You must redpill yourself on women

don't date women if she is not a virgin or have kids. Marry a young Christian and have a family.

Married here.

Starting a family?
Nope. Sorry. Can't afford it.

>Can't afford it.
Can you give 3 meals a day to 4 kids? yes or no?

Appalachian white trash or conservative ethnic girl ?

>good goyim

Have children ita not to expensive you get wic and food stamps are very easy to get then tou get a nice 4k per child xheck each year

poundland sket skank

That's how you get stuck in a trap. You would be teaching your kids that it's ok to let the government into their life.

it's not the ideal situation but it's better than not having any. Still if you work hard you won't need a single cent from Obama.

GUYS, THEYRE DANCING IN THE STREET! People are watching and they don't even care!!! Omg those bitches are so crazy, it seems like so much fun; why didn't they invite me? ;(((((

Degenerate women needs to be dominated by real men, so i'm dating girls regardless of their virginity and religion (aside muslim lol), things are more relative and complex than that, so before making the next step, you have a choice after checking out the their background and the foreseeable future.

Also, good luck trying to find it one of these here, kek.

The trick to women is to marry into your social class.

More than just feeding kids. There is the matter of education, clothing them. Medical needs, that is the basics. Not to mention, your spouse will be unemployed for a period of time. So you have to take care of her needs. So your down to 1 income. Or if she decides to go back to work (kek). You need to pay for daycare. There goes her pay. So your still a one income house hold. Society has stacked the cards against you having children.
Kids = poverty.


buy used and accept donations
> Or if she decides to go back to work
ask your mother or her mother to watch the kids

I'm too degenerate for a nice Christian girl to love.

then don't marry but help other people to find one.


I>>>>>> DON'T

Pivetes and trombadinhas.
Matam comerciantes e empresarios
Shit-tier air regulations
Open sewers
Corrupt government


Yes! It is very VERY bad in Brazil. Do not come. You will hate it, it is bad. Stay where you are.
