What is your honest stance on abortion, Sup Forums?

What is your honest stance on abortion, Sup Forums?

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Its evil, robs the Childs of its rights.

acceptable when the baby has some kind of permanent damage or is endangering the mother's life
rape babies i'm still on the fence
on-demand abortions are absolutely disgusting

it should be only available in extreme cases, like rape or life threat
if you don't want the child, give it away. lot of couples can't have kids.

I see no reason abortion should be legal without questions or time limits.

It violates the NAP.

I'm pro choice for the most part with the only exception being if the dad wants to keep it but the mom wants to abort it.

all retards and non whites should be aborted

It's great for niggers and poor people.

Basically this.

Whites should only have their abortion rights reinstated once our population is increasing again.

Absolute insanity that we are allowed to kill our own kids while our race is declining.

i dont care

if anything im for it so theres a backup in case i knock up some rando

should be only available in cases where the child is confirmed dead, or the life of the mother is in danger. It should NOT be an alternative to condoms

Rape babies - acceptable
Endangers mother's life - acceptable
I don't like condoms xD - Too bad.

Illegal for whites
Mandatory for blacks

7B+ people worldwide, we figured out how to explore space and invent particle accelerators but keep flooding our gene pool with filth because it's the morally superior option.

>Children born onto the government dole somehow better than just rippin them out

>why didn't you wear a condom???
>my body my choice


I support it. I wish I was aborted. Too late now!

retard and nigger babies deserve death

Good. Aborted children would be degenerates anyway. How do you think those children would grow up with a single mother drug addict? Let the traditional families get children, they won't abort anyway.

Yes, we need more white people!

Yes we do. Modern politics of expecting women to be as focused on careers as men has made native Europeans birth rate close to 1.

>I would really feel better if I wore a condom
>"No faggot xD Raw dog me so I can have your bastards"

But when does this actually happen?

>haha, you go girl! i know that you're being selfish by wanting to kill an unborn child when everyone else wants it alive, b-but my body my choice!

>when everyone else wants it alive

JEJ yeah I fucking love the welfare state and Jesus

the "muh body muh choice" shit falls flat when you realize that literally no one is allowed to do whatever they want with their bodies. everyone is forced to sacrifice happiness and energy for the sake of others

>i don't like these people so they don't have a say
shut the fuck up, nerd

Illegal unless it
>mother's life in danger
>child will be born with serious disability

Also, Ben Israel has a good debate with pro-choice woman

How have you paid your dues? Giving yourself type 2 diabetes or some shit. Shut the fuck up.

>not encouraging women to leave the workplaces, and instead find husbands at an early age
>not removing young women's right to vote

>people who aren't jewish communist statists don't exist

No one knows when life begins. An irresponsible bitch's freedom to be immune to consequences and responsibility is not more important than the answer of when life begins. Therefore, we are basically making an illogical dilemma. Abortion is simply not an option given what we know. Now, can you compare rape or the own mothers life as a just trade? Maybe. But that's not what modern women think the issue is about. They want to be goddesses of society immune to morality.

it's their body, their choice, you idiot. even if what you're doing to your body is harmful. that's my point, people just say shit like that based on what's convenient for them.

i rest my case

Drug addicts don't work you retard. They just pump out mongrels and get help from their parents/grandparents/taxpayers. EVEN THEIR FATHERS DON'T WANT THEM.

But who cares because it's probably all her fault he was stupid and stuck his dick in stupid.

Don't give a shit

I don't have a problem with it. The kind of mother who would abort her kid really shouldn't have one anyway.

As a true conservative

I don't like it

But I don't want to infringe on your rights to have one.

We should be teaching these kids to be more critical of who they decide to be sexual partners, and not just join in on what mature cool people do

Late-term abortion is actual murder and abortion in general shouldn't even be a thing in the first place

I'm definitely for it. Any sane man is if they don't want a bitch to trap them with a kid.

>What is your honest stance on abortion, Sup Forums?

That OP's mom should have gotten one. sage

illegal for whites mandatory for niggers

you don't want to infringe on peoples rights to murder innocent babies?

>right to have one

You give them the right. You're not being logically consistent when you put the kids glove on for basically infanticide. Are you telling me you want to live in a society with infanticide just so you can say you kept government out of it?

Before there is any brain activity, it's an unpleasant but sometimes necessary procedure. After a certain point, it's murder of the most vile kind, for children are among those most worthy of protection. Regardless, it's much wiser to educate about sexual health and practices and make more preventative measures available.

Make it legal on all cases, but give out better sex ed and better access to anticonceptives. My city gives out free condoms at hospitals

Are you saying you want to live in a crime ridden society full of theft and poverty just so you can say you're morally righteous?

Is that all there is left of your shitty, selfish personality?

Anti-Abortion but Pro-Suicide

I fully support it. The vast majority of women getting abortions are black and hispanic. Conservatives are stupid for wanting to legislate the existence of a constituency that will vote them out of office. Yes, abortion is murder, but I support any institution with a net result of fewer brown people.

What? You make no sense with regards to my posts.

I'm just kind of sick of women being allowed to get away with anything because they're women, even if what they didn't is their problem and therefore their responsibility. If they fuck up than they should face the consequences.

The problem is is that society treats women like they're a bunch of autistic children, they can't control themselves and anything that happens to them is due to forces beyond their control. Also the endless praise and worship that the media gives women just for existing is embarrassing.

OK but if white women can do it they're more likely to act like a nigger. They love acting like niggers. Look up a tweaking video if you don't believe in this type of enabling.

Twerking * fuck my auto correct

I am an atheist, and it does not personally bother me that abortion is happening. There are costs to society, yes, but there are also benefits like preventing degenerate nig nogs from having children. That said, I understand the Christian perspective on the matter and I find the perceived cost of extinguishing a soul to be infinitely more abhorrent than the perceived cost of women having to be more personally responsible. For that reason, I am sympathetic to the pro life side and not really sympathetic to the pro choice side because I personally don't care. The major downside of a pro-life society is that it inhibits our ability to do "unethical" research that is necessary to compete with the Chinese, who are already fucking around with embryos to create superhumans. But US is never going to change that anyway. I am content to just wreck their economic boipucci instead.

This, but also in cases of rape.
Although rape would be almost non-existent without Judeo-negroid culture.

If poor people can't have abortions they won't just stop having sex or start having sex with "responsible" cucks like you. They will just have poor kids, who have poorer kids. It's cause and effect moron.

>WW2 marine redpilled as fuck grandad votes for first nog governor of state.
>Why grandpa why?
>Cuz he supports abortion little user.

I don't understand what this has to do with my argument. I'm saying that abortion is not a "right" and taking the approach to be permissive of destructive behavior as if it is a right is illogical.

You are more worried about women's rights than whether or not entire towns in your country are uninhabitable because of gang wars and police corruption. Dickless fuck.

I think the majority of the time it's selfish and morally wrong, could even be murder but it can be a grey area when it comes to rape babies and maybe if the baby would have a serious disability

It depressing but not as depressing as somone doing it with a coathanger

So abortion gets me fewer actual niggers and fewer white people raised by single mothers to act like niggers. What's the drawback?

Ideally, women would act like some semblance of a human being because society would make it socially unacceptable not to. This used to be how thinks worked in this country. I think I understand your logic, though. You're saying that by removing a consequence of unacceptable behavior, abortion normalizes that behavior. But abortion isn't a cause, it's a symptom. Abortion has been around forever. It wasn't always as widely available as it is now, but if you really wanted one, you could either find someone who offered the procedure or do it yourself. What happened was that having this procedure was not only normalized by a media and a government owned, operated, and financed by kikes, it was made empowering. If our society weren't sick to its core, there would be fewer abortions because women wouldn't be acting like whores to begin with.

I fully support aborting since it's the greatest killer of niggers in history.
Also shitty women who get too many abortions can become sterile. On paper, it's a deplorable practice but it's ultimately a net gain for society.

I wish it didn't have to happen but it, with gang violence, are the only things keeping the nigger population in check. It's a necessary evil.

>What is your honest stance on abortion, Sup Forums?


I'm a baby killer
Baby killing makes me horny
Aliens inside me
Gonna squash it like Sigourney

Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus
Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus
Brrap brrap, pew pew
Brrap brrap, pew pew

I'm a dolphin doll face
Bitches in my crawl space
Have abortions sometimes?
No, I'ma have abortions always

Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus
Get dat fetus, kill dat fetus
Brrap brrap, pew pew
Brrap brrap, pew pew

And sometimes I do have doubts and it's hard to sleep
I think about my child's heartbeat and oh it makes me weep
I hope and pray to god my little fetus has a soul
Because I want it to feel pain when I eject it from my hole
Brrap brrap brrap brrap
*dolphin noise*


Abortion is murder.

It's only legal to kill the unborn because they are the most vulnerable and can't defend themselves.

The fundamental difference between a baby and a fetus is that the latter grows inside a persons body, and thus forcibly extracts resources from that person, while the former grows outside of the body, and can draw from anyone's resources. Equating an infant with a fetus in the first trimester is infantile. Nobody would have a funeral for a miscarriage. Thus, the fetus exists below the mother, and the rights of the living trump those of the unborn.

Besides, the kind of trash that get abortions are not suited to raise their trash or bring more trash into the world. It's not 35 year old career women getting abortions, it's 17 year old niggers on the dole struggling to feed their other spawn.


Should be allowed:
>baby has severe permanent defects
>mother has high probability of death or permanent injury

Should not be allowed:

I think it's basically reasonable to treat babies as an explicit intermediate between human and animal, then assign decisions appropriately. Furthermore, I believe people have the right to death.

You know that most babies require resources from inside mother's bodies even after they're born, right?

And even when it's still a fetus a good amount of outside resources is needed to make sure that the mother's body is healthy enough to make sure it keeps living, right?

>abortion is ok if it was rape

So you guys all say abortion is murder, but murder is ok if the innocent babies dad commited a comparatively lesser crime?

Making a woman grow and give birth to the offspring of a man who forcefully inseminated her is inhumane and downright cruel. Not to mention her ability to mother the child could be be hugely impacted by the negative experience. It's an exceptional circumstance and nobody has the right to make her go through with that if she doesn't want to.

>and nobody has the right to make her go through with that if she doesn't want to.

Could be applied to all cases where mom doesnt want the kid for whatever reason. You justify murder because "muh feels".

Keeps the nog population down. It's why I'm vehemently pro choice.

Nothing in the world or in law is black & white.

If you can't see the logical difference between allowing abortion for rape only, and allowing it on demand, then there's something wrong with you.

Allowing a rape baby to exist is rewarding the criminal. You're letting him continue his genetic line.

>If you can't see the logical difference between allowing abortion for rape only, and allowing it on demand, then there's something wrong with you.

I can see it. But murder of an innocent is far blacker than rape according to most moral standards.

>Allowing a rape baby to exist is rewarding the criminal. You're letting him continue his genetic line.

So murdering innocents is ok if it punsihes guilty people?

Factually incorrect. A fetus can only rely on its host. A baby can receive nutrients from other breasts, or from a formula. The mother has a right to withdraw support for its offspring, regardless of whether or not systems are in place to support it. Abortion is the only way to accomplish that without putting undue burden on the system.

Laws do not exist to regulate morality, they exist to regulate society. It is a boon to society for undesirables to purge their offspring. If you think abortion is wrong, don't get an abortion.

It is our greatest tool for culling minorities.

So you think that people can do morally wrong things as long as it betters society?


>Hitler approves

He wuz a gud boi, he is just a sad symptom of an oppressive feminist society.

I'm fine with it, and I wish it was used more, in the ghetto, hood, barrio, etc.

I just don't agree with late stage. At that point, you're committed. You have a baby, get ready to raise the little fucker.

But I also think birth control needs to be used a lot more, big pharma needs to invest in new, better forms than a plastic bag, and in a lot of cases, courts need to mandate sterilization, like with baby mamas with 12 kids.

Yes. I think it's morally wrong to pay people in the third world dirt wages to work in unsafe working conditions to produce cheap luxury goods for first world countries. But this renders society an invaluable service, and thus should not be illegal. I recognize the difference between cooperation between two consenting parties and one party deciding the fate of another, but in the case of a fetus the second party is not capable of consent or disagreement. Thus, I see abortion as no different than pulling the plug on a coma patient: painful, but pragmatic in certain contexts.

Lots of couples can't have kids.

So they go to adopt.

State won't let them.

I've seen that happen with two couples - well off, can't conceive, state refused to allow them to adopt, the rules are fucking INSANE.

They both went to South America and paid for a baby.

Also - bring back orphanages. It's better than living in a crack den.

I believe in Paterfamilias. The man should be able to decide if a child is aborted at any time until he is 16 years old as long as the thing is living under his roof

Is an astronaut any less of a person when they are outside of the Earth's atmosphere?

The same """arguments""" apply.

Hell yeah I'd kill baby Hitler.

Non whites only

Women require a tremendous amount of energy when they're pregnant as it also helps in developing the baby. That's why women get such large appetites when they're late into their terms and is also why they don't work or even exercise as much.

All the fucking time, but not like that. It's more

>It's love, i know it is, and I just want to get caught up in the moment and a creampie is the best way and you can pull out in time, right? and I'll just take two birth control pills tomorrow oh fuck it just fuck me I'm drunk"

An ultimate and important form of birth control that helps keep overpopulation in check.

Why would you kill a baby hitler?

Completely fine until right before term

New thread,lads.

Honestly, I think we all deep down know abortion is murder, some people are just better at brain gymnastics to convince themselves otherwise.

That being said, I still think it's better for society if we keep it legal.

Whites are in decline. Criminalize abortion and they have no excuse for replacing us with non-whites.

It's murder. Sometimes it's justified, just like there is justifiable homicide in other cases, like self-defense. But this would only be if the mother will die without an abortion. There are no other moral or legal justifications. But abortion is worse, morally, than murder. If you murder someone for personal gain, it's pretty bad. If you murder someone because you you detest them, it's bad. But to intentionally destroy your own progeny is perhaps the most vicious murder possible.

I'm ok with abortions in current America because niggers and retarded sluts use it and it's for the better that they do. I think these stupid ass whores should just be on official cum dumpster pills/shots.