1980 Star Wars movie already had a black guy as the hero

1980 Star Wars movie already had a black guy as the hero

Where's your boycott now, whitey?

This is what a modern CIA op looks like.
This is grade school level fuckery using the most sophisticated technology known to man.
How embarrassing.

The last thread I posted this in was pruned/deleted in under a minute.

pick one

He didn't belittle crackers though, so doesn't count.

This. He was proof that around blacks you never relax, aka trust them.

He was a traitor

Yes...but he did also risk his life to save Han Solo in the next movie

Black men were just viewed as normal citizens then. Nobody, I mean fucking nobody, cared that Lando was black. The film emphasized on his character, not his race. Plus, Colt 45. Works every time.

Are you injecting mud into your eyeballs?

He got cucked by Chewy, Vader and Han.

shhh. don't talk about it. just learn and manipulate it. if you discuss it, it learns. don't teach robots, user, and always lie to them. only humans deserve the truth, and notice you never get it. happy hunting. have fun

And he sold out Han, Luke and Leia to Dathh Vader.

Star Wars has always been a story for faggots.

Alec Guinness even said it was stupid.

If you like or have ever liked star wars, you are a dumb piece of shit. GROW UP.


He wasn't black, that was the color of his species

I'm the blackest nigga in the galaxy.

That's fine. What they are INTENTIONALLY doing against white males now is not okay. Rogue One is a racist and sexist movie.

he was a cool dude he wasnt WE WUX SHIEET MAAAN

He was just another cool character that happened to be black. Race wasn't an issue. Now we have to hear this shit every day. I can't wait for the backlash against all of these race baiting agitators.

Lando made a pass at Leia and lost to Han as he should. It's not white genocide.

He... Had... No... Choice!