How will America deal with the massive unemployment and societal upheaval that will follow self driving automobiles?

How will America deal with the massive unemployment and societal upheaval that will follow self driving automobiles?

On a side note, if you are truck driver get your escape plan ready so you can change jobs.

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They'll blame brown people. Its the American way.

Hate to say it...universal basic income is the only way

We're about to lose millions of jobs to automation and there's no going back

Truck driving isn't that huge actually.

It's just that most jobs get broken down much more by specialization, etc, whereas truck driving is all lumped together.


I imagine it would lead to nationwide protests at some point.

>factory worker
I live in NH and I've never seen an actual factory....where the fuck are they

This idea is frightening, the idea of all but the elite essentially being neets living in gov't funded poverty

Truck drivers are the type of folk who vote republican anyway. I hope they starve.
America needs a holodomor to purge the conservashit kulaks from our soil.


The truck drivers will still need to be in the trucks to take over should the system on place fail, self driving vehicles aren't 100% perfect systems and never will be.

Trucks will still have drivers. Someone has to be in charge of the cargo.

"Driverless" vehicles are eating jobs in factories where fork-trucks have been replaced by autonomous robots; long-distance routes will have to have someone able to take over in emergency and sign off on deliveries.

Basically their job will get a hell of a lot easier.

I imagine the total number of jobs will decrease overall.

Driverless trucks will be used on highways and major roads. Once the truck is near its destination, it will pull into specialized truck depot where the drivers will be located.

The drivers then take the cargo into the city and take the truck back to the depot.

Humans aren't 100% perfect systems. Many problems can be dealt with by regional repair/"tow" drivers
"Drivers" if necessary will be minimum wage cucks who will be sleeping the whole time and whose sole purpose is to get a signature

Can't we just ban self-driving cars?

democrats want to increase low skilled immigration

so... theres that idea

Men are fucking finished. Finally. Good riddance, patriarchy!

trump will fix it MAGA

>Humans aren't 100% perfect systems.
Agreed. And it's humans who make our laws. While I see no problem with driverless cars, Senator Fuckwit finds it scary. I would put money on a federal law in the next five years that required drivers to be present in any self-driving automobile.

>"Drivers" if necessary will be minimum wage cucks who will be sleeping the whole time and whose sole purpose is to get a signature
Then why aren't they now?

Your first statement is wrong but your second is correct.

The present American political zeitgeist is "No one owes anyone anything. Make yourself useful, or die discreetly."

It's why the Republicans are kicking the absolute shit out of the Democrats on every front, why the ACA is about to be repealed, why SS and Medicare are about to get cut, why college costs will never go down, and on and on.

So... Stop daydreaming, and make yourself useful.

>people with jobs are the type of folk who vote republican anyway


Communists have prophesying the total automation of the work place for 150 years now.
I'm still waiting for it.

It requires a Commercial Driver's License, clean records and the better paid positions have enough experience that they are trusted with hazardous materials.

And why wouldn't that apply with a driverless car? No state is going to let just anyone drive a truck, even if it's only for an emergency - they'll still require all of those things.

I also disagree with the universal basic income prediction but for entirely different reasons. Imagine the world a few decades from now where automation is superior to humans at every job. I'm predicting legislation requiring businesses to hire humans. This fixes the inevitable unemployment problem while being far more profitable than paying people for doing nothing.

Drivers will go away. The biggest companies in the world are currently investing heavily in this future, they are already pushing legislation for it, and trucking companies are currently testing highway automation.

This isn't the automation of everything but of an industry so large and so popular in so many different geographical areas that it can't be ignored. Once it becomes legit truckers and taxi drivers, even Uber cucks struggling for extra pocket change,will be on their ass.

You make it sound like this change will happen overnight. However the cost involved in upgrading all the current trucks and taxis on the road will take many years, giving the market time to correct itself. Also, independent truck and taxi driver arent required to upgrade at all. Your doom and gloom predictions aren't founded in reality.

Because a driverless truck doesn't need a driver? A computer does all the work.

It would be cheaper for a company to have a tow like service to bring someone out and take care of a truck with an issue. If legislation requires someone in the car either the trucks don't get automated because that would require to paying for the system and the driver or they replace the drivers with low paid retards who only need to be able to pull the truck over and wait for a repairman.

Who will decide if the weather is too bad to drive? Who will fuel the truck? How will the tires get chained? How will the DOT pretrip be conducted. Look, you're not quite as smart as you think you are. I'm not even a truck driver, although I was one for a few months.

>giving the market time to correct itself
The market will be fine. Everyone who drives a vehicle will be out in record time with all the new jobs creation. You don't seem to understand that a couple years, hell even a decade, is the equivalent of overnight when you are talking about a massive change in an entire industry.

This is both a cost saving measure and a way to improve speed. (Trucks drive almost 24 hours straight to their destination) Truckers will be out of a job lighting quick and the few who keep it for the next couple years will have their wages slashed. All the independent operators will be working for pennies until not even a local place will hire them.

Self-driving cars make more money than non-self-driving cars. People make decisions that give them the most money. Self-driving cars will never be banned.

You're predicting that costly regulations will pass Congress and be signed into law? Bold.

I don't believe that the available options are limited to "either pay people to do nothing, or pay them an artificially high wage to do something."

Suggest an alternative then. What other options are there when business begins having a problem selling products due to the high unemployment rates?

>s the equivalent of overnight when you are talking about a massive change in an entire industry.
Again, communists said the same thing about the automation of factory jobs a few decades ago. They talked about universal basic income to protect those who lost thier jobs due to automation. In the end, the labor market corrected itself, proving all the nay-sayer wrong once again. Like I said, your doom and gloom predicition aren't founded in reality.

The logistics company that owns and runs the trucks will do most of it. Others will be deals with companies like Shell to have trucks refueled by the guy inside when not in New Jersey. This shit isn't some difficult stuff to do and fleets of trucks could be handled by a few regional people.

What do you think will happen when technology reaches a point where automation is more profitable and faster to deploy than hiring humans at absolutely anything that needs to be done?

>automation is more profitable and faster to deploy
would require humans to develop and deploy the technology. You can't have tech without humans developing and deploying it.

Advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics are going to undo this shortcoming.

That's because automation didn't destroy factory jobs, they were generally shipped overseas which is an entirely different process.

The pain felt was also a lot slower and more regional so it could be ignored until the people affected decided to vote for Trump. This will be happening over the entire country and is the number 1 job in most states.

Said every retarded communist ever.
But here we sit in a world that still can't do these things. Why waste your time thinking about it if it isn't a reality? Why don't we cross that bridge when we come to it?
And it will be as slow as the factories. You can't implement the system overnight. It will take years to get the entire system automated, giving the labor market time to correct itself.

Options for whom? The business? Find a market that can afford your product or service. If no such market exists, adjust your product or service. For example, in a high-unemployment, high-desperation society, I'd imagine security products and services would be in pretty high demand.

Ya that's not right.

If the labor market could correct itself in a few years, the Rust Belt wouldn't have decided this election.

Conspiracy theory time. Can I ask who the hell is actually asking for self-driving cars? Every car ad I see is going on about how fun and exciting it is to drive their car.

Self-driving cars have to have GPS. I think this is just another step in making it impossible to travel without being tracked

>I'll take non-sequitor for $1000. Alex
The labor market did correct itself. We went from a manufacturing based economy to a service based economy. Just because the rust belt voted Trump doesn't mean its a result of the labor market. More than likely it's a result of what an insufferable cunt Hillary Clinton is.

There's a new thread about this shit every hour, jesus christ. The short answer is mass automation necessitates either universal basic income or a shorter workday, so that a job could be shared between multiple people and the lower cost of goods due to automation would allow them to survive on less pay. Anything else is retarded. If you ban automation the Chinese will outpace us harder than they already are, and we'll become a third world country within a decade.

I mean they'll just have to get a different job.
There are government programs created to help unemployed people access training in more technical skills.

Humanity can't stop progressing just because a few hicks are scared to go back to community college for a semester.

And to fight off highway bandits

>they'll just have to get a different job.
They'll just drive local. No way those places are going automated any time soon. Not to mention all of the mom and pop truck companies.

But these desperate people won't be able to afford security services. The remaining markets which can will also shrink as time allows for ever more deployment of robotic workers and further advancements in technology under cut even the third world in cost effectiveness.

Why assume they will be desperate?

Self driving cars are going to be very popular for both consumers and business.

More efficient with fuel, less likely to crash, mobility increase (people with disabilities etc., children could probably use them)... there is a lot of upside to them.

There was a TRB study done in I think 2014 or 15 on the fed developing policies for deployment developing testing and licensing standards.

Businesses want automated vehicles as it works towards eliminating one of the highest expenditures in business.

Regardless, once people get their hands on them it would be foolish to think it won't be like wildfire in popularity.

Sure, just like all things there will still be "puritans" that believe they have to be in control, don't trust the computer, refuse to change etc. The real hilarity is going to be when insurance companies start saying fuck no we aren't going to insure that behavior unless you pay out the ass, automation is the only thing we'll cover.

I'm assuming people will still need money which combined with being an inferior worker in every way will make then desperate.

We hunt all niggers

I think it will be fine. The market always course corrects, so you'll probably have a lot of jobs that we never even thought about appear.

Plus those trucks are going to need repairmen, roadside assistance, etc. And they will still carry an emergency driver to take over if things went bad.

People will adapt, and things will go fine. There will always be something to do. Once production is mostly automated, we will move towards greater things.

It will probably be a generational thing. People who have driven their whole life will probably not take too kindly to it, but the younger generations who grow up with it will be more likely to embrace it. Look at smartphones now and you'll practically have the same trend.

Did these people not save for retirement?
Did they not take advantage of govt training programs?
What about the unemployment and food stamps they will qualify for?
It's like you have the idea that everyone will be as desperate as you would be. In reality these people may not be as desperate and miserable as you are.

So you think "Hillary is a bitch" was more of a factor than "NAFTA sucks, I'll bring the factory jobs back"?

In short, yes.

>work as a driver
>want to go to university and become a computer programmer
>realize i'm too old(25)

Trump became popular due to immigration more than any other issue. He took the lead in the primaries and never looked back after proposing the wall.

In length, many people felt like Trump was the lesser of two evils regardless of policy. This was an election of personality afterall.

Then they don't get those services.

The markets will shrink,but wealth won't. In the long run there will be fewer winners, and more losers, and the winners will be better equipped to hold on to what they have, and losers will be happy to earn their meals by fighting off the other losers on behalf of the winners.

When you own so much that no one has anything left to offer you, you've won.

>labor market corrected itself
If by that you mean unemployment skyrocketed and everyone else got a minimum wage job a KMart and McDonalds. Saying it corrected itself doesn't mean shit.

>we have almost no gas in the car, find a gas station
>that's just the gas correcting itself and lowering its position as we use some
>No shit! We still need fucking gas!

Saving for retirement requires a job. Governmet training is useless if there are still no jobs available. Unemployment and food stamps like the aforementioned basic income are paying people for doing nothing.

There's still time. Find the program that works for you and do it now or you will never get there and it will just be harder every day.

>If by that you mean unemployment skyrocketed and everyone else got a minimum wage job a KMart and McDonalds
Better than not having any job. And yes it did correct itself. You can put your head in the sand and try to deny it all you want, but the market didn't collapse. The US is still the wealthiest and most powerful economic country in the world.
I love the false dichotomy. It's like you aren't capable in thinking of terms that aren't logical fallacies.
There is no point talking to you. You have no intellectual honesty. You are so set on your NEETbux that you can't be reasoned with. Good night.

everybody becomes investors

problem solved

This. Own or be owned.

That's true. Plus what a lot of people forget is that as jobs become easier, payment will be less, as it should be.

That's what a lot of people can't handle. They want to be paid like their father was, even though the work is much less due to improvements in tech.

America is ill-equipped with automation because thanks to the left being focused on identity politics. We know have a right-wing movement doing the same shit.

There needs to be some real intelligent discussion about this shit and neither Clinton nor Trump have answers. Just like with Carrier the CEO said they are just going to automate those poor peoples jobs anyway.

It will be the blacks, mexican and muslims fault. Or the new term now is the "globalist" because you know globalism is why you can't make 30/hr pressing a fucking button with no education. It isn't the fact that American are about 400% more productive than in the 50s with about 1/5th the workforce.

Nope its the fucking illegal mexicans picking oranges or the plant that moved because your grandfather's union negotiated lifetime healthcare, college education and other ridiculous benefits for his family and grandchildren.

Nope its all Mexicans and globalism not the fact these concepts are relics from the past.


So you admit saying it corrected itself means absolute dick. It always corrects itself, that doesn't tell you what the fucking result is.
>the market didn't collapse
Of course it didn't you fucking retard, it moved where it was cheaper. We aren't talking about markets collapsing, put down the bottle.

>So you admit saying it corrected itself means absolute dick
No. It corrected itself because,
>It always corrects itself
We didn't end up in a great depression again.
>that doesn't tell you what the fucking result is.
There is more than enough data to infer a result.
>it moved where it was cheaper
yet the US is still the wealthiest nation on earth.
Did you know that if you make more than $34k annually, you part of the global 1%?
>We aren't talking about markets collapsing
According to your logic, it should have. We should have had the entire thing come tumbling down the moment those factories closed. But it didn't, did it?
Maybe your ideas aren't founded in reality?

Truck drivers are also UPS/FedEx and construction. I've never seen the distinction broken down to delineate it all.

Thank you. Someone finally suggested an alternative outcome to this situation.

Could you please explain my lack of honestly in detail. The most effective way to do this would be to enlighten me about the insurmountable shortcoming in technology that will prevent robotic workers from becoming smarter, cheaper, stronger, less prone to accidents, etc than the best of human workers. If it's not a technologial shortcoming explain what changes you think will happen in society to make a job unimportant. Come now surly being intellectually honest you've already reasoned all this out in your head and just haven't bothered with explaining it to me or perhaps "Why waste your time thinking about it if it isn't a reality" is the intellectual position.

Rolling for 1,2,0,3

>Nope its all Mexicans and globalism
You're right even though you're trying to be sarcastic.

To expand on these, the American middle class is a 20th-century anachronism that no longer delivers good value for money. Overall standard of living for the majority of people in the middle quintiles will decline for the foreseeable future. Economic policy is mostly about controlled descent now, and political policy about managing expectations and scapegoating what can't be managed.

All just my observations, obv.

>According to your logic, it should have
No it shouldn't have.
It should have and did leave tons of people in specific regions unemployed and the rest with extremely low paying jobs.
>the entire thing tumbling down
You are just making up positions to attack

Watch, just watch, this "self driving meme" is nothing but hype.

I already explained it to you.
You will need human workers to design and maintain these machines. There is no machine that doesn't require maintenance. There is no machine that isn't designed by humans. Machines don't evolve. You keep talking about 'when machines take over'. You do understand that as people we have a choice about our future? If we decide not to automate every job so we can work, then we will still have jobs. You argument relies on a post Terminator 2 society. We clearly aren't there and as of now, there is no reason to suspect we will get there anytime soon.

>It should have and did leave tons of people in specific regions unemployed and the rest with extremely low paying jobs.
Is it still like that or has the labor market corrected itself?
I'm not makin up positions. I'm taking your argument to it's logical conclusion even if you aren't capable of doing it yourself.

You would need someone present anyway to unload the cargo, duh. I just don't see how self driving cars would restructure the semi industry since there are tens of thousands of owner-operators in the industry itself who aren't going anywhere anytime soon. This is just weeb nonsense.

Well they are probably also the sort of people who would go back to their rural hometowns near farms. Meanwhile you seem like the sort who is heavily dependent on consumer products trucked into the city.

There's a breaking point, once AI hits a point where it can design a better AI than humans can we get an induction-like effect where that AI can design a even better AI and so on, until we have AI's that are basically better than humans at everything, and humans weren't involved in their creation.

You're talking about the singularity, an idea I don't believe we are anywhere near, regardless of the sci-fi you read.

> You do understand that as people we have a choice about our future?
> If we decide not to automate every job so we can work, then we will still have jobs.

Not necessarily true. Business that decide not to automate will get undercut by those that do automate. We tried it with offshoring back in the 90s. Remember "Buy American"? How'd that go? No one will pay more so that someone else can benefit.

Except this so called explanation assumes artificial intelligence and robotic limbs will forever continue to fall short of humans.
>If we decide not to automate every job so we can work, then we will still have jobs.
This is exactly what I've suggested as a solution in my first post itt. The reason I suggested this would be legislated is because it doesn't work if one business decides to adopt the more costly human worker while another doesn't and undercuts the competition in the prices of it's goods and services.

>Not necessarily true.
These business your talking about are run by people. If we get the point that these leaders are allowing people to starve in the streets, don't you think we would kill the old leaders and bring new leader in with new ideas like, fuck automation, we need to eat!
Also, this AI may not be friendly to us. If it is self aware and views us as a threat, it may just kill us all, making this argument moot.

yes. It is still like that. That is what "The market corrected itself" means in this case you fucking idiot.

Saying "the market corrected itself" doesn't fucking mean anything when you are talking about the problem of unemployment skyrocketing and wages lowering throughout the whole country as the OP mentions.

>Except this so called explanation assumes artificial intelligence and robotic limbs will forever continue to fall short of humans.
No it doesn't. It doesn't assume anything other than, right now, we aren't at this fantasy of yours.

We're getting close. There are multiple tasks in natural language processing where computers can outperform professional annotators. My guess is that within 10 years computers will be able to read books and "understand" them better than humans.

Truckers will never be replaced. Too many other functions they serve that cant be automated, at best they'll get to take power naps on the highways

Like killing hookers

But it's not.
You are clearly projecting your bias on the economy. The reason we have 8m more people in poverty than 10 years is the regulations and redtape imposed on the market. Just look at real GDP growth under Obama. It's abysmal. It's the left's economic policies that are causing this unemployment. We need different policies. Just give Trump a chance and lets see what happens.