Why black lives are more important than white lives

Alright, listen up you basement-dwelling neckbeard I'm only going to say this once. I'm from Two X chromosomes and I've heard you racist fuckers think that black lives are less important than white lives. Well you're wrong!!! White people make up at least 60% of the population here were black people only make up a small percent. Do you really think that the larger percent matters with such a smaller percent is being oppressed by the larger percent!? Racist white boys need to go back to your basement and think it's thing or two about racism and crawl back to your mommy's and ask them why you hate them so much! I'm so sick of over-privileged white boys thinking they deserve life when oppressed poor black people have to stay every day in the ghettos where they're being gunned down by police and white boys like you!!! FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!!

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The only good nigger is a dead nigger

I think you have a little more than Two X chromosomes by writing autistic shit like this.

I declare this thread over.

Pack it up lads, nothing to see here.

Ugh This is why I can never converse with women over digital media. The conversations are so banal and not befitting of my intellectual level. I didn't attend two prestigious universities to be reduced to throwing around idiotic innuendos, I would much prefer to have an in-depth conversation on the fall of the Byzantine Empire for instance rather than spew out such vulgar mannerisms pertaining to my phallus. I consider myself to have an elan, certain dash of class when it comes to conversing with women. The accoutrements in my box of "seduction weapons" are designed to project to the lady that I exude charisma and dependability. I take young women on a wild ride with my dapper demeanor, not my looks.

The year is 2016. Humanity has peered into the darkest corners of the cosmos, and observed the universe on its smallest scale. You walk around with more computing power in your pocket than was available to all of NASA in the 1970s. You live twice as long as your ancestors ever could have dreamed of, you have food in abundance and the future is brighter than ever. Humanity has achieved more in the last century than it ever has in its entire history. People are happier, freer, crime is lower, you're safer, more secure, and the entire wealth of human knowledge is available to you at your finger tips. You live in the dawn of humanity, you were born after the long dark night and you will never know the suffering that every other generation did.

And you still think the words of dehydrated desert madmen in the middle east are literal truth, you unironically believe in God and think gender is biological.

You're literally a walking insult to everything humanity has ever achieved, lmao.

I think this is the worst bait i've ever read.




The blacks had another great year in 2015, topping the charts in every crime yet again!


>Blacks commit more murders than the other 87% of the population, coming in at 51.1%
>They commit 53.5% of the robberies and 28.2% of the rapes
>black men make up 6% of the population
>Rape almost half as much as 30% of the population

Truly a marvelous feat for their race! And people say they've accomplished nothing!

26 out of the 38 million blacks in the US are on welfare.

Let's give a round of applause to our negroid friends, and to another year of high criminality!


if they actually thought black lives mattered they would put all the energy from marching around into economic development for black communities and lobbying for stronger prosecution of police officers.

but it's run by a bunch of niggers who are retarded so you can't really expect that much forethought and planning.

Nice pasta. Fresh?

White lives matter way much than blacks for 2 reasons:

1) Market laws
White are way less in numbers and in high demand, so they are valued more.

2) Potential future value
Whites have the potential to became everything they want.
Black are most likely to be just criminals.

>Racist white boys need to go back to your basement
But I am in my basement

>2 x

stopped reading right there


>Also OP must be larping for some kek's. This is too ridiculous.

Chicago is a good place to start teaching black youth to stop murdering each other everyday. So do you want fewer dead black people or are you avoiding the TRUTH to wallow in selfish hatred of those who never murdered anyone of any color ever?

Typical racist white boys sitting in your basement axing all tough! Why don't you leave your basement and say that out loud? Typical scaredy white boy.

The bait is not juicy enough. I`ll pass. I give you a an E for effort.

wew. look up black on black crime. look at crime by % of population. Really, the entire american population are just being really fucking patient with their black neighbors.

Sickle-cell disease at work