A group of anarcho-communist armed with AK-47s find out you've been posting pro-Trump propaganda on Sup Forums...

A group of anarcho-communist armed with AK-47s find out you've been posting pro-Trump propaganda on Sup Forums. They break into your home, kidnap you and hold you at gunpoint, and state you can either join them or be summarily executed.

What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Join them and then kill them all when the opportunity arises
What kind of idiot lets their enemies join them?

The situation sound oddly familiar to what happened to Norway around year 1000 with Christianity.

Convert or die.

The smart thing would be to "join" them and betray them at the first opportunity.


Varg go back to France.

Join them then Weather Underground their HQ.

Join them, of course.

I am not a fucking faggot.

>If possible, eventually dismantle them.

Looks lime I'm dead lol.


Commie logic

Pay your fucking debts, Stavros!

i kill them with superior american engineering.

so they simultaneously want the government to control all the wealth and not exist?


>A group of anarcho-communist

I beat the living shit out of them and walk away.

>superior to AK
Top kek.

In the right manner it can be beneficial. Read 48 laws of power. Say you kill an enemy leader and capture his lieutenants after a protracted struggle. Never hurts to have a subordinate that literally owes you his life. Not to mention you give him a small lordship and a bit of his own land, he is indebted in more ways than one.

Or so the parable goes. That said, shit thread OP

Stop jacking off.

>Read 48 laws of power.
read machiavelli you fucking pleb

>Yeah. Who wants to hit anything past 50 feet any way?

The prince was aight. 48 is good for short breaks when i can read. Sue me. Von Clausewitz is more to my liking when i have time.

Grab them by the pussies, rip their ovaries out and eat them right in front of them.

>this applies to numales too


>Von Clausewitz
good man

That's assuming you've captured just some guy doing his job and not a genuine idealist
In the OP, the person captured is doing it for free and of his own accord, so he would definitely be the latter

>His id says sniper

No you wouldn't your a fatass weeb who jerks off to anime all day. You'd be giving blowjobs out like hot cakes the second you were outnumbered.

True, you get the application of it.

>give him a small lordship and a bit of his own land


great my former comrades
i proceed to elaborate in detail why clinton is the greater evil

shut up varg
you re just jelly of mollycuck

Look its a shit thread, im just making the point, there can be beneficial scenarios in which you dont outright slaughter all the men and male children. Keep a few. Keep them in your pocket.


rape them

Another super clean ID

Why are the anarchists enforcing rules?

That is actually an excellent question.

The violated the NAP by breaking in, so I launch a Tomahawk missile at them.

define: join them

Would there be any communion rituals?

I awoooo as hard as I motherfucking can

>They break into your home
And got shot

>accomplishing anything
Have you ever seen anarcho-communists interact? I know a guy who's in the IWW, and I've had a look at their bulletin. They spend 100% of their time deciding how best to virtue-signal and how to mismanage their feeble dues funds. Their most recent issue was literally how to unionize prostitutes, and they couldn't even agree how to do that. They basically cannot be a gang.

No guns detected.

>Leftists try to get tricks to unionize.
>Get rekt by pimps and gangs.

There's guns in the house and two disgruntled vets with a death wish living in it as well as a pitbull.

Try and give me the warriors death I pine for so much

>they break in
>I inform them that this house is a shitposting HQ working under cover to convert Trump supporters to anarco commy
>I inform them that by their own rules they have damaged my community wealth and must contribute to the repairs or look at each other and decide if their comrades are really for the cause at all
>I throw money on the table "that's my contribution comrades plus back dues for your fine chapter and thanks for informing me it exists"
Half of them pay me three times my back dues and contribution the rest are hung
>anarcho capitalism all day



This is why you execute your enemies right away

How can you support anarchy and communism? Aren't they practically the opposite?

Lol, that's also why franco rekt them in spain.

Holy shit
But still pretty shitty, the prisoner could be a little more sneaky with what he found.

Why not teleport behind them and whisper "nothin personal kid" ?

As an anarcho-communist, I support trump because it seemed the fastest route to war and systemic collapse.


It's the only Real Communismâ„¢

I don't feel like this is something you need to worry about.

Contact my Sup Forums buds and get a helicopter to throw them out of

machette..... wrong continent.

a good 416r or nitrided barrel with a nickle-boron bcg is much much more durable than milspec. ive got 10000 rounds in my wilson combat fluted 416 barrel and its still sub moa and i only clean it every 1000-1500 rounds.....