
Mormonism is the only true form of Christianity Sup Forums.

>the coolest version of the Christian afterlife
>100% American
>Makes sense
>Utah is a lovely place
>No degenerate alcohol or drugs
>Knows that negroes are inferior
>Doesn't like faggots
>Best women

Cathocucks, Orthodicks, and Protestsnots can eat shit.

>makes sense

0/10 troll

Joseph Smith is the L Ron Hubbard of Christianity. A hijacker, liar, apostate. Mormons are going to Hell is they really believe Joseph Smith rewrote the covenant between God and Man.

>>the coolest version of the Christian afterlife
>Version of

Congratulations you played yourself, filthy heretic

Mormoms are White, so they are Sup Forums approved.

But the same applies for the amish and other denominations.

Christianity is anti-white and egalitarian

>filthy heretic
All christians are heretics

Stop worshiping self sacrifice and equality.

>true form of Christianity
>plagiarized the Bible

Pick one

>guys I found these new commandments on gold tablets
>>sick man let's see
>uh... I'm the one allowed to see. It says so

Really makes you think.

>Stop worshiping self sacrifice and equality.
Found the Alt-Right convert who fell for the Ayn Rand meme

All are one in Christ.

>All are one in Christ.
Top kek, this is how the white race falls.

>"muh equality"
>"muh Jesus loves everybody"

Go adopt a african aids baby, christcuck

>Preaching a false gospel
>Claims to be Christian
If you just want to be part of a community that's highly redpilled per capita, become a Mormon. If you believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and care about your soul, keep looking.

>I-It's a false gospel!!
>How so?
>I-It just is! Y-you're going to hell!!!1!1!1

Yes, let's all go back to the Roman days of stationing African legionaries in Germany and killing and enslaving millions of Gauls

Pagan Europe was even more of a shitfest than Christian Europe was

All these salty Catholics and protestants trying to shit talk Mormons when they're the real shitty people. Look at the Bible belt, and south America. Pure shit holes.

Utah and Idaho have virtually no black people because the Mormons believe they have the literal mark of Cain smitten onto them, and excluded them. When they crossed the plains they brought no blacks.

I'm living in a small semi rural town in Utah right now and I don't think I'll ever move. Hell, I might even convert. Obviously the religion is false but just to be involved with the community.


Don't put those in the same sentence ever again. You're whole religion is based off a rock.

Mormonism is Christian, fite me.

>visited by angels
>told about ancient races

Y'all got trolled. I'm pretty sure the ayy's wanted to selectively breed white people some reason.

>90% masonry rip-off
>pic related

I don't think mormonism is christian but I think its one of the most aryan religious out there

>guys i found this burning bush and it told me a ton of stuff and commandments and shit
>sick man where's it at?
> disappeared

I only talk shit about Mormon doctrine and theology. I believe it's heresy.
That being said, the Christian Church, in day in, day out behavior could learn a LOT from the Mormon Church...especially in the United States.

>Mormonism is to Catholicism what feminism is to common sense
>has the audacity to call Catholics cucks


Can I become Mormon even if I'm not American?

Of course!

youre confusing theology with socio dynamics. also its more because mormons went far west whereas black were already in the north & south

Yes, there are missions all over the world, I'd be surprised if there weren't Mormon Churches in your country.

Mormon just like berrypicker

treat woman like berry. pick many woman.

woman not berry; woman animal. woman must be trained. mormon filthy berrypicker in spirit.

Honestly, if I could make myself believe something and accept it I would convert to Mormonism and move to Utah. Mormon chicks are hot and loyal. Mormons are also very nice people to live around. I grew up in Santa Clarita, CA where there are actually quite a few Mormons.

Are you Mormons?
I like Mitt Romney I want to be like him.

also mormonism is heresy.

socio dynamics of protestantism might be one of the worst but the theology is best.

>Farm foster children five at a time
>Keep them in the garage next to your five gallons of ketchup
>Have the most cluttered house in town
>Yard full of broken lawnmowers
>Four dozen cats
>Six dogs
>Exclusively eat frozen food that only needs to be reheated
>Fridge full of half-empty ranch dressing bottles

My area of Jeffersonian California was way too many Mormons and they all live the same way. I hate making house calls to a Mormon home worse than a Thai home.

Does Mormonism have any flaw? Can you name one?

President Carter was going to cut their tax-exempt status in the 70's unless they gave up their stance on negroes being beasts of the field and Cain's spawn and not allowing them in the church.

And of course they cucked out.

>God is god of Earth
>If you're a good Mormon Earthgod will make you the god of a different planet.


If not for the color of your skin your kind would have been gassed decades ago. You and your lot are despised and ridiculed regardless.

Their prophet claims that he found golden plates and had to run 3 miles with his golden plates which weighed about 198 lbs as a sick child.
He's a lifelong fraud.
Why is there no archaeological evidence for a battle with steel swords and horses in America centuries before either were used on the continent? There were like a million people killed in this battle. Where the fuck is any of the evidence.
Mormonism cannot stand up to scrutiny
Mormons themselves are pretty cool. They teach self sufficiency and are some of the nicest and charitable people I've ever met. I've met many Mormons and only one of them was an asshole.
Mormons are kind of like Sikhs in my book. If I didn't already have a firm foundation in my faith - if I didn't care about my immortal soul, I would be a member of either one of those religions.

>Native Americans are actually Israelites who lived in giant walled cities and had epic wars

So why do native Americans share exactly zero characteristics with any semitic people? Where are the ruins of manti? Where is even the slightest evidence to support a single claim?

that fool was probably smoking the bush and got the ten commandments and whatnot from his crazy ass trip

>christian using archaeological evidence against another sect of christianity


that's cool. Now stop trying to build your Mormon communal villages in the North East and stay in Utah

>ridiculing anyone for using archaeological evidence when applicable
>ridiculing evidence

have one

> Mormonism is the only true form of Christianity

just because it has Jesus in it doesn't make it Christianity. Fucking Islam has far more in common with mainline Christianity than mormonism

That sounds like Mahayana Buddhism.

>we don't believe the earth is actually 6000 years old and that man walked with dinosaurs anymore, it's all allegory
>making fun of another group of christian's fairytales


>repackaged Gnosticism
>true form of Christianity

pick one

Making fun of? God forbid. I'm rebuking their false doctrines. They can believe what they want. At least for my stretch here on this earth in this flesh, it's a comfort to have Mormons around. It breaks my heart that I'll not see them in Heaven.

God spoke to the Mormon leaders and told them to allow Blacks into their Church. Sorry, it wasn't God it was Satan. My God isn't Retarded.

>magical seeing stones
>magical underwear
>makes sense

>their fairytales are wrong but mine are right they're gonna burn in hell

Christianity in a nutshell

>Yes, let's all go back to the Roman days of stationing African legionaries in Germany and killing and enslaving millions of Gauls

Sounds like WW1 m8

They go on missions to non-white countries in order to get them to convert. White mormon population is actually decreasing but the brown and black mormon population is increasing.

If you don't believe, that's a fairly accurate summary. The one we used in school was like kids on the playground arguing who has the best baseball card.

>White mormon population is actually decreasing

Wrong. Alongside with the Amish they happen to be one of the few Whites communities who're having children in 'Murrica.

In the bible it says all you have to do to get into heaven is believe jesus is the son of god. Mormons are fine.


Even the devils believe.

There's a caveat to Mormonism.

Go with one of the conservative offshoots like my Temple, NOT that faggot "mainstream" church that Mitt Romney is from. The government sanctioned branch has ditched polygamy and allows Negroes into the priesthood.

polygamy... philosophy of berry picker
berry picker become berries
entire life is berry
want to be picked. berries spoil when picked. no one want rotten woman

woman like animal. need training and care.

wont fall for berry picker atheism. can only make spoiled woman.

I guess there will be demons in heaven then.

This is why Sola Sciptura is heresy.

>Makes sense

Mormons are a hive mind with a cult like mentality. Their business practices and nepotism is kike-tier

Mormon more like moron :DDDD