Why do uneducated people tend to vote conservatively?

Why do uneducated people tend to vote conservatively?

>Millions of uneducated, inner city minorities vote democrat for a 15 hour minimum wage.
>Millions more are invested in robots to replace those same workers.
Inflation is a real problem.

They work shit jobs with high diversity.

lack of critical thinking skills. Public education in america is a joke, it exists to give you just enough skill to get a shitty job, not to educate you.
This, plus the inferiority complex they get from knowing this deep inside, makes them gravitate towards knee-jerk reactionism instead of carefully thinking an issue through.
Evidence= /pol

Because less educated people are the people that start businesses. Business creators want lower taxes ie vote republican.

They don't spend multiple years paying for an elaborate education that pushes a multikulti narrative and ignores common sense.

They have to adapt fast to the world and get to see the problems without having the disconnect that the overeducated have where they can't or won't recognise a problem

Because they actually tend to work, unlike some cunt with a major in eskimo-skateboarding and a minor in pasta

They haven't been indoctrinated by Marxist propaganda.

>People with degrees don't work

You can't make this shit up.

Social sciences are nothing but indoctrination camps to marxism.

thats right, you can't make up facts

Why do welfare niggers keep voting democrat?

"uneducated" whites tend to vote conservative because they want a smaller government to leave them the fuck alone, and some protectionism for the manufacturing/ blue collar jobs in the US.

It literally comes down to the fact that niggers don't want to work, while whites do.

It's ok to make fun of uneducated whites for voting conservatives but it's not ok to make fun of uneducated non-whites for voting democrat

>Eskimo skateboarding


They actually don't. They tend to vote liberal due to the government programs. Problem is that it is hard to get them out to vote.

If you are talking about the US election this year, people voted around racial lines than anything else which is why you are seeing an increase in lower education conservative voters.

They tend to be more wealthy

I'll take Women's Studies for 400, Alex

Maybe your co-workers at McDonalds majored in Women's Studies but out in the real world if you don't have a meaningful degree, you're locked out of most worthwhile jobs by default and the demand for skilled, educated labor is only increasing.

Your GED can only take you so far. Or you can just keep living in Mom's basement I guess.

Right? It's the same with their fake news. Everyone knows it's Russian hackers infiltrating our internet, the media said so! These people really need to learn to think critically baka.

Most blacks vote Demicrat though.

Because "educated" people like to think the world is a subject they can just study and pass the test on.

They fail to understand the scale of the way society operates and create overly simplistic models of how the world works.

They gain false confidence in their abilities based on limited smarts. For example, PHDs often can be scammed because they believe they are capable of knowing everything.

Conservatives admit they don't know everything and choose to not take risks without evidence. If society seems to be working, they don't want to fuck with it.

Liberals assume they have the answer and start fucking with things.

Conservatives = let the wisdom of crowds and historical culture over time decide.

Liberals = the answer is simple. Why doesn't everyone do what I say? A+B=C type of thinking.

You mean the niggers and spics and womyns studies majors? I thought they voted Democrat.
