
Venezuela to remove its most common banknote from circulation within 72 hours.

>Hyperinlation in Venezuela

Yes, Im from memezuela ask me anything if you want.

It's habening?

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Please describe the black markets you use and how you are able to use them with a hyperinflated currency.

(for this and upcoming Qs by me please feel free to leave out anything if you are concerned about revealing too much personal info)

Is your country fucked because of its dependence on oil?

Was there any discernible between Chavez and Maduro?

It is almost impossible to use the black market for ordinary people, only chavistas enchufados (pro government plugged in) can do good business with this economy.

Yes, since they destroyed the private businesses and the country's productive chain, both agriculture and livestock has all gone to shit. The government has tried to nationalize everything and take care of everything without leaving room for self-development.

im using google translate, sorry for my english.

Why are you still in venezuela? I'm from ecuador an when i visited i saw shitloads of venezuelans coming to quito and guayaquil. besides civil war soon?

Socailizm stronk!

What do you think of all the communism threads here of late?

I would have thought neighbouring countries could make money by bringing goods into Venezuela on the sly?

Is that possible, smuggle goods across and sell them?

Are any other currencies in use? (example $US)

can u stop fucking coming here

Where is your Hitler? Shouldn't he be rising soon?

I dont have the money to leave this hell...

I hate all commies and the friends.

We help you in the past, help us now.

And their friends*



Are you one of the 10% who are eating trash from garbage cans or hunting rats in the streets? How are holding up? Will you be running away to a better country?

The border is open, brother. Just come here and have some bundas, beers and jobs.

we have our own issues with the government attempting to make this into a welfare state

every other caribbean island piggy backs of our economy. saw today the government is borrowing 4.5 billion TT for fuck knows what

Do you personally have a hard time getting food? Do you see the long lines where you are?

What does the average Venezuelan think about Venezuela being remove of Mercosur?

I see artesanos making their way all over latinanerica with little more than colored threads or maybe a guitar to make a living. Money is no excuse.

So how will it end. Will the people of venezuela starve and millions die? Will there be a revolution and they kill your leader like the romanians did with their commie?

I know your people do not have guns so will it be the mass starvation? Is there no way for your people to rise up against this?

Why do so many still support socialism and communism in your country after this shit? How can they see what it has done and still love chavez and even maduro

the things closely related to right wing national government in Venezuela was Perez Jimenez back in the 50's, he was great, he built the infrastructure of the country, put the economy at the top of the hemisphere and the country was safe and rich. After they couped him it went downhill with democracy until comunists got into power after trying once by the weapons, they got there by the votes in 1998.

Poberty has raised there and middle class dissapeared. It used to be a country with a high white population (mainly arab/southern europe/some jewish and germans) but they poor and criminal reproduced and now it's full of shit skins and niggers ruling projects and terrorizing the population.

It's literally the most dangerous country in the world right now.

Civilians have no weapons, there are many paramilitiar groups with control of popular areas and all the military heads are chavistas. Democratic elections are literally rigged in every sense, hundreds of thousands of dead people and illegals (chinese, cuban, etc) voted and if you think the control of the media here with the jews is bad, communists are far worse.

Idk what the solution is. Venezuelans are pretty fucked and the ones that are thrash and can only afford to emigrate to less shittier parts of south america are hated a lot cuz they are arrogant. The decadency of values in Venezuela got the country to that point.

I'd say there is only 15% pll who support the government at this point, before Chavez died it probably was 40%.

Fuck no, I am from the 5% who work hard and honestly to support their family

Thanks bro!


Yes. Is to difficult to buy meat, vegetables or something... No, I don't live close to market, but my family do long lines for 4 o 6 hours to buy 1 o 2 packs of pasta, sugar, flour, etc...

Se lo merecen por mentirosos e hijos de puta.

Is there still a toilet paper shortage there? I heard about that a few years ago.

>but my family do long lines for 4 o 6 hours to buy 1 o 2 packs of pasta, sugar, flour, etc...

Same as my grandparents did in Soviet Union, hold on the system will crumble and you will be reborn from ashes, it is only a matte of time lad

marico, come here.

funny how my shithole is like the heaven for you faggots.

How is Venezuela still holding up? Haven't you guys had severe hyperinflation, shortages, and basically everything economic collapse related for a few months now?

Last I heard about it all was when people were killing zoo animals for food.

Is there mass die-offs yet from lack of food/water/medical supplies/violence?

I am a person with a profession, I will not feed my family or make money like a hippie

>Same as my grandparents did in Soviet Union

Im curious as to what the process is following the crumbling of the soviet union. How did industry begin to develop? What was the transition like? wWhat was it like for your grandparents to go from breadlines to living in a failed nation to now living in a growing and well off nation like latvia?

No gracias, no quiero morir en un atentado de las farc o del eln, mucho menos que me exploten trabajando como si fuese un mendigo.

Hola papi.

I honestly think we won't end that way. This country will become the Caribbean North Korea. I have to gtfo as soon as possible.

people from your country make youtube reaction videos when they enter one of our supermarkets.
your women literally come to prostitute themselves here not for money but for food and medicine.
your people literally cry when they enter a supermarket here.

there's no hope living there now user, move here.

No mass die off that we know of. Shit is just getting started, we had reports about lots of fainting kids in schools though.

The 90s in the former Soviet union were a really chaotic and shitty time by all accounts. Things started to improve to some extent by the time Putin was in for a few years but with all the sanctions it's still a shithole high on swaggering propaganda. But Russia has always been a shithole for the average citizen.

Surviving is not making money or living decently. Maybe you can survive with a guitar, but feed an entire family?

Didn't most of Russia became alcoholic during the transition?

As for other former Soviet states, I don't really know what things are like there now. I'm still pretty sure the 90s sucked for them too.

Btw internet is quite common in Venezuela you just don't see many in Sup Forums because blocked the main ISP years ago. Apparently a lot of people were using Venezuelan open proxies to post CP.

Im just picturing it to be a complete clusterfuck. russia i imagine is what youve described but you said here, im curious how countrys such as estonia have reached their current level of economic freedom/flat tax/ growth following such a hell

please venezuela bro can you answer , im curious what a person living there thinks the nation will end with

Most of Russia was always alcoholic.


sup bro?

How can the average chavista nigger see the country crumbling around them and still support socialism?

Venezuela is approaching Zimbabwe tier wheelbarrows full of money to buy a loaf of bread... and you niggas still support socialism?

Venezuela had elections 2 years a go and the majority voted for maduro.

I feel for you, Venezuelabro.

I thought by getting rid of Dilma we would be safe.
Today I'm dreading Brazil ends up in a similar fate like Venezuela.

Most of your questions can't be answered. I would just be making prophecies. I think Venezuela will end like North Korea because the opposition here is a joke, we are insulating ourselves more each day and the military is keep happy while the rest suffers.

I don't know where you are getting that most support the current system. Maduro last approval polls, dude didn't even reach a thirty percent. Also I wouldn't trust our electoral system a bit, you may heard good shit about it from foreign organizations but voting here is horrible the country just becomes a huge hellhole during elections. But to be honest there is a lot of retarded people that support this government and believe their propaganda, these people believe nothing of what is happening is the government fault, they place the blame on external factors like imperialism, the oligarchy, a corporation here called Polar, the US, or the fucking weather.

>go to meddelin
>buy as much coke
>go to quito
>get money in dollars
>rinse an repeat op


>selling coke in fucking third world shithole that Ecuador is

You make more money selling it in Colombia dumbass.
Just because Ecuador uses dollars as their currency doesn't mean they ain't sudaca tier.


>he thinks this is charlie chocolate coke factory where the streets and homes are pavimented with coke
no nigger, you can only buy coke here in those nigger hobo guettos, good luck not getting killed.

>put hugo chavez in power
not our fault retard, it was your parents fault for voting for a socialist.

>Charlie chocolate coke factory


>tfw Chavez legalized all the more than sixty millions of Colombians living here
Hmmm, I wonder who most of them voted for.

>Tfw the biggest Barrios in Caracas (José Felix Rivas and La Bombilla) were founded by poor Colombian migrants, I mean you just enter them and you already feel there with all the shitty music.

>he thinks there's a diference between our shitholes
same shit, same race, same shitty donkeyfucking culture.

we're the same faggot.


Meh the first time it was purely our fault Chavez was going to win thanks to all the media sucking his cock, his lying ass calling himself social-democrat and many other bullshit and peopled pissed off about the status quo.

I can pretty much tell you he's not going to get killed, and killing Maduro wouldn't do shit. Things will scalate quickier in 2017 than it did in the past 20 years. IMO they could go down in 2-4 years and most likely Leopoldo Lopez (political prisioner) would be the next president.

It won't get to North Korea level like the Venezuelan said. I understand he feels helpless but that is delusional.

there's not a single diference between your people and mine.

deal with it.

What country can you go to?

Relaja el papo que tampoco la culpa es toda de ellos. Si en un principio tienen la culpa, el mamaguevo (cocksucker) de Santander fue la primera bruja en traicionar a Bolívar, pero, también a Bolívar se le mojaba el chamopapo (boypussy) por Santander, tanto que lo perdonó 2 veces.

Do you think to emigrate to Brazil either?

Killing maduro would do shit the real man in charge is Pic Related he is like Putin but evil as fuck.


By the way for all the Berniebots that say he is different. Chavez also called himself a social democrat :^) you CAN'T trust a leftie.

Plus we would never allow it to get to North Korea level. We'd invade before that shit would happen

Plus, how plausible is the hypothesis of Maduro trying the "Falklands maneuver" and invade Guyana allegating that "Western Guiana was always Venezuela!"?

Here OP I'm in the street.

Maybe Spain, I have a family there... But, the money, the money is the thing.

To buy a ticket I have to work like 2 o 3 years.

parce, su puto pais es una basura al borde de una guerra civil y hambrunas.
no te creas el muy muy maricon hijueputa.

Isn't there a lot of Venezuelans living in Manaos and selling crap in the streets of Brazil now? I heard they are letting us live there out of pity, they could easily kick them because Venezuelan didn't sign up for the Mercosul residency deals.

Grab a gun and start shooting the rojos.

You promise user?

Just invade this shit already i swear of god oir women like pic related would jump on your dick like flyes to garbage.

Habla ingles maldito carajito marico no estas en /Liceo/.

Check Conviasa, they have cheap flights in Bsf, at least they have Spain there, my flight I have to buy it in dollars no other option.

Get back to work Eugenio :^)

Why is ojitos lindos so handsome holy fuck I want to fuck her daughter so bad

It wouldn't be too help you guys unfortunately. It would just be a nightmare to have a North Korea 2.0 within such a short distance


It's not difficult to get a refugee status here. You go to Polícia Federal and you can get 1 year of residence permission*.
Most Venezuelas are still at Roraima, waiting for a oportunity to go to São Paulo. I would rather go to Paraguay instead. While we are at a eve of a economic depression, their GDP grew 3% last year.
*To Europeans: don't try to send your refugees here. We give 0 welfare to them and at the end they'll return there.

You have Cuba next door m8.

This is why I believe we will end like that. Most people are leaving, there is no real opposition just a bunch of enablers and sellouts.

WTF is the US doing ? he lost the will to overthrow commies or what ?

Venezuela is this situation because the oil prices have go down drastically.

>Mfw Maduro sent 50000 refugees here
We don't know what happened with that lol, they probably returned.

Ikr. otherwise communism is perfectly reasonable

Cuba was left alone because it wasn't a threat to us. For all the autistic screeching people on the left and right did and do about Cuba they were irrelevant after the missile crisis.

>The cold war ended and now everything is so boring...

How many times did the CIA attempt to oust Chavez? It's got to be difficult, attempting to build a country, while foreign entities are actively plotting against you. I am no commie by any means and indeed I see Joe McCarthy as a real American hero, but I cannot stand seeing my government running around the world fucking shit up for folks that are already fucked up.

No Venezuela is in this situation because politicians think the petrol money bag will never run out and they never plan ahead although people have been saying that we need to diversify our economy for nearly a century.

I know right? I wish I could've experienced that time period. I find it really fascinating.

Now we just have boring Isis and shit

So it's not only Chavez/Maduro's fault then.

Reminder that this was Venezuela before Chavez came to power.

probably realized they had better luck in syria

More like the Soviet Union would have attacked the U.S so it wasn't even worth for what that fucking isle means, nothing. Venezuela is completly different scenario, if U.S.A invaded through Colombia it's over. Won't happen though.

I'm not sure what you are trying to imply here. The communists were never a threat to the u.s. we literally saved them twice. Once when they were straving to desth in the 20s and American aid groups. Feed 10 million of them daily for years and again during ww2 with lend-lease

I said it once and I will say it again.


Who elected Chavez for third time even tho he attacked the non-politician businessmen, journalists, and opposition?

Yeah it was you.

Who partied and had lots of free property during the first decade of his government?

Yeah it was you.

Communism is only fun when it rapes the wealthy and upper middle class doesn't it? So it isn't as fun as yesterday you said? Enjoy your statism rape too, you fools.


Cuba isn't irrelevant they played you lot. Who you think has been funding guerillas and communism evangelists through most of South America? Cuba tried was involved in military insurgencies in Venezuela at least three times that we know of, they tried to invade us once. They don't do much of that anymore because they ran out of money though.

Kek just imagine the looks on their faces

I love Venezuela threads.

Pretty much the same thing is happening here with 1st and 2nd gen immigrants voting for gibs. We're gonna have to keep a close eye on the green party for the next 20 years. There's no doubt that they're going to try something.

moron just go to you neighboring countries, and work there, then you can fly wherever, they will prob go xenophobic on your ass like I go on your "refugees" over here, but I bet its still better

Oh so you are one of those. What would you even know about Venezuela before Chavez, for one I HAD FUCKING FOOD ON THE TABLE. Gtfo first world leftists deserve the rope.

Where is your leaf.

Venezuela's eceonomy was dependet of oil begore and after Chavez/Maduro.

A Venezuelan ate it.