Nationalism means taking pride in something you didn't achieve and hating people you've never met

>Nationalism means taking pride in something you didn't achieve and hating people you've never met

How do you refute this?

Other urls found in this thread:

that only applies to white nationalism ;)

>nationalism means being thankful to your ancestors for making the good decisions that led to your birth and upbringing, wanting to do the same for your children, and hating people who want to stop you from doing so

That you can't decry nationalism for loving what your ancestors do because you didn't do it while also calling for reparations and apologies for what their ancestors did people they who are dead.

Hate has nothing to do with Nationalism.

>taking pride in something you didn't achieve and hating people you've never met
nah, that's just the definition of being part of any political group

Its taking pride in what you have and keeping it from degrading even more.

Then why should I feel guilty for slavery, something I didn't do to people I never met?

Nationalism means you care about your country and it's citizens and take responsibility for your country.

TIL black lives matter is nationalist

But I don't hate anyone. I just want to put my nation and my people first.

Are you "not allowed" to be proud of your family (parents, siblings, etc.) because you didn't pick them either?

Aquafresh gets it

who says i hate people i've never met? I just don't want them in my country if they don't have something exceptional to contribute

Nationalism is taking pride AND humility in what your ancestors created, and wanting to preserve it. If people do not have this mindset, the nation will eventually collapse.

I don't hate anyone based on their nationality.

By that logic you are not allowed to feel more pride or desire more security for your family, than anyone else on earth.

This is why liberals are retarded. The natural order of human kind is deeply offensive to them, they hold nothing sacred

"You shall have no other gods before Me,"

Then by that logic white people shouldn't be given shit for anything our ancestors did years ago and liberals should shut the fuck up.

>You should disregard what your forefathers fought and died for because you didn't know them personally.

This too, I would never hate anything solely based on their nationality or race (besides Canadians and Swedes but they're anti-nationalist), I actually love visiting Mexico even though I support greater border security.

Nationalism is respecting your heritage and the past, while positively looking outwardly into the future, paying homage to those that came before you.

Makes as much sense as being proud your home team won the game or shit like that.

Give them a dictionary.
Nationalism isn't synonymous with patriotism and xenophobia.

>Globalism means feeling guilt over something you never did and loving people you've never met
See how retarded that sounds?

Words have meaning, you can this with anything

>Feminism means taking pride of having a vagina and hating men you've never met

Liberals have a very high time preference, meaning they don't have a long term interest in the state.

Nationalism is group survival. You and the others in your group have ideas/culture that they have deemed successful and want to preserve in order to survive in the world.

There's nothing wrong with being proud of your ancestors achievements.
Like being proud of a friend who just got a huge promotion at work that they worked really hard for.
Pretending like you had anything to do with it is borderline retarded behavior though.


Here's what nationalism means

>nationalism means my nation comes first all others second.

it is being grateful for what was achieved for you by people you are related to and protecting it from greedy mudslimes and other humanoid species, who do not respect you, your ancestors, and only want to take take take take it from you

it's realizing you live in a human country and people from the third world are parasites willing to depredate it

it is realizing you deserve to take care about the interests of your people, protecting them from outsiders who consider you merely as a target

reddit get out

A countries culture and way of life creates an environment where great things can be achieved. Nationalism is to preserve that culture. A good recipe needs not be changed if the outcome is delicious.

That's only if you're white. If you're any type of minority you can be a rapist murdering thief and you're still fine

Nationalism means to protect those things that your ancestors worked their entire life for and pass this gift on to your own children so they can expierence the same level of a decent life you did.


Being a nigger is taking pride in things that were accomplished by whites while claiming blacks did them and living in denial when someone corrects you with facts.

The reason for that is because Mexico is its own unique place to be, with its own unique (kind of) people. If we mixed together, there would be no place to visit.

that's a jewish perversion

it means loving your nation

nationalism means putting your own people before others.

Statements like these are just attempts to further your white guilt complex. Be smart enough not to fall for it.

> What is a State? How do I actually see it?
> What is a national story?
> What is a way of life?

That being said, considering the failed state you're from, I see how you can't get it.

What are my own people?

>Nationalism means taking pride in something your ancestors achieved and holding nothing against people you've never met, so long as they don't wish to harm you or your family, and so long as they don't wish to infringe upon your rights.

Utterly refuted

My ancestors were some serfs working their ass off for some feudal lord. They wouldn't even grasp the question of what a nation even is

It's about furthering the advancements, investments, and contributions to the that white people have done overwhelmingly than any other ethnicity on the planet for the last 500+ do you refute THAT?

>>Nationalism means taking pride in something you didn't achieve and hating people you've never met
>How do you refute this?

That is not what nationalism means, but I am not surprised that it is what somebody who hates his own nation would claim that it means.


>How do you refute this?

why would I want to

Picture yourself entering a bar or resturant, and all you see are niggers. Do you feel at home? If yes, they're not your people. If no, you're a faggot.

44th post best post

I don't think one necessarily hates "his" own nation when he just doesn't understand what it is. Hate or love for an abstract arbitrary concept, two sides of the same coin.

>Individualism means taking pride in something that isn't real and being proud of doing things that don't matter

You want to deconstruct hate? Great, I can deconstruct your worldview. Come at me.

then again why Olympics? why football?

be serious and close that shit

I do not care about all that people who are strangers to me

I owe something to my ancestors and I pay for their mistakes. There are people who share the same or similar mindset as mine. It was once called a society and different societies is what is in my mind a diversity.

So you just summed up BLM and the entire gibs me dat culture

So what once I refute a concept such as the nation state, I have to to move somewhere where nobody shares my biological ethnicity? What has the one thing even do with the other?


Call them a KIKE bc that's what they are.

Just giving you a mediocre argument because people have already posted plenty good ones.

Taking pride in that there efforts created to create the culture and country that we live in and maintaining, evolving, and expanding that culture and country as we live through our lives.

Nationalism is only approving of your culture and race and not accepting anything else

>>Nationalism means taking pride
Nice revisionism you got there.
No it doesn't.

What didn't I achieve?


Who said anything about hating anybody?

Ask them how do they know what you did or did not achieve and who you are hating on. Then take pity on them for having nothing to show for their beliefs. Remember, Marxism doesn't allow for love to exist

People haven't posted anything but buzzwords about "my people" "my ancestors" and "one ought to".

What are "my people"? Plenty of "my people" would sell me out for a box of expensive gemstones, plenty of "my people" don't give a flying fuck about how I do in life.

It often leads to excessive militarism when it devolves into rampant jingoism. See: World War Two

What about my previous one?

Are you denying the fact that loyalty to the nation is critical to keeping it alive?

>Leftism is spitting on the struggle of ancestors and throwing away all they help build up for the sake of appealing to a false sense of altruism.

Germany, you are so based

>Nationalism is only approving of your culture and race and not accepting anything that is not beneficial to it.


I don't refute it because the quote comes from doug stanhope who is simply a comedienne, if i have to well nationalism can take many forms.

Rules of Marxism, mock tradition

>hating people you've never met
Leave your car unlocked and running and see how far trusting people for no reason gets you

> pic related

Does it?

OR taking pride in what your family/ancestors's achieved and that you work to maintain and improve
and hating people you know who's actions and beliefs are detrimental to those achievemnts

By not being a spergy individualist with no sense of connection to my people.

As I said before my ancestors were some serfs that broke their backs for a feudal lord in a castle and wouldn't understand what a nation is - neither would pretty much anybody before 1800.

A nation can't "live". The People in it do. A nation is an abstract concept of socio-economic organisation, of which we have seen many before.

The nation is the sum of its people you fucktard.

If most Germans are like you, assuming you're not a shitskin on welfare, I hope your shit collapses and you starve to death.

You're literally speaking to a gypsy, though.

Someone has read his Hoppe.

That's bc your culture has been subverted by kikes. Welcome to multiculturalism.

literally this

You are simply not getting it. What are "it's" people? What is it defined by? Are the borders not arbitrary results of centuries of petty warfare, noble marriages and purchase agreements? Is it defined by race? Language? Cuisine?

>resorts to name-calling
Alright Kristian

I don't want to live in a country the citizens don't care about.
Sweden is what happens when you kill nationalism. No one gives a fuck.

"its people" are the people of your country. the people who have lived there for generations.

>You are only building the last floor of that building, why don't you stop, you were not here to build the previous ones?

Funny you say that as an American, a country where Jews are as powerful like nowhere else in the world (except Israel, of course).

Once that community trust is broken it is usually irreparable

No wonder your country is in the shitter.

Exactly, so I might just know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Monkey see, monkey do?

Came here to say this.

Nationalism is about love, not hate.

>people who lived there for generations
Alright, some families and clans cultivated some pieces of land over generations. That's called a village community. At what point decided village X to join village Y? Why did they do it? Why they stopped joining with others at some point? How was it decided? Still doesn't explain what a nation is or how it came together. Should Italians be in one nation with France because of the Roman Empire?

All that your post proved was that it doesn't take Jews to fuck a country over, native inhabitants can do it just the same.

Post a pic of your skin color with timestamp or no one should bother arguing with you anymore

Mass immigration is as shit, I'm not a liberal.

As I said before, hating your country is as stupid as taking pride in it. Two sides of the same coin, irrelevant emotional connection with an abstract concept that's not in your interest.

Horse riders from the steppes wanted to make all of them their bitches.
It's the exact point where people understand they are the same here and there and should stick together if they don't want to be rapedoll.

a nation is formed by the people. we pay taxes because the government is supposed to use the money to protect us and improve and prolong our health. the borders protect the common wealth that the government has collected and built by the use of taxes. if there are no borders and no security the government is no longer legitimate and has no right to collect taxes.

Most British people still live close to their tribes from the 7th century
What a success it's been since we started allowing mass immigration from the middle of the 20th century
They have nothing invested

much better

>post a picture of your skin color
Stop LARPing you stupid fuck. Your idol Varg got that into prison

Have you heard of the saying ultra nationalism is blind treason.

If the American population of today was shipped back to 1944 we would lose DDay.