What were the height requirements for the Waffen SS? Would a 182 cm manlet like me be able to join?

What were the height requirements for the Waffen SS? Would a 182 cm manlet like me be able to join?

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Sure, after 43 or 44 they grab everyone who wish to join.

But before that?


Where is this from? Nice trips.

The Strain

What? Pic related?

>Кopeнныe пpeoбpaзoвaния в cиcтeмe ceлeкции и oтбopa члeнoв CC пpoизoшли пocлe тoгo, кaк 6 янвapя 1929 г. нa пocт peйхcфюpepa CC был нaзнaчeн 29-лeтний Гeнpих Гиммлep, пocтaвивший этy пpoцeдypy нa «нayчныe peльcы». B coбcтвeннopyчнo нaпиcaннoм им пpикaзe oт 4.10.1932 пpeдпиcывaлocь «пpинимaть в opгaнизaцию pacoвo пoлнoцeнных, pocлых мoлoдых людeй нe cтapшe 30 лeт (нe нижe 1,70 м), oтличнo зapeкoмeндoвaвших ceбя нa пoпpищe нaциoнaл-coциaлизмa». Пocлe пpихoдa Гитлepa к влacти пpoизoшлo нeкoтopoe yжecтoчeниe тpeбoвaний к кaндидaтaм CC: в пpикaзe peйхcфюpepa CC oт 4.3.1936 минимaльный pocт coиcкaтeлeй был пoвышeн дo 1,74 м, a мaкcимaльный вoзpacт cнижeн дo 23 лeт.

You need to be nazi 23 y/o and have height 174 cm also you have higher chances if you are barely educated villager.

It's only 174 cm? I read somewhere it was 185 cm for waffen ss

Oh common it was just cannon fodder. Simple soldiers trained to do dirty job like kill civilians.


Yep that's it.

>tfw literally 173

the professor is still based tho

I'm in then.

>tfw 1,75m
If I start lifting could I get taller?

What is 174cm in burger units?

>Simple soldiers
>waffen ss

lmao read a book Ivan

>Would a 182 cm manlet like me be able to join?
That's still above the average height anywhere in the world at the time. The SS were not "die Lange Kerls"


That's also how tall Hitler was.

New thread,lads.

Any height requirements for the NKVD? Would a dedicated soldier with the willingness to kill any enemy of the State and the Party be accepted?

177 reporting in

No height requirement but you have to be jewish

Are guns heightist?
Should we be going back to bare-hand combat?

lol manlet

The height requirement for the Leibstandarte SS was 5'10

>I read somewhere it was 185 cm for waffen ss

In the 1940s? Fuck no. You know people have gotten significantly taller is a fairly short time-span, right? 185cm was a giant back then.

not very high.

High casualty rate.

As brave as any specialized units from all participants during ww2.

Not entirely sure these type of men really exist anymore.

The SS who's story particularly impressed me are the 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne, the French who fought to the death at Berlin 1945.


Only the manlets survived the volleys

manlets are actually preferred in the military becuase theyre hard to hit.

177 are 5'10 tho.

5.70866 feet = 5' 8.5"

You realize 5.8 feet isn't the same as 5'8, right?

I-I was just trolling

f-fooled ya

So a manlet like me would be good for the militray?

Depends on the unit
The Leibstandarte wants only 1,85 tall Ubermenschen, but other regiments had lower requirements
At the end of the war the Waffen SS had 900.000 members, from whom were 2/3 foreign "volunteers"
So, a Waffen SS Man could be a aryan fanatic volunteer elite soldier, or an eastern european conscript

Conflicting arguments

Not really, but short men are often preferred as tank drivers, because its pretty tight inside.

>Not entirely sure these type of men really exist anymore.
Loads of idiots who will murder civies on command around.

In a Tank, not in the field where you need to carry lots of shit, and eyes to see above the grass, not in airplanes either for blood reasons I think.

> mfw I'm a 5'6 northwest European manlet
Fuck so I'm not really a white then I'm just a meme?

when will you learn?

I'm 182 cm which is 5'11 and I feel short, I wonder how 5'6 tall you feel.

5'11 is actually 1,78, you are like 6'02

this is very humorous watching you all grapple with our retarded measurement system

seriously though 182 is over 6', how can you feel short with that?

I just feel really pissed all the time and I feel like lots of people look down on me and try to take advantage of me, and attractive woman look disgusted when I talk to them. I have two older step brothers who are 5'1 but they are half Philipeno. So I feel incomplete too, and gays always hit on me.


i have the same height, thank dog i live on the Italy and i'm still taller than the average, when i visited germoney i felt completely average

that's terrible, I feel self-conscious at 5'10" and always console myself that 'at least I'm taller than 90% of women'

>seriously though 182 is over 6', how can you feel short with that?

I can feel him, it used to be considered big and above average when I was younger, now literally everyone younger than me is bigger.

No 182 is 5'11

>22 inch should width

i look like a freak. a fucking square fridge

Yea and I have trouble gaining weight so I'm really skinny, plus I have a back disease that makes people really tall and lanky, so I'm lanky and have trouble standing straight. I'm from southern ca too and here in North Dakota I frequently get called small, something I've never had to hear before. I'm not really depressed or anything just annoyed by my height.

Dinka males in the 50s measured an average of 1,83m .

well do you obtain moneys via labour? do thy drink und smoke? well? if yes, then you should not be troubled. bone structure is quite a nice thing

>be 5'11"
>tfw a mexican is taller than you
just kys senpai

mirin frame tho, get a small waist and you will get that sweet V shape

probably 1.80m

I think your height would've still been okay. You could even have brown hair or something like that. However, you needed to be in *perfect* health. 100% eyesight, perfectly straight back, ... Hell, they would refuse people even if they had a mere tooth filling.

2nd time the tread as shown up in the past week, with the same picture too.

Lot of effort for a sub par division. Fucking miners from the Yorkshire Dales beat the fuck out of them.

Yea I used to make 200 a day doing heavy slave labor out in the middle of no where planting huge ass trees. Currently I work at a service station but physical labor I can do all day non stop, I guess I get all my frustration out doing it. I also have a very good immune system, I haven't been sick in a year other then from being hung over every now and then. My ability to work like hell with illegals does give me a sense of worth and superiority over most people though, so at least I have that going for me.

what the fuck? I've got a 40 inch shoulder widt, most guys I know aren't less than 30.