He isn't draining the swamp by appointing generals and CEOs

>He isn't draining the swamp by appointing generals and CEOs.

How do you respond Sup Forums?

This destroys the brainlet leftypol tbqh

No niggers, no spics, no environmentalists, no feminists, no commies.

Swamp status: DRAINED

>hitlers berlin Wall
>being this mentally retarded

well damn, how will we ever recover?

Only czeckems may heal my wounds.

If Trump wasn't already in the process of draining the swamp, why is the establishment continuing to try to besmear him and everything he does?



>Hitler had his Berlin wall

protip: Don't argue with people with room temperature IQ.

Which thread are you sliding, Shlomo?

>hitler had his berlin wall
wtf this can't be real, no one can be so retarded

Coup in progress, it give legitimacy/neutralise Trump supporters to the Hillary presidency.

I, for one, welcome the second civil war.

>Berlin wall

Holy fuck

>tfw Hillary's still not doing time
>tfw the Wall's construction still hasn't begun
>tfw Trump drains the swamp only to spill it back into his administration
>tfw major appeal to the kikes


What the fuck, Berlin wall was a soviet shit

This can't be fucking real

>Trump isn't appointing retarded leftists into cabinet positions

>Leftists are upset

>Hitler had his Berlin wall

tfw not even in office yet

kek 2: killing kyle the kike

>>being this mentally retarded
>being this mentally retarded

Better than lawyers, lobbyist, and activist

Debating a lefty ever.

We all know they have the brains of ten year olds so it pointless to do so.

>appointing professionals
>not appointing politicians

Swamp = Drained.


>Berlin Wall
>Not Goebbels warning of an Iron Curtain(he was proven right) across Europe if the Communists take Germany.
>implying a Berlin Wall existed before the end of the war.

I fucking hate these liberals.

keep asking them how many lobbyists are on his team
when they reply with some occupy democrats bullshit tell them they dont know what a lobbyist is
NEWSFLASH: they're making a stink over every single pick because none of them are lobbyists! historical precedent being set by the president right in front of your eyes

>Hitler has his Berlin wall
I hope this is bait. I know that OccupyDemocrats are fucking retarded, but they can't be this retarded.

Still much, much better than Hillary.

In the end the only thing that really matters is the survival of the white race.

This was never your country to begin with and it will never be we'll make sure of that. We will keep breeding your women and destroy your culture, status and hierarchy soon enough. I don't know about destruction of any families but you will all get what's coming to you soon enough. I wish all of you good luck in the wars to come.

>hitler had a berlin wall
What the fuck am I reading

wtf I love the establishment now

>1 post by this ID

what did he mean by this?

Given the current status of education in this country I am not surprised.

>No commies
Check again kid.

I know the Hitler wall thing is a troll but Hitler actually wanted to TEAR DOWN walls and create a borderless Europe.

>promises to hire private sector professionals
>hires private sector professionals
Can't wait for four years of butthurt.

I would literally give away all of my possessions and empty all of my accounts just to have 1 minute alone in a room with the creator of this image with a baseball bat in my hands.

By lying, shilling and whataboutism.

Also, nice false flag OD image AGAIN. These are getting tiresome and were never funny.

How? That's a pretty good definition of capitalism.

The quality of these occupy democrats memes is clearly in a sharp decline.

Did the Soros funding dry up or what?

Shit bait.


>Hitler had his Berlin Wall
>Berlin wall
This is an edit r-right?

Of course it is. It's the same fucking idiot bait trollers posting false flag Occupy Democrats shit trying to make the left look stupid, but all it does is make the right look both stupid and credulous.

Occupy Democrats shit is worded just like this. And is false.

You don't have to try to make the left look stupid, they can manage on their own

Hitler didn't build the berlin wall you fucking retard.

poe's law


That's nice, honey. Why can the right only argue in strawmen?

No, it's really not. Also Big Lie technique. Poe's Law was created to describe the right (creationists).

Hitler, tear down that wall!

>>>being this mentally retarded
>>being this mentally retarded
>being this mentally retarded

>>He isn't draining the swamp by appointing generals and CEOs.
>How do you respond Sup Forums?

(1 Post_By_This_ID_Theme_Song):





This has to be one of you faggots. I can't believe that this is a real thing with "Hitler had his wall". Nobody is that stupid.

Should've voted the corrupt cunt in then. We would've had a month more before she started that war with Russia.