My political beliefs over time

My political beliefs over time...

Whats yours like?

so, you're becoming a communist?
>slide threads slide things

I went from Libertarian-Left to Authoritarian right





something like that

>Deus vult (Classical Latin for "God wills it") was the cry of the people at the declaration of the First Crusade by Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont in 1095 when the Byzantine Empire requested help in defense from the Seljuk invasion of Anatolia.

What the fuck does that mean on the political map?

Reminder that if you were ever in Red or Green it doesn't matter if you've changed your opinions you're still a huge fucking faggot

The jews should be in the red.

its the religious right

You were never 14 and in a public school before?

Oh thank you :)

Autrorian centrist here. I like you.


This. I was never left wing. Closest i ever got is where i am now. But i probably wont change back. Once you become a national socialist/racial realist, there is absolutely no going back


I keep cycling between these three points


Fucking newfag I swear.
Fuck off to reddit holy shit.

The reason they call it "the red pill" is because once you ponder these nationalist beliefs there is no going back


they all say that when they see it

And I've been here since 2011

Dont tread on me reeeeeeee

probably like this

Does anyone EVER end up in green after starting elsewhere? It's such a boring non-position.


I once saw a guy that started in the middle of green, then moved towards the center and then went full Gandhi into the bottom left.

didnt upload the right one

something like this happend throu time I'm visiting this site, that will be about 4 years

you don't see that on Sup Forums usually because this is a right wing echo chamber. but it does happen outside of /pol

slightly libertarian left in middle scool -> slightly libertarian right in high school -> nazi college -> minarchist present


op is on a steady path towards nazism

Switching between helicopter man and literally Hitler

fuckin kekd hard


youre an actual faggot





Jesus Christ, user.

What is that? Did you go full amish?

Are you criticising the economics of the harder left/right libertarians? Explain so if there's anything substantial to this.

I like it



if you think he is authoritarian right, you missed the point of that show.


>acting surprised over Blue Square Dicksucking
Are you new here? Are you going to ask Blue Square to have any self-awareness at all while they bitch about "muh leftists"?



You could have turned faster if you just went down the middle, would have taken half the time

"It's about the journey, not the destination."

>this guy makes the Marxist generals

When you've had a taste of everything and the best flavour is cold hard helicopter

cuckoldry 101

When was I at my best.



I became a monarchist minarchist

you guys need to sort yourselves out


never tried bottom right

Do you believe in trickle-down economics?

I've read about and studied enough ancap to know I'll never go into it. I will forever me a mix of Pinochet and Hitler


how much have you read/studied?

Congratulations. You will never be an ancap.

Yang's ideals were romantic in nature but Reinhardt's reasoning made me swing more right.


that's a retarded question

I've looked at all of Stefan Molyneux's videos, if that's enough


get off that proxy canadian

oy vey


2 years of jordan peterson have caused you to move from the libertarian right onto a z axis that is seperate from all of the quadrants?

How is it stupid for a privately owned government (a monarchy) to protect private property rights?

jordan peterson is the path to true ascension

take the final redpill and sort yourself out lad

>le new maymay
A fucking leaf

Anyway, no, but given that he specifically mentioned economics as opposed to just putting forward a generic criticism I hoped he'd have something to contribute.


>literally being in favour of feudalism


I went from Israel is our greatest ally to Ben Garrison


wheres the template you stupid nigger

Yes, all quadrants are necessary to have in a properly functioning society and facilitating communication between the 4 types of people is what is most important. Only through discussion among all 4 types of people can society determine what policy decisions would best manage the current problems. As time goes by, discussions are held, and new problems arise, society will find that the best policy decisions will change from one quadrant to another depending on the situation.

To sum up: trained to be a good little liberal in grade school, think money and business are evil, racism is a big deal and white people are bad.

About the time middle school rolls around, I start getting big into history and read stuff on Alexander the Great, Classical civ, European history, US colonial history, etc. Realize everything my teachers have been saying is utter shit when viewed through the lens of history.

Get to college, take econ classes. Realize how fucking stupid protectionist and collectivist economics are.

Read Rand, Hayek, Mises, and Friedman, and now not only question the economic view of the Left, but the morality, as well. realize not only are liberals wrong about everything, they are also pretty much evil for holding the beliefs they do. Certainly immoral if evil is too strong a word, though I don't think it is.


I'm surprised that university hasn't made me more left-leaning.


well, I have a smartphone, affordable car powered by explosions, a magical light box with a window that lets me communicate with people across the world, fires I can turn on and off with one finger, and food that can be hot or cold at my bidding so...yeah, I do. Dumbass.

Its kinda misleading the whole political compass. Im still just as free markets, I'm just socially authoritarian.

I wouldnt ever legislate for it either, its just stuff I want people to do, like resist women in the government and homosex families, you know, sit that's bad for society

Never gets old.

If you don't want to force people to abide by your rules, you aren't authoritarian.That's what libertarian is.

Yeah, but when you're answering the questions and it asks "Should people do (x)" I answer it like I feel like they should.

So Im functionally a Libertarian just so I can stay away from cognitive dissonance, but eventually I'll do that gradual upturn to authoritarian right.

Honestly, friend, you don't need a megastate and overbearing government authority to keep a society free from identity politics, tribalism, and leftism. In fact, you need the opposite - the reason brown people migrate to the West is because we insist on handing out free shit.

If the government's function was reduced to the one thing we have it for - killing people who threaten us and enforcing law - then it wouldn't have the resources to steal (tax) wealth from its people to hand out to others, and no one would respond to the incentive.

I find it funny libtards always bring up the "nation of immigrants" argument against Trump when the immigration they refer to did not benefit at all from welfare, medicare, or any handouts. If you came to America back in The Day, you can to work, build, obey the law, and own the products of your labor. Now you come for gibs.

The welfare state ruins everything. Abolish it and you won't need a government for any purpose except defense.