Millions of illegal aliens and dead people voted for hillary

>millions of illegal aliens and dead people voted for hillary
>but lets ignore that and focus on the real problem, russian hackers

When will enough be enough?

Is there evidence of either being true?


Hillary won the popular vote because a nognog in chief sold the electoral machines to Russia for profit

Maybe if there was some sort of recount you could prove this, faggot

name one dead person who voted for hillary

>Things that didn't happen

You're still this butthurt that Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million?

Trump and his fanboys need to get it through their heads that a majority of the country voted against him. Deal with it.

ur mum


There is no race for popular vote.
Hillary won nothing.

>When will enough be enough?

We elected Trump did we?

>Select all images with pizza.

Fucking captcha!

Bill Clinton

All those assurances from Shillary and the DNC prior to the election ...
>Our decentralized system is safe from hacks!
>How dare he not accept the election results!
>Shillary fucks around in the Russian elections and gets ass pained thinking it happened to her

Not accepting that you're were just a shitty unelectable candidate. Twice.
>So polarizing, the opposition turned out in droves to vote you down and your cronies out of the house and the senate.

>Things that didn't happen

You're still this butthurt that Trump won the electoral vote by almost 100 points?

Hillary and her fuckboys need to get it through their heads that a majority of the country voted for him. Deal with it.


They can't quit now. They are addicts and Podesta's risotto is running out.

>When will enough be enough

It already was, so we elected Trump?

name one russian who hacked the election

when the cia gets restructured and obamas sons get removed

I agree that Russians hacked the election.

It explains Hillary winning the popular vote.

If you're asking if there is any..."evidence"...

Well, a Democrat politician and a blogger at the Washington Post said they heard from a guy who heard from a guy whose dad works at nintendo that it's true.

I'm almost not making that up - "unnamed, unverified, secret sources heard from unnamed, unverified, secret sources about a secret, unpublished report that indicates the Russians knew about the men hacking the DNC and supplying the information to Assange"

That's the extent of their evidence of a "hack of the election".

Liberal media and DNC are having a very public and embarrassing meltdown.


Same Russian who hacked the election.

He's a naughty boy.

>The election was hacked!

>Hillary won the election!

Stimulating my neurological dried fruit.