Ok Sup Forums, a virus wipes out most of humanity. The only humans left to rebuild are Sup Forums users...

Ok Sup Forums, a virus wipes out most of humanity. The only humans left to rebuild are Sup Forums users. What happens next?

humanity falls within a month

No women, we all die out

something goes wrong and we blame the jews

not enough women tbqh

life would be so hard we prob would throw all political idealogy out of the window and concentrate on survival

We'll finally be able to kill the lefty infiltrators.

this. we'd also start being Ancap balls


you cant wipe out the hivemind without being consumed yourselves

Nothing, we'd all be glued to the habbening thread.

We finally realize how nice it was to have women to fuck and do laundry

I'd rather 10 autist size queens than ten thousand frigid arts students.



>we bound together under nationalistic, xenophobic values
>realize we have no Mexicans to keep out, so we turn to eliciting degenerates within our own ranks
>send all Australians and Canadians to compounds
>Shrekli becomes supreme leader
>KEK instituted as sole religion, with OP the Fag as the antikek
And the whole world lived happily ever after . . . for a single generation before we die out due to a 0.00 reproduction rate

Not necessarily, just a 100 to 1 man to woman ratio. A full tribal warfare system breaks out to compete for the women.

Humanity dies, because Sup Forums is mostly AS millenials, who don't now shit about architecture, construction, medicine, or anything useful

start killing other males and hoarding the few females

Feminism would fall instantly and patriarchy would naturally take over in an apocalypse scenario. watching them going from whiny spoiled brat to totally submissive in a month would be pretty satisfying

75% die in the years following from heart failure. 15% die while screaming cuck degenerate day of the rope and other catch phrases.
Remaining 10%....... unknown

It's more the problems of Sup Forums users being:
1. predominately male, so there would not likely be enough suitable females with whom to procreate.
2. too widely dispersed to effectively form a new society.
3. too suspicious of others' intentions to form a cohesive society if one were to form.

>tfw we would be forced to racemix with such a low population

Well considering Sup Forums is white we wouldn't have a minority problem anymore. The remaining redditors and JIDF would be hung almost immediately.

The next logical step would be to commerce the day of the rake. Which again would be unanimously supported and executed flawlessly.

Everything will seem to be going well until a schism occurs on whether Anglos, Scandinavians, or Germanics are the true whites.

The victorious faction will capture and attempt to breed with the self hating trannies from the conquered tribes before dying out because real women don't exist on Sup Forums.

Canada to be first to try fucking dogs for offspring.

We all die after a few days since we can't really survive on our own.

>discuss who are our leader
>leader chooses people for supervising thing
>supervisors manage their own team
>humanity will be rebuilt once again

>distrust each other
>go out on their own believe
>humanity is dead

Are we assuming that we're all where we are now? Because if we are then I'm probably fucked. There's three to five Sup Forums anons in my entire state.

I suppose I'd just gather as many resources and supplies as I possibly can, move them all to a single location and build outwards from there. There's probably plenty of empty cars with full tanks so keeping generators running wouldn't be too much trouble.

I become King and fuck all the women to repopulate the human race while you cucks toil away rebuilding stuff as tribute

Oh also the first thing I'd do would be to go to the zoo and open all the cages for shits and giggles

Nothing much, because there are like 10 people on here.

Sup Forums users are idiot cucks who love government overlords.

>pleading and begging to your masters when you can have a free ancap world

Ultimate cuckoldry. kys Sup Forums, you're no better than the left

die out ... barely any fuckable puss puss > reproduciton towards 0

>3. too suspicious of others' intentions to form a cohesive society if one were to form.
this is a good point, I'd never trust you faggots enough to build a functioning community

shut up ahmed, you're not even white

Regress to building giant statues of frogs and communicating through verbal baneposting/memes.

Generalizing people of a board you've never seen = vapid hurr durr.

i wonder what the life of somebody who goes on boards he hates to cry like a bitch looks like

Just like in my video games.

I'd trust one. ONE. I'd happily share my rations with ONE of you cunts and then send you on your way.

More than one of you and I'm throwing my paper bags full of spiders at you

Way to start a cuck nation. The leader has to proof himself in several tests.
>Bare knuckle fights
>Weapon test
>IQ test
>Military warfare knowledge test
>economical knowledge test

Fin ad hominem, min venn.

>self declared neo-nazi board. I'm generalizing that you love government. Nazism is literally NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Nice argument, leaf.

Glad i'm not the only one who thought of that.

>Nice argument, leaf.
argument to what dumbshit. you only spewed faggotery

there will be a inquest about which faggot dindu was posting bbc pron yesterday. that sambo is going to pay. thumb screws and flogging awaits him

For a minute there I thought this was loss.jpg

I'm not white

