The denial-meter of the trumptards is really going off the charts

The denial-meter of the trumptards is really going off the charts.

When will you realize nothing much will happen with him as president?

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So in your mind it is a good idea that the President-Elect of the United States should announce to prosecute his opponent like some 3rd world dictator?

that's what he did before he was elected. So you think he should say one thing in the campaign and totally different things after. No wonder Germoney is so cucked, and the merkin people so gullible

That I did not imply. This is about broken promises.

The FBI is chasing the Clinton mafia clan for nearly two decades, Trump will probably order the FBI in secret to press charges, as Obama did in secret to stop them, you will see.

>When will you realize nothing much will happen with him as president?
What happened to America literally burning to the ground upon his election? Or did you guys give up on that idea?

>When will you realize nothing much will happen with him as president?

We are fine, its the left thats fucking panicking like the guy is about to open up fag-gulogs and mass executions of mexicans.

Shut up, Piotrek.

you really are stupid aren't you, the Russians were going for Trump, now prep the bull Hans

Gotta remember, the real big thing is the Clinton Foundation and all Trump really has to do is clear the way for actual investigation. So he's right, who gives a shit about the emails when we can get Hillary and everyone else involved in the foundations crimes.

>When will you realize nothing much will happen with him as president?

1996. The job of President is to be a puppet.

>you guys
>m-muh liberal boogeyman

Liberals still believe the world is going to burn down but most people saw the writing on the wall once he said he's keeping obamacare and surrounding himself with jewish globalists.


trump better lock her up or it's one term for him

>liberals deathly afraid of Russian nonsense rhetoric
>completely ignore their figureheads sucking saudi dick

have you already double checked your toilet for some spiders today?

have you checked yours for Syrian children




Trying to save his ass while there's an obvious plot to prevent him from coming into power.

I'd be backtracking hard as well.

It doesn't mater what Trump thinks or doesn't wish to do, the AG is going to be the one who decides that.

If trump can't do it

Nobody could

sauce pls

you cuck, lol

töte dich

Get the fuck out, shill


Holy shit, get out of here you fuckers.

What about Clinton Foundation charges?

Ich schwör immer diese rechties, lutscht meinen ausländer schwanz

we will just meme him into doing it once he gets in office

Never, its a cult of personality. Trump can do no wrong. He could get on stage and announce the end of medicare and social security and all the people would cheer.

verpiss dich du islamischer schweinskopf

mit deinen braunen schweinshufen verunreinigst du nur meinen deutschen boden

Why is it that other Germans on the internet always trigger me this hard? It's Fremdschäm-galore.

How about the rally last night where, when they chanted "Lock Her Up", he went "that plays well during the election, but not afterwards -- we don't care anymore."

hör auf das was klaus kleber dir sagt
es ist gut für dich

Ich wünschte mher Leutre wären wie Jan Böhmerman.. viel zu viele Leute hier die mich and dieses Video hier erinnern

Sind doch alle deutsche :/

WTF POL, He was supposed to be the chosen one!! Did he just bamboozle us?

a german fag is calling drumpf bullshit out

thats how low him and the drumpfkins are now

>When will you realize nothing much will happen with him as president?

thats literally why i voted for him. i've been saying from the very beginning that he's going to be a boring ass president (outside his tweets). its going to be a bunch of tax code changes that nobody here will really understand and some tweaks to obongo care and our trade deals.

>b-but The Wall

even if it costs 20 billion dollars, thats nothing for a presidential pet project. the DARE program got more than that.

nice samefag

du bist degeneriert mein sohn, wenn du deinen fernseher mit klaus klebers fresse sonntagabends aus dem 8ten stock wirfst, erreichst du meinen level. deutsches fernsehen ist hundescheisse

Auf was /wen bist du so wütend? :(