ITT: Post tips on how to improve yourself.

I'll start with why nofap is good for you.

>What I share with you is knowledge that took a long time to find amongst books written by the magicians of the old age. It is a gift to those of you who are interested in occultism and bettering yourself. Those who are bored with the meaningless life of the masses and start to question if we are living in an illusion. I cannot convince the hardcore skeptics if they are not willing to believe and spend some of their time reading the books I would recommend. So, that is not my goal. I only wish to help enlighten those who I was like before. Let's begin!

Other urls found in this thread:

>The ignorant who shout that Freemasons are just "old guys getting together for beers and chess" are idiots. It is true that most scottish rite lodges have lost ancient knowledge and have deteriorated to being a social club, but the secret societies that didn't deteriorate are something different. Did you know that in Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia there were great doctors and scientists? Have you ever opened a book written by one of their leaders? Have you ever looked at the recommended reading materials at the last pages? There are hundreds of pages dedicated to biology, evolution, cells and anatomy. And all of this was mixed with astrology and other occult sciences. Psychology plays a big part in the studies too, even nutrition. Those people were not "Luddites" or "tinfoil hats". They were respected doctors and scientists that knew more than you. I am not endorsing you joining such societies though. You don't need to join one to have the knowledge you require. Most of the knowledge is found between their books all ready, published.

>Now you will ask "Why shouldn't I masturbate?" and you will expect me to say some magical mumbo jumbo that is not sound. But no. Both the physical and the unseen effects have been covered in various occult books. You will first find explanation in the books of this old English Rosicrucian order. You can find them online. Secondly, you will find explanation in the works of Max Heindel, who also under the guidance of invisible brothers opened a Rosicrucian order in America. Samael Aun Weor is the one who fanatically writes against masturbation. He is your third clue. He was once a Rosicrucian student, than went rogue and created his own Gnostic religion, and wrote many books. The fourth clue is Mantak Chia, an eastern master of Chi Kung who has a book on sexual alchemy. There are other clues in the writings of Rudolf Steiner, Franz Bardon, Gurdjieff and others. All these gentlemen wrote on the subjects of psychology, addiction and the spiritual path. It is really the goal of every spiritual aspirant, member of a secret society or not. To observe himself and practice various exercises. To unlock his hidden powers and to use them to serve humanity. To get closer to God and to fasten his own evolution. To become the best he can be.

>But there are also evil people and societies. Such black magicians and people with their own agenda have not once infiltrated societies and corrupted them. What can I say? There are powers working against humanity, who want people to be apathetic, lazy, addicted, sleepy, fearful, hateful, uncontrollable, lustful, perverse, degenerate. People like me want you to realize that you actually have the power to control and change yourself for the better. But they don't want you to know that. They want you to think that you are an animal with urges and feelings that shouldn't be suppressed or changed. So that they can manipulate and keep you in prison. And you know a little something about the so called "law of attraction"? If you are convinced that you don't have any control over yourself, you become more and more like that.

>Now I will finally explain the horrible effects of masturbation. When you are about to cum, your body extracts a lot of precious proteins, minerals and other goodies from your organs, including the brain. All this is send into the sperm for the most holy purpose of creating a new human being. When you masturbate every day you are constantly leeching important nutrients from your body, zinc for example. You are also depleting your testosterone and other hormones. As the days go by, your brain becomes cloudy and more stupid, your organs become weaker and weaker. Sicknesses await to sprout in your body and alert you of your wrong living. Your eyesight worsens. The hormonal disbalance makes you easily upset and reactive, like a woman. But this is just what one can reveal to his gullible friends. Because they are not ready to accept the whole truth.

>tfw 19 and sex drive is so low masturbate less than once a week

>And this is basically what the creative sex force can be seen like. It is at the base of your spine. It can pass through your spine and through 2 coiled channels around it. People can make the sex force rise and give them enlightenment. It can be used to merge the heart and mind together and purify man from any sickness. That includes all your fears, traumas and mental issues. But you don't need that yet. You just need to stop wasting your force, and to put it to a better use. As long as we achieve that, the world will be different tomorrow.

>When you waste your creative sex force masturbating, you will feel relaxed and nice temporarily. After that, expect 2-3 days of being more angry, unstable, depressed, under the influence of bad thoughts and generally more reactive. You will feel apathetic and lazy. As your life force replenishes you will feel more alive and active again. But there are far worse problems than that. Sooner or later the everyday masturbator will be punished for the misuse of his creative organ with a sickness. Either impotency or bladder cancer. Each time you masturbate, you are lowering your sex force below the spine even, corrupting your mind and becoming more vile. The more risen your force is, the more you are close to your best version and to god. The more downwards your energy goes, the more you strengthen the devil inside you. Funny that it's called "the creative organ". it can be used to create life, or to create other things as well.

>There is something else you should know about. Your desire body. It is a cloud of color vapors you don't presently see. It is made from your desires and emotions. Low spirits and demons will be attracted to you for they feed from your sperm vapors like food. With your depressed mind and weak condition, these entities will slowly gain the power to influence you. Suggestions may come in your mind, feelings, images, even voices. But that is usually rare. What you are usually doing when masturbating to porn is creating your own thought forms. But they are not yet self aware creatures. They are just addiction bubbles floating in your desire aura. The more you feed the addiction by ejecting your sperm, the more powerful and harder it becomes to destroy. It is similar to those addicted to marijuana, drugs and alcohol. But they feed their addictions by giving in to pleasure. You usually have a safe mechanism that makes you bored out of everything. But this is also your downfall, for when your dopamine can't raise from sexual stimulants that have become boring to you, you seek more vile and vile perversions. Your inner adversary, feeds on the excitement, as you waste your life force, focusing it on the fantasy. This glytch is called "the kundabuffer organ". When you have pleasure, it makes you want more and more. This is the glitch that addicts you into your doom.

>Some people are immune to certain addictions thought, because they have overcome them in past lives. This is why we have young men nowadays masturbating to horrible and perverse porn. Some even wanting to cross dress and be humiliated. This is a more frequent case in people who can't get satisfied sexually with a partner. If you don't learn to control yourself it will destroy your relationship and ruin the lives of your family. But be surprised, I am not making you become celibate. It is not that bad if you ejaculate in your wife. Because at the moment of ejaculation your are not focusing on a fantasy, wasting your energy creating an addictive thought form. But you are actually exchanging energy with your wife. As long as your penis is in her vagina, it is not nearly as worse as masturbating to fantasies. Ideally, some adepts like Aun Weor teach that we should have sex with our wives without reaching the point of ejaculation. It is fine and healthy for you, both ways. It is good to enjoy cuddling with your partner and not always reach the point of ejaculation. But to have more frequently such sex. The realm harm only comes when you ejaculate to fantasies and porn. Than there is no energy exchange with a real woman with a spirit, but instead you are feeding thought forms and low spirits. It is the unforgivable sin of wasting your creative force. It is unforgivable because your organs will take the toll of you straining them, every time you give in to your animal side. You can't expect God to not let your organs damage themselves. He forgives you thought, and gives you many chances to heal your body if you stop doing it. But the choice is yours.


>Now on the very important point of what are you to do? Just start striving to masturbate less and less. Once a week at most. It is okay if you fail again, and again, and again, and again. Even if you have a breakdown and do ungodly deeds to yourself 4 days in a role. Just don't stop trying. Remember that deep down you know that you want more than this and that you don't truly like this. You will realize that it is just the evil influences of your own personal addiction "demons" that you are fighting, and that you can ignore them and say no. You have control over yourself, they want you to think you don't. As long as you don't stop trying, you will be bettering yourself. Strive to calm down your perverse sexuality, than strive to masturbate even less than once a week. Massage your sexual organ and stimulate it to keep it healthy and away from degenerating. But do not sexual thoughts while doing it.

This is fucking retarded OP, stop using old statues and paintings as if you're passing on 'ancient knowledge' and as if classical anquity knowledge is more advanced than what we have today. I didn't see the ancient greeks with M1 Abhrams or ICBM missles, they were fags too

>You must remember to not resist and fight the coming temptation but to say to yourself "I can do it if I want it so much, but do I really want this so much right now? Is it worth it compared to 3 days of dullness and depression?". Like every other addiction it is most had when you are denying it to yourself and feeling like you are forbidden to do it. When you give your self the freedom to do it and remember why you don't like doing it, it will be easier. You will soon gain the power to realize how influences come to you and make you do certain things, and that you can choose to resist them while other people are controlled by them like puppets. When you succumb to the sexual desire replace the filthy fantasy by a picture of some beautiful naked woman. Be in high spirit, just focusing on her beautiful body and keep your mind clear from any other fantasies. It will be boring but it is highly beneficial that you stop loosing your life force to the sick fantasies that addict you. When you simply ejaculate to a photo of a boring naked woman, you still suffer loss of your creative sex force, but prevent yourself from feeding your addictive fantasies and moral degeneration. You will slowly become of better character and lose the interest of pleasuring yourself.

>Ultimately, you will find a woman that loves you, especially as you pass 25. You must stay away from hookers and women who are filthy sluts. It was shown that their vaginas actually suck dna from their past lovers that stays with them. If you have sex with a hooker or a slut, you are not only corrupting your mind, but you are also corrupting yourself with the thought forms and character traits of the men she had sex with, and with hers too. Have no fear of dying alone, and teach yourself to live alone, with love to your family and friends. Focus on your spiritual path and also on conquering your material goals, but for a good purpose. Women will come and you will chose the one that is for you. If not you can also go to some Asian country. Heck, you can even go buy a slave woman from a bazaar. You would be doing her a favor, giving her a life of dignity and happiness instead of being sold to someone who would beat her and rape her daily. Feminists are too ignorant to realize this. Just because you bought a slave from a Muslim country, it doesn't mean that you will be treating her like a slave, but you actually saved her and offered her better life. But if you let her be exposed to feminists and the modern media, she will become rotten like the sluts and feminists you hate. I assure you that you won't need to do that. Now that you realize that you can get a woman anytime you want, you will stop seeking them and being needy. You will stop being enslaved and obsessed about them. You will stop fearing society norms and time. Time will now be on your side.

>Lastly, let me mention that when you begin to deny your sexual perversions, they will attack you in your dreams and at day time. You may be peaceful and happy but suddenly a strong sexual influence will come out of nowhere. The addiction thought form will strike most when it is at it's weakest and about to die. They feed on "attention" after all. So, you may find yourself shaking and questioning if you ever truly had control of your body. You thought you did, but you never truly had until now. It was a legion of personalities, likes and dislikes that controlled you, some even instilled by society and others to program you. Daily prayer may help you change your moral character. Repetition of good values and goals is a key. This has an effect on your subconsciousness and your vital body. When tempted do not give audience to the fantasy even for a second, for even a second of fantasizing will give more power to your enemy, the devil. Try to sit down and meditate, just keep your mind clear for 5 minutes and relax. Focus on your breathing to ignore the evil influence and regain control over yourself. It will be horrible and hard. The addictions will lay dormant for weeks and suddenly strike and give you sexual dreams. Endure and keep working on observing and bettering yourself. Soon you will learn the occult exercises such as the daily recollection.

>I didn't see the ancient greeks with M1 Abhrams or ICBM missles
Yes, because technologies have improved, society as a whole has also improved. Great argument.

>Remember, the best way to get rid of your perversions and to claim back your creative sex force is to put it to good use. Focus on creating something you have a desire for. Write. Paint. Create. Design. Think. Do. Spend most of your time obsessing over your hobbies and material goals, as long as it's for a good cause. As you can see I love writing about such things. I am a writer amongst other things. You can as easily obsess over gardening, working on your car or even creating inventions. Whatever you feel a desire to do. As you spend most of your creative force focusing on that, the perverse addictions will not have much to suck from you. When the mind is busy, the devil cannot speak to it. By ignoring, you will slowly replace the thought forms in your desire aura with better desires. So keep replacing your low cravings and desires by focusing on better desires. For example having sex with a beautiful wife instead of perverse transsexual fantasies based on excitement and humiliation. Or craving tasty nutritious food that you like instead of junk food.

>That is it for today my friends. Next week you may see me as a guy wiping tables at a restaurant, or working in a prestigious company, driving a Porsche. It doesn't change the fact that I spend 2 hours writing this to help you. Good deeds are rewarded in heaven. I could have spend this time playing league of legends or reading "how niggers are stealing my white women". But instead I choose to write something that will change the lives of many people. This is the power of creation. Now you have a choice. Waste your power on masturbating to some teenage sluts who don't like you but would end up sad and abused, waste your power on having temporary pleasure like an animal, or deny the devil and join us in actively fixing your life and making your dreams come true. I came to my new country a filthy immigrant, yet I am all ready getting interviews for high class jobs. Stop fapping your brain away and focus that power on thinking how to improve your life. Your God want's that. Apologies to him and thank him for giving you to opportunity to find my writing. Confess not to a priest, but to your God personally, how you want to improve yourself and what your heart craves.

I did not write all of this, but I hope this information is useful to my fellow Sup Forumsacks.

You can always find it again here:

I invented M1 abhams and ICBM nukes in less than 100 years, they had THOUSANDS of years to come up with something and all they had was pottery and the hoplite formation. They were literally niggers.

Now give me a redpill for alcohol and drugs

Just don't abuse them and make it the focus of your life. Everything in moderation.

God bless you op, really in a tough time rn and very addicted to masturbation, gonna try to reread this anytime I feel that urge!

Seconded, these threads are always nice to have

I'm glad this helped you man. I've been struggling with my addiction to porn for years now. I would have been a completely different person if I didn't waste my teenage years fapping so much.

Good read. I can attest that semen retention and abstaining from masturbation gives very real results. I did it for 2 months and had sex once during that time. Hadn't felt better in over a decade. The only reason I even had sex was the fact that I was able to attract a girlfriend during the time I wasn't wasting my sexual energy on spilling my seed every day. It's very, very real. I met my girlfriend at the supermarket 2 weeks into nofap and approached her in the cereal aisle. It was awesome.

The hardest part is by far the first couple of weeks, especially if you were addicted, like I was. It is worth the struggle. I developed an intense desire to work out and had much less social anxiety.

I am now the weakest I have ever been. Any advice?

i like to masturbate before sleeping, very relaxing. when i don't it always takes much longer to fall asleep. what do /nofap/? i want to quit but this is the hardest part for me desu

Exercise is a must. Walk, run, bike, hike, swim, lift etc. Doesn't matter what you do, but you must keep your body active and constantly strive to improve yourself physically. Start slow so you don't burn out and give up. Also exercise is a good way to distract your mind from dark and negative thoughts. An idle mind is the devil's playground.

A strong body = a strong mind

this, it's become part of my routine

>I am now the weakest I have ever been. Any advice?

Been there (recently) and felt like I could have typed these same words. You must find something to fill your mind and keep your hands busy. An absence of activity and engagement gives too many openings to temptation.

It can be anything at all - but you must *do* something. Writing, drawing, painting, even simply being around another person will do wonders on keeping your hands out of your pants. It may be required for those of us that cannot muster the willpower on our own. I was there once, and still fight the urges constantly. It has gotten much easier, but they're still there - always tempting.

The fact that you realize that you are weak is the first step that most men never even come close to understanding. Take pride in that. I found it very helpful to read testimonials on yourbrainonporn and other similar websites. You might also find value in studying semen retention on how every major religion on the planet has advocated or practiced this to some degree. It's real.

Come on. NOFAP is bad for you. Porn is bad for you.

The redpilled way is noporn. Fapping is natural. Porn is not.

Of course porn addiction leads to fapping too much. Just cut out the porn, fap when needed, and you will be fine.

>I met my girlfriend at the supermarket 2 weeks into nofap and approached her in the cereal aisle. It was awesome.
NoFap is how you approach women. If you can stick with it for 90 days, your power level will exceed 9000 and you can overcome your autism.

The deck is stacked. Fapping leeches precious minerals. Soil depletion has left our food supply depleted of essential nutrients our forefathers once.

Glucosamine for impulse control.

>muslims don't fap.
>you don't fap
are you gonna suicide bomb us soon?

How about noporn AND nofap? You don't need to fap just use that energy to improve yourself.

OP how do I rise my sexual energy ip my spine for kundalini activation?
does uddiyana actually work??

An user posted a quote once, I can't recall it exactly but to paraphrase -

"The hunter will not hunt if he does not believe he is hungry."

This helped to open my eyes to the depleting and illusory effects of masturbation, especially if you combine it with porn. You are fooling your body and mind into believing that you are sexually satisfied, a far cry from reality if you are dependent on masturbation. This is what leads to enormous cognitive dissonance which spirals into depression, anxiety, and shame, which leads anons to seek threads like these.

What do you guys do for work?

you cant be redpilled and still fap to porn

Debt collector. I ruin nigger's lives for a living. Fun.


your mom pays me to fuck her so i can maintain my nofap lifestyle

Salesman. It's fucking awful. I'm quitting soon because I'm tired of selling lies. The money isn't worth it.

Sup Forums and nofap opened my eyes. I'm tired of being a pseudo-Jew.

No fap is bad for you. You should masturbate when you need to, preferably to your own thoughts and dreams.

I was looking into skilled trades, particularly HVAC. Though I'm concerned that I would have to shave my beard because respirators. I was going to college on a full ride for teaching, but it was a liberal school and I was too redpilled. I'm considering just staying at Wal-Mart, where I work now in the back as a supervisor. I don't ring register and I don't deal with the public. I think they would accommodate my Autism there and allow me to move into management without ringing. I just can't stand at a register without moving.

I only fap twice or one a month. And I dont watch porn.

Thank you.

At first I thought this was bullshit but reading the rest of it was actually some really helpful stuff. Thanks for this.

Typically a sign of low test. Make sure your nutrition is correct and well-adapted to your lifestyle.

>I just can't stand at a register without moving.

I did this, coincidentally also at a Wal-Mart. It was my first job out of high school. I'd never do it again, but I also wouldn't trade the insane amount of face-to-face experience I got with all sorts of people.

I'm current on day 7 of nofap. Soon gonna be day 8 so technically day 8. I just need to preserver one more day and then I break my record.

I made a huge mistake today, I was foolish enough to go to /s/ - Sexy Beautiful Women today I spent time browsing various threads like lingerie, flashing, etc. The dopamine rush is real and addicting. Luckily I did not bow down to my instincts but it was something I should not have indulged in. Afterwards I felt almost depressed, how I usually feel after masturbating. Even though I didn't.

Even later I ate some chinese food, sesame chicken with white rice. I've complete thrown my diet out the window and ate WAY too much today. I actually became depressed and sluggish after finishing it.

Tomorrow I have my p chem lab final at 8am. Wish me luck.


would someone suggest a book about that details the history of israel objectively?

Thanks OP

The House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets, 1798-1848
Book by Niall Ferguson

thanks user. i'll check it out.

Woah, I was certain I'd find anti-Poppy Britcuck in here. What gives!?!?!

Mein Kampf

Thanks man, i've been addicted to crossdressing hentai for some time, literally nothing else gets me hard anymore and i hate it, this shit spoke to me in a personal level.

Broke the streak of 5 days and did it 7 times today...
Feels bad man

h-hi twin.

just start again my nigga

In regads to No fap, Anyone have any knowledge regarding pros or cons of edging?

I've been trying to just go off 2-3 days, than on 2-3 days. I don't feel nearly as much guilt doing that

stop pooping

Why is this not taught more in society. I admit I used to though no fap was the typical "religious nut"/"helicopter parenting" thing to teach when I was a teen.

But in recent years I truly see and I just wish I was convinced earlier. Once in a while maybe but once it becomes a routine, a relaxation technique, It makes you just lazy and apathetic and host of other issues as others have said here.

>Anyone have any knowledge regarding pros or cons of edging?

Dangerously toeing the line and showers your brain with a constant dopamine bath from touching yourself, inhibiting the "reboot" process of nofap. Definitely recommend against it especially if you're doing nofap to help with ED or other problems.

>Why is this not taught more in society.

To encourage a complacent and hypersexualized society. Why? I don't know. I just know the evidence is all around us.

self improvement is mental masturbation

those things were not necessary at the time, retard.

Remember for the future how bad you feel now, how pathetic it is, and how it doesn't help anything.

Is this the australian shitposting i hear so much about?

now self destruction ...

Does anyone have the mega for pol and biz essentials PDF book readings??

The only reason I was even considering it was because I read it gives a temporary boost to testosterone. So I can see it being useful before a workout. Any merit to this or is it really not worth the repercussions?

maybe if you keep repeating this it will become true

>Falling for the no fap placebo meme
G fucking G

If it works it works. It's improvement.

That does make some sense, but I would be very careful with your own self control. Relapsing into a wank marathon always starts with a casual edging session so I would argue it isn't even worth tempting.

Start a movement OP
We need people like you to lead us

Go watch Japanese cartoons with your unimpressive dick in your hand. It's totally just fine for you and the same as doing productive activity as an alternative! You sure are right!

oh okay please explain how nutrition should be adapted to a lifestyle. go be A FUCKING LEAF somewhere else retard.

Dank quads of truth.

I have no issue with no fap as it often is a catalyst for self change but the issue is people who delude themselves into thinking it's anything more than a simple placebo effect.

Will do

>It was shown that their vaginas actually suck dna from their past lovers that stays with them.

I found the 19 year old who's been putting together philosophy like a buffet from various sources, since that DNA thing is new and actually not technically true.

Who are you to make yourself a gatekeeper of philosophy?

Is /nofap/ worth it, I'm starting tonight, but what do I do to improve myself? I can't work out because of how out of shape I am. Is there advice on where to start?
I don't have any workout equippment, and much time, what can I do in 30 mins?
I'm tired of being a walking steryotype

Nofap alone is massively beneficial to the male body in that you are not constantly expelling vital nutrients from ejaculation. This alone will help you with general fitness and especially mental well-being.

In regards to working out, you can do quite a lot without the need for any equipment whatsoever. Push-ups and sit-ups, while a huge pain in the ass if you haven't done them in years, are a good place to start. Even if you can barely do 5 or 10, start there - never forget that taking the first steps are by FAR the hardest.

I own a treadmill that I put on the lowest speed and I read a book while walking on it. I lost quite a lot of weight doing this and it's very relaxing. Something to consider if you're like me and don't really enjoy walking outside.

>early 20s
>when you barely have more than one friend and can't even hold onto one friend, let alone talk to qts
>you piss and don't even think about your dick
>forget you even have dick until someone says no fap

You know it's total blasphemy to post these icons without a genuine appreciation of their catholic context. You're just shilling for (((self improvement)))

which leads a man no where because earning your DYI stripes won't conquer vanity for this world is passing away.

These people are commies. You all know that the most basic tenants of communism fail simply because communism cannot motivate people. So they shill for stoicism and the iron pill and self improvement to groom plebs into wanting to work because it will apparently make their life more satisfying if they are canning beans in a commie hell hole for the next 50 years of their life with a 5$.hr paycheck.

It won't you will live miserably and die miserably. You are best just praying to jesus Christ and shit posting.

These threads popped up at the same time reddit decided to shill for communism on here

oh by the way

Commies love destroying chruch art and architecture . Pic very related

I know what you been. But perhaps people writing this stuff are not deluded but are just writing to make a more persuasive placebo effect.

It is worth it. You can just start with going for simple walks, listen to a podcast or something if you must. Do some stretches, light exercises, move your way up slowly. It's hard you won't be able to do it consistently everyday on your own in all likelyhood. But you have to try, little by little.

>Is /nofap/ worth it
Depends on the person. It's not gonna do much but make you feel that you've actually accomplished a difficult goal and that in itself is a good thing because success breeds further success. Anything else is dank memes and meme accessories.

>but what do I do to improve myself? I can't work out because of how out of shape I am. Is there advice on where to start?
Basic calisthenics.

wow your a failure

Thanks OP.

I just relapsed this morning.

I have a plan in place this time.

I really shouldn't even come here. Granted I only do it after everything is done but the temptation to click over to /hc/ or whatever is too great.

>I have a plan in place this time.

Please share. You might help someone else out there going through the same experience.

Don't fap to anything but your imagination. No visual or audio stimulation, it's fine.

>I know what you been. But perhaps people writing this stuff are not deluded but are just writing to make a more persuasive placebo effect.
The thing is that when someone realizes it's merely a placebo effect and will not in fact become an ubermensch solely because of it it tends to devastate them and they fall back into a slump.

Like when guys get noob gains they get all happy and excited then when they realize it'll take a hell of a lot more time to get legit jacked they sort of slump out and go "fuck it."

How do I know If the work I put into this effort is benificial? In the past, I tried and gave up, when I tried doing exercise I felt weak for a little bit after that. Is that a sign that I'm doing anything right, or that I should keep pushing?

>It's not gonna do much but make you feel that you've actually accomplished a difficult goal

Even if one doesn't believe in the physiological benefits of nofap, this is a critical point to understand about the discipline.

>The hunter will not hunt if he does not believe he is hungry

IT. its the only job here where you can get a decent sallary without having connections (ie comming from a poor family).

It means your pathetically out of shape and should keep pushing. Believe me I'm pretty much in the same spot. Of course it's a bad thing to be out of shape and be apathetic about it because you can just fap and not think about your problems ad infinitum.

>How do I know If the work I put into this effort is benificial?

Your body and mind will reward you with a higher sense of energy and purpose. You'll know when it starts. One common example of this is naturally picking up a more sensible sleeping schedule instead of shitposting until 4 AM. It has this effect on me, for sure.

>In the past, I tried and gave up, when I tried doing exercise I felt weak for a little bit after that. Is that a sign that I'm doing anything right, or that I should keep pushing?

The feeling of weakness is the body's response to an exertion of energy. That's a good thing. Be careful to not get too wrapped up into a /fit/izen viewpoint - you aren't going to be doing 2 hour marathon calisthenic sessions. Even a 5 minute walk here and there is a massive improvement if you have zero physical activity otherwise.

Oh, and diet. Cut out soda and sugar. Worry about everything else later. Just cut out soda and sugar, or moderate both of them with reservation. This helped me immensely. I lost 30 pounds in a little over a month when I cut soda.

>I felt weak for a little bit after that.

delayed onset muscle soreness. you'll come to enjoy it after a while

Reading The Metamorhposis by Kafka forever turned me off to the idea of becoming a salseman. Nothing worse than turning into a Turkroach.

Also, I've never tried no-fap but I think I'll give it a shot now. I never thought about the idea of the cognitive dissonance it can create.