Can we get a thread about the most well styled men in history?

Can we get a thread about the most well styled men in history?

>looking for more pictures of that god tier undercut

Civic nationalists need not apply.


oh you mean the boypussi lover haircut?




CTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shillxs fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off xCTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck offx CxTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off TR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTxR xshills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shillsx fxuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CxTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off xCTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillxsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR x shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills xfuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR shillsCTR shills fuck off CTR shills fuck off CTR x shills


Hi Dad, this is Allison, her and Darcy are going to stay the night, we're in an open relationship.

CTR doesn't make threads praising National Socialist aesthetics. Don't be gay.

My inspiration

I'll go turn on the oven.

And you wonder why /lgbt/ lurks here.

That's long hair. You get a free bottle of perfume and pair of knickers when you go for a trim

I can't say I blame them. All should strive to be the best, mentally and physically.

You think you can save the West without looking like a million bucks?




I'm running low. Anyone care to help?

>idolizing nazis
>people that killed billions of innocents



Hello, Reddit.

Welcome to the big leagues.