Ask a Muslim anything

I came across this website from an acquaintance who had expressed interest in converting to Islam. It seems many people here know nothing about Islam, and a simple conversation would be enough for me to correct your misconceptions about our deen.

Islam is the one true religion, anybody who reads into it, reads the Quran, reads about the trials and tribulations of the prophet Muhammad (SAW) and learns about the seerah are convinced that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (SAW) is his final messenger.

I've set aside a few hours to answer any and all concerns you may have. Ask away.

For the record, I've converted many Canadians to Islam, Alhamdulillah the hearts and minds of these people are so warm and bright that Allah bestows upon them the desire to follow Islam.

Other urls found in this thread:ōtā_Ghallūghārā



Alhamdulialah brother, glad that you have finally saw the light.
It is truly a privilege to meet a brother in Islam in this perfidious imageboard that purport such nasty propaganda against our good religion.
I'm here frequently to correct the misconceptions about our religion. Subhanallah, I have been able to convert two polacks to the light of Islam during my time here.

That image is wrong on many levels, if you reply properly in textual form I can dissect it for you.

Mash'allah, you're doing a great deed and Allah will surely reward you for your efforts. Remember not to exert yourself too much brother, for there will always be those who will hear your words but choose to remain deaf.

How do you feel about assimilating to gay pride to your religion?

Why do you bomb and kill people?

Assuming you're truly a muslim and not a Larper, why don't you fuck off and go back where you belong where people will actually care about discussing a backward ideology homosexistan?

You know this is a gay meet up site...right?

I believe that muslims who claim they are gay muslims are severely misguided. Homosexuality is a grave sin in Islam (and in Judaism and Christianity as well). In short, they are in a state of constantly committing a grave sin and only Allah can for sure know their punishment in the afterlife. In Islam, as Muslims, we want to stay as far away from sin and sinful behaviours as possible, as such, homosexuality is something to be avoided.

It is you, the western imperialists who have brought nothing but death and destruction upon muslim nations and muslim peoples as a whole. There are many factors that feed into why there is a reactionary series of events occurring primarily in the middle east and other areas. Remember, that terrorists first and foremost kill muslims to a larger degree than they do anybody else and that it is the west that enables them.

I was born in Canada, as such I have no control over where Allah Subhanu wt'ala chooses for me to be born in. All I can say for certain is that I will continue my endeavors in spreading truth of the creator.

I am glad that the majority of canadians are not so close minded and mentally defunct as you seem to imply yourself to be by your general rhetoric.

It does not appear to be.

Top or bottom?

I didn't tell you to go back to your country, but rather to go back where your shit ideology came from. Nobody wants you here, but people like you. So why don't you fuck off?

Islam is a universal ideology, it was brought to us as a mercy unto mankind and is the worlds first religion, that of Adam and Eve, peace be upon them.

For whatever reasons you believe it to be a "shit" ideology, I am sure I can convince you otherwise just as I've convinced several others.

Q. How long until you ban Usury (lending money at interest) worldwide?
Q. How quickly can you undo the disaster that is womens' rights?

Mr. Muslim you may be the west's last hope at getting uncucked.

Though you really should do something about all the niggers too.

Why do Muslims drink camel urine?

It might be an universal ideology, just like christianity, but it isn't the one my ancestors followed and we never liked your kind and never will. So I fail to see your point.

The Quran is an extremely impressive book. All information points it to be an authentic religious text that was unchanged since it was compiled and written down. To me this is compelling.

However I have come across some arguments against this which I would like you address:
1) The Quran is very impressive but it is not supernatural
2) There are alternative versions of the Quran in existence in history, how do we know they were not the correct one?
3) The Quran does not match the order in which was revealed and therefore could have bee altered compared to what was revealed by Mohammad. There is no evidence it was the same.

Thankyou so much for your time. Is a true rarity here on Sup Forums. God bless.

Why did my brother convert to Islam and what can I do to bring him back?

What's the point of living in Canada, a country which God might destroyed due to it's infidelity (with disasters or whatever).

Why would you raise your kids here?

What's your take on eschatology? The times that we live in?

Why don't you fucks do your job?

Pic fucking related

I hope you find Jesus before it's too late.

When it's all over you're going to wish you had. You'll remember this post for an eternity. Anyways see ya.

Do believe Allah is the same God that Christians and Jews worship?

Convert with him or he will behead you in the middle of the night, Praise Allah



What breed of goats arse is the tightest, asking for my mate New Zealand?

Oh thank Allah now I know Muslims are actually peaceful and loving. I'll make sure to go tell those dead Copts who got blew up and destroyed Christian villages of Iraq that Islam is a religion of peace and would never hurt them.

How many underage wives do you have?


In the shariah, that is, the Islamic rulings by which a proper muslim state will implement, usury is indeed banned as it is a dishonest policy.

In Islam, women are equal to men and have the same rights to education, healthcare, inheritance so on and so forth so I do not understand where you are going with this.

Sorry, I don't prescribe to racism, Black muslims are as much my brothers as anybody else who is muslim.

These are questions to which you could easily find the response to simply by googling, why do you choose to keep yourself ignorant?
In fact, the link above is what you linked me and is enough to tell you why that is found in the hadiths and why it is no longer followed, despite scientific findings.

1) The quran is indeed impressive, you should look into numerology within the quran to discover something even more impressive about the patterns found in it
2) The simple nature of how the quran has been compiled and how it was initially passed down as an oral tradition and how it was written down quite quickly after a common consensus is enough to prove that indeed, since the time of the prophet, it is unchanged
3) the link above discusses that in detail, actually

I am glad your brother has seen the right path, the convert to Islam is the most pious and the most intelligent, for they are those who are born in an environment without islam, but Allah has gifted them such great ability that they are able to bring themselves to worship the one creator

Islam is spreading, everyday at my local masjid there are locals who come in and express interest in the religion, I have personally supervised the shahadah for a handful number of canadians of varying professions, doctor, engineer, businessman and day laborer. It is my belief that the entirety of the planet will become muslim :)

How many dead Muslims is a good number of dead Muslims?

I think 1.6 billion sounds like a good number.

No longer followed? Then why does the World Health Organization have to tell Muslims to stop doing it? I thought Muslims were supposed to be scientifically advanced. Why did the Prophet even tell his followers to do something so unsanitary in the first place?

>I've converted many Canadians to Islam
Fuck off and kill yourself troll. I seriously doubt some newfag would take the time to learn how to into secure tripcodes or even look at the FAQ.

Actions speak louder than words, friend. Tell your fellow brothers to start burning gays and trannies. You are not being a good follower of Islam, you're simply as hypocrite.

How can Allah make so many mistakes?

Great information. Thanks. Maybe I will convert. Seriously considering.

why do you hate women?

Then tell your fellow brothers to start burning pedophiles and the Islam problem will solve itself.

why do you hate Hindus?

We live in troubling times, more and more people become irreligious, but Allah is merciful and it seems that more and more find Islam.

He/She is misguided and living in sin.

Jesus/Issa (saw) is a dear and important prophet to muslims, in fact his name appears in the quran far greater times than Muhammad's (saw) does. It is you christians who are doing a great disservice by worshiping him, instead of the father.

Jews are extremely misguided as they reject the prophet Muhammad (saw) BUT they worship ONE god, and that is the same god of Islam.

Christians, in my view are polytheists who worship the trinity, the saints, bishops and the pope rather than worshipping god. It is no surprise that hindus and pagans see christians as brothers since they consider christians to also be polytheists.

I've seen many such images, it saddens me that people cannot think for themselves or do a little bit of research.

I can assure you that I am not trolling. The greatest of believers are those who convert, and you will not besmirch their name.

Islam and Muslims will never die.

Those aren't the appropriate punishments, and I am not an Islamic judge living in a state governed by shariah (protip: none exist) to determine such matters. But yes, Transexuals and Homosexuals are deviants, living in a constant state of sin as they often have premarital sex, and as such, such behaviours have their appropriate punishments intended such that they fall back on the one true path to worshipping the creator.

It is you, the west who hates women. Islam's core tenets are a mercy to human kind, of which include the equality between men and women.

Mashallah, I am happy for you and will make dua for you.

I do not, they are my fellow human being.

Why does your prophet give such good head?

For fellow human beings Muslims sure love slaughtering Hindus just like they like slaughtering Christians, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Druze, Atheists, and even other Muslims who aren't the same kind of Muslim as them.

how easy will it be to convince muslims that we need another with vietnam to even things out

How can you say men and women are equal
when in eqypt under shariah law a womans testimony is worth half that of a man?

Muhammad is a pedophile and allah is a product of kikes so go fuck up Israel and leave Canada alone you turbanmonkey.

why aren't you on reddit right now?

If slaughtering is what they did, that must be why Zoroastrians still exist after centuries of sunni, then shiite rule in Iran. Or how christians and jews both existed from morocco to india, and still they do exist, even after centuries of 'brutal oppression' as you like to claim. The fact of the matter is, Islam was spread mostly through oral preaching and local incentive.

Egypt is not governed by shariah, they are ruled by a dictator.

What is reddit?

It is sad to see both islamophobia and antisemetism. Your eyes are blinded by ignorance, I am not sure there is much I can do for you.

Who is obliged to carry out god's punishments in Islam?

fine aussie shitposting

How many times do I headbutt a rock to be retarded enough to convert to Islam?

If Islam is so great then why are all Islamic countries such horrible shitholes that everyone desperately wants to escape? Hard mode: no mention of muh evil Americans

Why is it so hard for you to understand why no one wants you in their country when you yourselves desperately want to get away from your own people? You should be the most empathetic of all.

>it saddens me that people cannot think for themselves or do a little bit of research
You do realize the sole reason why islam still exists is because people, especially muslims, choose to not think for themselves, right?

Oh yes the Copts just blew themselves up. The Christian villages just magically turn empty. The Zoroastrians are totally not having to be careful with what they say and do in Iran to avoid death. Hey I bet even this big list of persecution against a Muslim sect is just a myth!

But aren't Hindus Kufars because they worship idols and don't have a book?

In the current life? If there is a state governed by perfect shariah, there will be islamic courts that will decide the appropriate punishments.

And believe me, all of these punishments are far less insulting to human rights than current punishments in western and nonwestern (and even supposedly islamic countries) today

They are 'shitholes' as you say precisely because of the history of western interference in the area. Muslim countries that are not shitholes such as the UAE or Saudi do not have many emigrants. It is simply allah's decision where any being is born, or goes to.

You are right and wrong at the same time. If more muslims read the quran and read about the religion, things would be much better, they would be proper muslims rather than those who sin and then are labelled as muslim.

it is horrible that those things happen, but believe me, they aren't happening because islam tells them to do it, it's happening in a country that has significant problems with government, economy and social issues, and of course, the majority will find a minority to use as a scapegoat and lash out on.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why christians even exist still in egypt if you think muslims are so cruel? The geography of egypt has seen plenty of varying muslim dynasties and rule, many of which implemented to varying degrees shariah in its entirety or aspects of it, and believe me, the christians lived in prosperity.

In fact, christians, if they have a proper understanding of islam will immediately convert to islam, or want to live under shariah, that is the historical narrative thus far. And these are true christians, not your fake imitation christians like in the west.

>be muslim
>be afraid of ham

So why are muslims such pussies?

Fastest growing religion because they're killing other religions and breeding with veiled sows. Absolutely disgusting.

There are many hindus that convert to Islam. Yes, as hindus are not people of the book, they are in the same class as pagans and atheists, i.e. kuffar. What sense does it make to worship several figures, I've even seen and heard cases of hindus worshipping rodents and having temples dedicated to them, what sense does this make? Why do you deny the oneness of the creator? Even sikhs have done well to recognize that yes, there is only one true creator and that there is none equal to or above him.

Peacful my ass Muhammad was a peadophile and a mass murderer he forced people to submit or face death

Also Jihad is the only way to heavan? Am I right Abdul?

Muhammed was a rapist warlord
Alcohol is dope
I enjoy listening to my sacrilegious, satin worshipping music
fuck off you filthy sandnigger

Islam says I can fuck kids and farm animals and beat my wives if they don't do as I say, also i can lie to anyone i don't like and kill people I disagree with and still go to heaven, Islam rules!

Muslims are the primary victims of western supported terrorists both directly and indirectly. It is you western tax payers and your politicians who are responsible for groups such as daesh who kill muslims more than anybody else while besmirching the name of islam.

He was neither a pedophile nor a murderer, if you simple google these questions and get responses from islamic scholars you will arrive at the consensus that you've been severely misguided.

Jihad is not the only way to heaven, no.

See above.

See above.

Why is your most highly regarded prophet a pedophile and a rapist?

How many goats do you fuck a day? How many children do you molest a day? If you get force feed pork and then shot in the head will you go to hell?

>They are 'shitholes' as you say precisely because of the history of western interference in the area.
Bahahaha you crack me up. Keep blaming whitey. I grew up around your type and you have very few redeeming qualities. I know exactly why Muslim countries are all shitholes - because they're filled with (you)'s.

what's up with the pedophilia?
Like what the fuck?
>marrying a girl at 9
>consummating that marriage

Answer my question, faggot.

Why are you pussies afraid of ham?

>It is you, the western imperialists
>Remember, that terrorists first and foremost kill muslims

I can understand having issues with developed nations led by Jews who ruin your shit every day, why do you feel the need to blow each other up too? Not suggesting you stop, just genuinely curious.

He married her at 6 actually.

We aren't in control of our government, Jewish communists have taken over and are using our military to invade the middle east.

By the way, many Americans are Christian, which the middle east was until your salafist religion came in and took our lands so don't complain to us about imperialism.


Will you snackbar Canada?

Ok I have a question about my Islamic faith....
You see the prophet Muhammad inspired me so must with his actions I went to a playground and raped a little girl, problem is but it turned out to have a penis....
So my question is are traps acceptable in Islam or am I going to hell


One of yours OP?

>In Islam, women are equal to men
Then why must they be covered, accompanied and not allowed to drive? In reality i do agree with that last one though.


Islam dindu nuffin. Islam is a good religion of peace. Dey jus need to get dey life on track. So when is this problem of government, economy, and social going to disappear? Seems to have existed since day 1 of Islam considering all of this persecution of other religions! Everyone will love it under the great Islamic government! Just ask these people!ōtā_Ghallūghārā

Okay ill google it

Also are they the same scholars who said And If I go on A Jihad will I go directly to heaven and if so does that mean that every islamic state fight who went on Jihad and died as a mortar is in heavan?

Daily reminder that Muhammadan always lie in order to get you into their religion progressively. They switch the script later on.

post moar I want to see this little leaf roach completely horrified






Google those inquiries and you get lengthy answers by islamic scholars who are knowledgeable on the matter. I am not going to bother explaining it myself as I feel no matter what I say, your eyes and ears are shut to truth.

See above.

No, you will not go to hell for being force fed pig, in fact, if pig is the only resource available then it is permissible to eat it in order to survive.

Stay ignorant.

Pigs are dirty animals, why would I want to eat meat that comes from an animal that eats and bathes in its own feces?

It is western funded and trained mercenaries acting in the guise of islam.

Islam came as a mercy and was spread by politics, oral discussion, trade and local incentives.

All politically motivated.

You are wrong, and have not googled or looked into anything.

those quotes don't imply what the image seems to imply

What is ISIS becomes successful and powerful force in Syria/Iraq, will Muslims flock to the Caliphate?

>[This is] a surah which We have sent down and made [that within it] obligatory and revealed therein verses of clear evidence that you might remember.
>The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah , if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment.

Say I'm Muslim, I have a Muslim neighbour, and I know he is a fornicator (zini). What am I supposed to do? Call 10 Muslim friends and flog him?

The texts say uncle mohammed fondled and slept with a 9 year old girl. Your definition may differ but that's what developed countries call a pedophile.

A western funded mercenary group that prides itself on killing fellow muslims will never be successful :)

Go ahead and search islamics scholars rebuttals on that. They are lengthy and have several sources from the quran, hadiths and seerah that I can't provide to you to the best of my ability.

It's all politically motivated! We don't hate other religions! We'd never use a major world conflict to genocide innocent people in the name of Islam! Oh woops

>Islam came as a mercy and was spread by politics, oral discussion, trade and local incentives.

Blatant lie. Insane.

>all politically motivated

There is no distinction in Islam between the political and the religious. This is a western distinction that is mistakenly applied to Islam all the time.

>those quotes don't imply what the image seems to imply

They just do.

I'm not the only one whose paranoid about the fact that OP might not even be Islamic but a really excellent faker right?

answer this question

Underrated emuposting

All those who converted, including yourself will soon be purged. See you soon

neck yourself

Ive read enough on the topic, I have friends who are ex muslims

If your getting upset go bomb a train or something

>just kidding I dont want no Mudslim slitting my throat