Yfw the moment you realized Trump was going to win

>yfw the moment you realized Trump was going to win

is this from CTR's new meme division?


are you the new intern they sent here to gather intel?




>Tfw I have been in a state of readyness since he has won




>tfw i called him winning either PA, MI, or WI
>mfw he won all 3

>and we have the first numbers after Michigan and Wisconsin polls close
>Trump ahead in both
>hour later
>Trump is now ahead in fucking PENNSYLVANIA

It's ogre


When Florida flipped back red and stayed that way



Donald Trump: Xi Jinping, I have concluded that your treaty is NOT in the best interests of my people.
Xi Jinping: Sir, if I may...
Donald Trump: So sorry, but you may not.












Just give it a week drumpfcucks

