach Scotland I believe.

Any other pure-breed German Quakers?

St.Jacobs/New Berlin reporting

parles-tu le francais du bayou?

Dad's parents were German immigrants.
Mom's grandparents were German and Scottish immigrants.


Since 1884 for dad's side from Norway and 1878 for mom's side from Sweden.

Almost a century now.

They're from Sweden and Britain.

Grandparents are Germany/Poland/Germany/Iraq

All arrived in the 30's/40's, half are dead.

oui je parle

since early 1700's
great great great grandfather fought in the revolutionary war, was awarded a tract of land in georga for his service.

My family has been here since the beginning. I'm related to General Robert E Lee. I have a little bit of Sioux Indian ancestry. The last person in my family to immigrate here was my great great grandma in the 1920s from Germany.

Very little to be honest.


are you ready to fight in the next one?

>How much time have your ancestors been in your country?
1789 (country did not exist until the Constitution was ratified)
came to Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s
>Where are they originally from?

Et ben vive la France.

Est-ce qu'il y a des toujours des Cajuns purs ou sont-ils tous des negres? Et comment est-ce qu'on fait draguer une fille Cajun?

My ancestors have lived on the same farm for recorded history, most likely since the bronze age. We have several viking age tumulis on the farm and one of them is a local king's grave, we've also got a huge bautastone right next to the house. (menhir in english?) This is all 100% true.

All 1900s, and at the time pretty much all Austro-Hungarian empire. Mom's side is in Italy now, not exactly sure where my dad's came from, I think part of it is now in Hungary.

je voulais dire
>des creoles purs

Mom is Austrian, dad is American mutt

They migrated to the United States of America shortly after World War 2 ended. (Italy)

I was never told the exact reason, but from what my grandparents told me, it was because there was no more work to go around and they didn't want to live in a country that was no longer respected, so in turn, they came to America and almost immediately integrated into society to the extent of cutting off any traces of the Italian language going to their children -- Purely english.

They idolized America during their time here, and spoke nothing but highly when asked. I believe my great grandfather worked in a industrial environment, and as expected, was seemingly jolly that he had work.

I think I hit the lottery genetics wise though, my father is Italian(middle) and my mother is Italian(northern) / Portuguese.

>nice facial aesthetics
>strange mix of gray-blue eye color
>pretty white

Quakers from England, crossed over shortly after 1700.

I'm only 3rd gen American. On my Mother's side they got here from Hungary in 1873 lived on the Montana/Canadian border have distant family up there still.
Father's side came from England around 1880. His stepfather was Japanese and was in Manzinar during WWII
Check my privilege pls

Late 1800's my uncle has a farm that has remained in the family since then.

Moms side came here in the 1600's.

Dads side came over during the Civil War and fought for the Confederacy.

>1921 the first of a long line of wops set foot on American shores
>also apparently theres a russian yid who showed up around the same time too.
t. Italian American who's 1/8th chosen

>My family were nobles in France before the revolution,
People after revolution gather. One talks how he was big aristocrat, other how he was big general, third how he was filthy rich and owned a castle. Then they ask forth one passing by what kind of dog he is holding in his hands. My dog was a huge St Bernard once!

brown eyes are a more masculine trait imo so dont complain about that. Women with blue eyes are perfection though


>inb4 every american says they have been here since the beginning and/or they are related to famous generals and native american tribes.
oh wait too late.

I can trace back to the late 1700s but it most likely goes back even further as I live in the same region my ancestors did back then.
So we've probably been here for a few thousand years.

The last major migrations into Italy ended around 3000 years ago; since then, only minor additions of stable new settlers have happened, chiefly with the Longobards. The Indo-Europeans came chiefly through the Pannonian plain, then over the Alps from what is today Germany.

Did your sister marry a Somali yet?

>i have no idea how math works

1890s Scottish and Native American descent

uh oh! who could this be?

Sixth Generation Canadian here.

On Guard for Thee.

Dads side of my family came here in 1782 from Ulster Ireland. My mom came here in the 1980s from Darlana Sweden.

not an argument

>since the beginning

6-800 years, things get sketchy in old church notes.

Descendant of Charlemagne like half of europe.

My great grand parents are from Germany and Italy. They were nazis and mobsters repectively. That makes me a fourth generation American immigrant.

Two brothers came from England in 1815, one stayed in Virginia and the other moved to Texas. 30 or so years later General Collingsworth fought decisive victories in the Mexican American war and signed the Texas Declaration of Independence, as a reward he was given a county where he lived with his Indian wife, Collingsworth County. That's where the majority of us live today.

All my grandparents and ancestors were from romania. Feels good to be that pure.

2 weeks.


Mothers side came from Ireland around 1900, fathers side came from the Scottland around the same time. Apparently my dads side of the family was part of a scottish highland clan called MacDougall.

but the thing is my family still owns the plantation home that wa built when we got to america


10 000 years about.

Most of my ancestors arrived in Canada around 1765 in Nova Scotia. They were New England Planters. They had arrived, for the most part, in Massachusetts in the 1630s with the Winthrop fleet. Before that they had originated in Southwestern England.

Other ancestors arrived from the British Isles at later times. The last known one to have arrived came around 1860 from Belfast.

About 100 years
Spain and switzerland

My family was never south african.

My mother was a German whose family came here in the 60s.

My father was a Rhodesian with ties to the original mayor of Salisbury.
He fought in The Rhodesian Light Infantry and started a business here in South africa when Rhodesia died.
His mother was British.
His father had Dutch blood and more British blood.

muh niggah

Half Greek half Italian. Both sides of family came around start of 20th century. Don't really feel American, I think you have to be here for hundreds of years and be mixed with several whites to the point you can't tell your true percentage and also a little injun or negro.

I want to move back to the old world. Will I be accepted? Am I a mongrel? Lots of Euros have a parent or spouse from another Euro country since the EU was founded I noticed, so I don't think being 50/50 is too bad.

My great grandfather came to canada from poland after ww1, not sure why.

Father side: 5 generation including me in Argentina originally from France and Spain.
Mother side: 4-5 generations including me. This line is a mess of immigrants from Lebanon, Spain, Italy and Austria.

>Half Greek half Italian
>I want to move back to the old world. Will I be accepted?
greeks and italians are pretty much the same genetically,so yes,you should fit in pretty nicely in one of those 2 countries

Two hundred and fifty years give or take. They came over from the Rhineland in the 1700s to escape religious persecution. Don't know my father's side

Sir George Yeardley
England to James Town
1609 or 1610 I forget

grandparents around 40 years
parents 36 and 38 years

about 100 years, they fled the Soviet Union when the commies started taking over in 1918. Lost the entire family fortune, which kind of sucks.

Nearly 200 years.
Europe in general, it's too hard to keep track.

My mother's side, 1634, when they got off the boat in Maryland. They mixed with some Germans that arrived after the Civil War.

My father's side, a Scots Irish family that settled in Kentucky from the eastern shore of Maryland sometime in the late 18th century. They moved out to California following the gold rush and married into a Spanish family that had been there since it was originally settled.

Thats the abbreviated version from my understanding. Grew up on a farm that was apart of the original holding of a direct ancestor in MD.