Blacks forced to pick cotton for years

>blacks forced to pick cotton for years
>liberals complain about how their lives matter
>asians forced to create railroads
>liberals don't say anything about them

Could we spin this in a way to make liberals realize their own hypocrisy?

>implying liberals are open to new ideas that aren't from other liberals

Turn Takei's camp bitching around on them. After all, the camps were set up during a Democrat administration.

That's why we create a fake account that looks liberal or the rare chance their is a discussion we bring up OP's point.

>asians forced to create railroads

>not knowing about the grand trunk railway

>make statements that have nothing to do with each other
>example: if black is dark than why doesn't rice taste like anything?
>watch redpill butthurts thoughtlessly drool because you're all so clever.

It's a false equivalency. The black lives matter movement is about blacks being slaughtered today. "Asians" aren't generally getting brutalized by the police, are they? You reddouche trog.

asians weren't forced to create railroads dude, it was paid employment, not chattel slavery

They weren't forced to build anything. They just undercut the lazy white workers and lived in shit conditions. They were the mexican immigrants of the 19th century.

Asians went on to get educated and are now professionals and successful.

Blacks are the only race that can't seem how to succeed. It is now "black culture" to steal, sell drugs, live the thug life, expect to live off the government forever.

Getting an education, working hard, and being successful (other than a successful criminal) is selling out.

So you're saying that to liberals, Asians don't matter even though they're still a minority group in the united states? That's very liberalike of them.

Asians are so cucked they are even more on board with the SJW shit than whitey (as long as we're talking 2nd generation and beyond) even though they get almost nothing out of it.

Seriously, what bones do Asians get tossed from the social justice movements? "Le creepy white anime nerds with yellow fever" sympathy and that's about it?

>Blacks being slaughtered today

In Africa yes but here its cause they ran from the cops like an idiot or tried to pull a gun on them.

Hell they only speak out if a white person kills a black person. It's an excuse to chimp out.

I don't think you understand what hypocrisy is.
>A is bad!
>I have nothing to say on the topic of B
>A and B are analogous
Is not a hypocritical position to hold.

>A is bad!
>B is not bad!
>A and B are analogous
Is hypocritical.

You could, for instance, fix the leaky faucet in your bathroom. Doing so does not make you a hypocrite just because you did not also fix the leaky faucet in my bathroom.

>Could we spin this in a way to make liberals realize their own hypocrisy?
Asians are manlets with small dicks you can't spin them in way able to catch sympathy.

>Could we spin this in a way to make liberals realize their own hypocrisy?
>self awareness


Liberals don't want to draw attention to Asians because people will notice they are thriving despite suffering from racism in the west all throughout history which renders the racism excuse worthless when used in regards to nigger behavior.

>blacks, being coddled by liberals, are too reliant and not thriving at all
>asians, left alone by liberals, are thriving

I'm Asian and I'm not a SJW. I am the same exact thing as most people here, conservative and red pilled.

Believe me, there are plenty of us who fucking hate SJWs.

do asians like niggers or no

we weren't slaves motherfucker. we came here to acquire de moneys.

no one forced either, they chose to not die at the hands of there kings.
fucking read history.