Friendly reminder that our government is financially supporting marxist terror media

What is my fellow danes opinion on the tax funded media support?

Also: title is of course referring to "Modkraft", which is the media Antifa uses to organize their violent "demonstrations".

Other urls found in this thread:

Afskaf licens.

This is not the license, it's from the regular tax.
Only DR is license.

Lies and slander!

Also: Afskaf Mediestotten!

Hah. Did not know this. Thanks my friend. However, license is still not all, they are also supported throughout taxes.

Haha yes this. You beat me to it.

>What is my fellow danes opinion on the tax funded media support?

Not a Dane but considering how the gubbermint is incredibly inefficient especially when it comes to money, it's not a big surprise that the media also blows

>free and independent media

Doesn't really matter, it's the same Jews running the show as in the private sector. They're ideologically the same. You could've argued this point maybe pre-Internet era but you can find raw news through the social media and youtube channels without the news having to go through biased journalists and kikes that twist what's going on until it's nothing but propaganda suited for the world view they wish to present.

Don't pay tax lads

Literally all danish news services are liberal to a degree.
Especially DR, which is fucked considering it's obligatory to pay for that shit.

Stop voldtægterne! Beskyt Folket!
For quality journalism

Er jeg den eneste som synes det er skræmmende, at 1.2 millioner voksne danskere er på offentligforsorgelse?
(Folkepension, SU medregnet)

Tilfoj hvor mange voksne danskere, der arbejder i den offentlige sektor.

Hvor lille en del af den danske befolkning er det rent faktisk, som arbejder i det private og tilfojer penge ind i systemet?

Hvordan er det muligt at opretholde det med den ældre befolkning og indvandring der stiger?


>45% White

Bare rolig goy!

Lad bare invandrere komme ind i dit land! De skal nok arbejde, og kommer helt sikkert ikke til at være på offentligt forsorgelse!

Sporg til side, kender jeg en indvandre tos hvis forældre var flygtninge fra Irak, og kom til Danmark for 15 år siden.
De har:

>Aldrig arbejdet i de 15 år i danmark.
>Har aldrig lært at tale dansk.
>Har boet i en statsfinanseret lejlighed i alle 15 år
>Har en ekstremistiske islamist dreng som barn.
>De to andre born er i underholdnings industrien, og deres storebror har lyst til at dræbe dem fordi de vanære familien



Der arbejder rundt regnet en million i det offentlige. Det vil sige lidt under halvdelen, af Danmarks befolkning og ca. 80% af arbejdstyrken, sutter på statspatten.

Det er simpelthen ikke holdbart.

>Russians are Slavic
>Slavics are not European

Slavs are the literall niggers of Europe

That would be people from the Balkans

Yes, slavs

>Illyrian Turks
You already embarrassed yourself with your knowledge of human genetics. Go back to prepping the bull

Present-day Slavic people are classified into West Slavs (chiefly Poles, Czechs and Slovaks), East Slavs (chiefly Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians), and South Slavs (chiefly Serbs, Croats, Bosniaks, ethnic Macedonians, Slovenes, and Montenegrins of the Former Yugoslavia as well as Bulgarians).[3] For a more comprehensive list, see the ethnocultural subdivisions. Modern Slavic nations and ethnic groups are considerably diverse both genetically and culturally, and relations between them – even within the individual ethnic groups themselves – are varied, ranging from a sense of connection to mutual feelings of hostility.

Hang sand niggers now

Ivan you're not white

I don't see anything wrong with this.

>Wikipedia source
Slavdom is more of a cultural thing, thanks to Slavophiles. Pure Slavs are Slovaks, Poles and Slovenes. Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians are mix of Illyrian, Slavic and Turkish. Russians are Finnic, Baltic, Norse and Slavic mix, Czech are Germanic and Slavic mix. So, not all Slavic racially but they are placed by many into Slavic cultural area

The American Journal of Human Genetics (Volume 82, Issue 1, 10 January 2008, p. 236-250)

No uses "white" in Europe, nigger. One drop rule

I took 23 and me and I'm 100% western European / scandinavian

dansker er i roynda berre ein gjeng av nederlandske norgeboos som prover å snakke norsk.



Speaking of Bulgarians. They were never European. Even according to the Wikipedia. Placing literal Central Asian mutts into Slavic category shows you how outdated idea of Slavdom is. Pure pseudoscience of the 19th century.
The Bulgars (also Bulghars, Bulgari, Bolgars, Bolghars, Bolgari;[1] Proto-Bulgarians[2]) were semi-nomadic warrior Turkic tribes who flourished in the Pontic-Caspian steppe and the Volga region during the 7th century. Emerging as nomadic equestrians in the Volga-Ural region, according to some researchers their roots can be traced to Central Asia.

Cool. You are still a cutlet. Cutlets are honorary jews

This is an American speaking forum

Slavs aren't white

lmao cuck danes thinking anyone cares

It also goes to denkorteavis, extrabladet and JyllandsPosten. Calm down m8.

no, cutfags are not jews. they are just goys who submit to their masters.

Explain to me what a cutlet is, Vlad


The average American male

>average Russian male

Cutlet, please. Russia has its own lower class and so do you. Russian upper class sees new money yanks and yanks in general like trash

Yes Igor, but the Russian lower class makes up 90% of the population while this is the average American family

>average American family
60 years ago. Pic related is average American family
Who cares?

That's a Mexican familia

My wife is Danish. I love your country. Trust me, it could be worse, faggot.

Not per mutually exclusive to average American family

We should stop arguing now that we're going to be friends it seems.

You're speaking to the master race we'll decide who's white when the time comes.

Quiet before we come and put you back under the crown.

America is Nordic you cunt

Both are cuckold faggots

Putin is, trump is not