Footage shows a relatively functional city with people just going by their day

>footage shows a relatively functional city with people just going by their day

Why are people, particularly americans, so stubborn in sticking to the fantastical, cartoonish narratives they've internalized even if the facts don't seem to back it up?

North Korea has a shitty regime and economy, but it's not like a fucking dystopian future. People act like the ebil state will (or even can) police every little breath people take.

Other urls found in this thread:

I spotted a russian spy

plenty of gooks squat down like that

>video posted on Youtube seems to confirm that North Korea and Russia worked together to elect Trump

the footage from north korea is carefully staged and edited by the north korea before its let out of thecountry. What you see in videos from there is what they want you to see, and its a case of so obvious propaganda that everyone (except OP) looks through.

biggest % of the population there lives in horrible conditions.

One thing you can't deny is that they're fucking ugly.

>everybody is wearing suits
Ugh how dated and lame. When will they get with the times?

>watch any video of young east Asian doing something extraordinary
>comments full of degenerates saying shit like "no heart," and assuming the kid is being forced to do it

whites need to be gassed. they have developed the mentality and reasoning skills of an indolent nigger.

>the footage from north korea is carefully staged and edited by the north korea before its let out of thecountry. What you see in videos from there is what they want you to see, and its a case of so obvious propaganda that everyone (except OP) looks through.

You're fucking retarded. The people who go home with these videos are not obliged to upload them, let alone upload them without saying what you've just said, if that was the case. It's not like the North Korean government can stop americans from saying what they saw there.

The reason you need to believe everything is staged is because we're led to believe that North Korea, who faces relatively mundane problems (poor and tyrannical) is basically 1984 on steroids, and everything we see must be projected against this narrative.

Another one:

They travel through North Korea, have a good time, are painfully aware of the things that are wrong with the country, yet because they didn't show a bunch of people being arrested for smiling, like dummies expect there would be, comments section is full of idiots saying this is North Korean propaganda.


but you understand that if all the bad things can be removed from the video, and they take you on mandatory tour around so they make sure you film all the nice statues and all that.

you get a propaganda tape, the naive kids that does youtube will just gladly accept the footage they got without understanding they are now puppets for the government there.

do you think the people that escape from the country and tell their stories lies?

Thee is a video on yt where they interview some North Korean defectors.
Some said in that video that they weren't unhappy.
Anyway this video is 100% propaganda. Doesn't mean they all hate their country and they are all miserable, but they're not that happy and well taken care of.

More than naive liberal kids travel to North Korea

still better than 3rd world shitholes

>one city is relatively modern
>entire rest of the country is subsistence level farmers who cant actually subsist and you and your entire family get put into a work camp if you have the wrong opinion

ah yes truly redpilled, although maybe this is heaven compared to brazil since at least they dont have to worry about drug cartels skinning them alive

outside the cities they live in their own shit and in concentration camps. this is what the people escaping the countries says anyways. also i think there is satellite footage of this. Only a few percent of the people live in the nice cities. You could do the same with any country. make a fake clean city that nobody is allowed to use, let tourist come there with cameras and hide all signs of the poor people.

>Moonman Moonman can't you see

You do realize that many tours have gone outside of Pyongang?

>but you understand that if all the bad things can be removed from the video, and they take you on mandatory tour around so they make sure you film all the nice statues and all that.

Which isn't what you fucking said, but good job backtracking since you realised how stupid your first post was.

>do you think the people that escape from the country and tell their stories lies?

There's a huge gap between a country being bad and worth scaping and being the cartoonish things devoid of any positive aspect that people want/expect it to be. The footage can't even show kids playing without some retard commentator saying it's staged and they're basically robots because, you know, it's forbidden to have any type of fun in a dictatorship.

The idea that just because X is bad it deserves any lie or stereotype told about it is ignorant, and the one of the reasons why people often choose to remain dumb and narrowminded about the rest of the world.

Yeah local people and shiet, are you familiar with the term Potemkin village ?? ofc korean propagandists knows what average tourist think about NK, that is way they are trying to show them something That they could believe in, All Those That local people kids are randomly playing football on the street everything is a fucking lie, this is how commies get things done. Even if turrist will not be sure if what they saw was true, they will still have positive feelings and memories with the place and thats the most important and probably they could transmit this positive impresion to other people when they come back home.

in summary, never ever believe a fucking commie

well you can believe in what you want. Not really sure what you want to convey with this thread if yours. I'm just saying that for me its very obvious, if you have a bit of empathy you can easily read the "help me" in the eyes of those people.

>although maybe this is heaven compared to brazil since at least they dont have to worry about drug cartels skinning them alive

Who'd guess that someone prone to accepting dumb stereotypes about North Korea would also accept stereotypes about the rest of the world!

Behind the pseudo-humanitarian concern people have about countries living under horrible governments there's often just regular xenophobia that is made self-righteous by the idea that it's on the side of good. This is why it's so easy to talk people into military aggression.

Jews hate North Korea because it's a racial national-socialist state.

>north korea apologists


There's a great documentary on Netflix about North korea

my dads friend has been to North Korea and since he's a doctor his minders took him to see their families who were all malnourished skeletons looking 50 years too old and every treatment he recomended for them they said they couldn't get even though the minders were relatively well off

since you'd only defend NK to be a tryhard edge lord and fit in on here let me manipulate you into agreeing giving up in one sentance: they're communist so it's not ok to like them

An example of someone who is clearly lucid and able to pass judgement about the rest of the world.

>anything good about I country I've been told is literally Hitler? THIS IS FUCKING PROPAGANDA

GB2 garbage town faggot.

>literally Hitler
Hitler at least cared about his people.

What you're saying is a pattern I'm accostumed to and I see a lot: we say a country is maybe not as entirely shit as conceited ignorance would lead us to believe, and suddenly people act like we just said it's a fucking paradise and bring up something bad they know about it as rebuttal.

Literally a few posts ago I said it was a poor place with lots of problems and a tyrannical regime. This is beyond dispute. What is easily disputed is the degree through which the fantasies we have about bad places correspond to the bad reality. And the fact online commentators can't even grasp the idea that people there might go to work, dress nicely, go to bars and have some life that kind of resembles a worse version of their own shows that these fantasies are truly far-fatched.

Remember, convincing people that a bad person or country or government is fantastical in its evilness is a political narrative, and it can be just as blinding as the ones people in totalitarian countries learn. Pic related is an example: an "estimation" of Bin Laden's powers that was released in the aftermath of 9/11, also backed by eyewitnesses (in particular, Soviet soldiers who fought in Afghanistan in the 1980's and who said these exist) and endorsed by Rumsfeld himself. Of course, the fact people were led to believe outlandish narratives like this has a purpose: to stress the idea that any strength against the enemy is not only acceptable, but necessary. You overestimate the capacities of your enemy to justify your own. And that is, ironically, something done in 1984, which is the country people always compare North Korea to. I guess they haven't learned those lessons well.

M8 those guys are not noble latina guerrilla/opium producers who sometimes help local population with their daily struggles.
They are commies straight from hell and by hell i mean stalinist soviet union.
Those people took the idea of totalitarian state and developed it to the extreme. Oppression in stalinist SU was limited only by technological capabilities.
NK is the last bastion of stalinism in the world, so no i don't think im fucking wrong here

nah squatting is common practice in asia too
we just laugh at slavs because they're the only whites still doing it

wtf i love north korea now

>Why are people, particularly americans, so stubborn in sticking to the fantastical, cartoonish narratives they've internalized even if the facts don't seem to back it up?
I doubt whether this is a particularly pronounced characteristic among Americans, I think it's just human nature generally. I think North Koreans would do the same thing in regards to their negative perceptions of America and Americans, probably even more strongly since the brainwashing is more intense. But Americans are fed a steady diet of anti-North Korea propaganda on CNN and various other media outlets including through entertainment (movies, videogames, comedy)

It creates strong impressions that can be hard to shake. The truth is it's a fairly normal country, depending on how you define normal. It's a pretty brutal dictatorship but most of them just view this brutality as normal. They've never experienced anything else and they probably view more permissive countries (such as China and South Korea) as undisciplined and lazy. They're not starving. They go to school, they go to work, they marry, they fuck, they dance and watch movies. Pretty normal human stuff. Of course it's a third world country so it's more like Mozambique or Cuba than the US or Japan but it's not a freaky horror show.

Looks nice, like a country free from degeneracy. I wander if the poverty shit hole places are degeneracy free.
Our country could have been nice and clean like that.. but diversity is our greatest strength.


Expected, but still it's a great thing for me to have a glimpse of NoKor. Didn't know they offer tour inside.

top fucking kek