Donald Trump is okay with medical marijuana

>Donald Trump is okay with medical marijuana
>medical marijuana leads to recreational marijuana being legalized
>Trump is for state's rights

Trump is the best thing to happen to marijuana!

What kind of benefits do you see?


The God Emperor allows us to smonk wid

thank you based god




I dont know why its still illegal. Its literally everywhere

Well we know why it's illegal, we just don't understand why it should remain illegal.




>I dont know why its still illegal.

Because liberals and niggers.

1971. February. The Congressional Black Caucus is founded by Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY).
Through most of its history, the CBC would advocate actively for tough drug war legislation.

1971. March 25. The Congressional Black Caucus secures a closed-door meeting with President Nixon in the Cabinet Room.
Rep. Charles Rangel urges Nixon to do more to fight drugs without waiting for further congressional action, warning that support might soon build for drug legalization.

1972. March 22. Nixon’s “Shafer” commission, made up largely of CONSERVATIVE WHITE elected officials, RECOMMENDS LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA. “Neither the marijuana user nor the drug itself can be said to constitute a danger to public safety,” writes co-author Gov. Raymond Shafer, a Republican from Pennsylvania.

1977. August 2nd. President Jimmy Carter proposes easing Federal marijuana laws. “I support legislation amending Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana.” THE MEASURE FAILS TO FIND SUPPORT IN DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED CONGRESS.

1988. May 17. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) publishes an op-ed in the New York Times titled “Legalize Drugs? Not on your life.” He chastises President Reagan for not doing enough to battle illegal narcotics and calls crack “the worst drug epidemic in our history.”

1991. Rep. Charles Rangel insists that the drug war should continue in a debate with CONSERVATIVE William F. Buckley Jr., WHO WANTS DRUGS LEGALIZED.
“What do you want to do with the [800,000] people that you convict?” Buckley asks. “Do you want to torture them to death?” He argues that the drug war is leading to 800 deaths per day.
Rangel goes on to insist “I still believe that [laws] should be there” and argues against legalization. He says that someone “like Colin Powell” should be placed in charge of the effort.


Brain damage resulting in similar effects to Alzheimer's disease.
Stop smoking weed you degenerates.

Because it's a drug you degenerate

Source your claims

Captain insano mode: demonstrate cause and effect.

>Because it's a drug
You mean like alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and ibuprofen, all of which are legal and widely available?

Source on this image?

Now show the images that show the effects of alcohol and caffeine.
Dailyfail article

he thinks those should also be illegal

I'd normally say something nasty about his church group but on here there's a reasonable chance he's drunk and high wanting to troll

Just as bad.

ima blaze one right now

>Medical amphetamines are legal

>Lol speed bro, just try a pill


>whoa why cant I buy a 50 cal sniper rifle but i can buy a kitchen knife which is legal and widely available???????????????????


>What kind of benefits do you see?

Buying stock in Scott's Miracle Grow.

Not even joking. up $11/share since the election

This is a shitty argument you degenerate.

You can be against something while using reason to support your view.

Ok; this is disturbing to me as a coffee-binging chimney.

Is the damage reversible?

That's not for weed, or at least it shouldn't be. Check out Foxfarms.

It's clearly not real, waffle eater. fear not.

Yeah, just put some LSD into your coffee

Excellent strawman

>why cant I buy a 50 cal sniper rifle but i can buy a kitchen knife

Because Europoor.

>tfw own both a kitchen knife and a .50 cal sniper rifle

Feels good, M8.

Hey guys, long time degenerate here (10+ years smoking weed). What I do is a vice, a bad habit. I accept this and do my part not to smoke around people eating, kids, etc.

99% of weed advocates I see are huge faggots. People abusing the medical system to get high genuinely pisses me off. Please don't lump faggots like us in with cancer patients and others who truly need cannabis to improve their quality of life.

Thank you for your time.

I live in NJ and have crohns disease. Technically I should be able to get weed legally yet I'm still having a hard time getting it.

This shit just needs to be legal already. At least give it to the people who fucking need it without any problems.

Either way I'm fucking smoking it no matter what cause the world's run by fucking pedophiles

>What kind of benefits do you see?

Common sense

>People abusing the medical system to get high genuinely pisses me off
They are going to be smoking anyway, like you. They just don't want to worry about cops.

That looks like a fuckin demon

And that's why they're faggots. They're more concerned about "being busted" than the blatant stigma their degeneracy has caused to the medical-using community. It's selfishness incarnate.

I knew it was a poorly thought out troll when he said he could own a kitchen knife.

What did they mean by this?

Nice proxy user

I'd like to be able to get what I want desu.
I'm sick of getting sativa strains when all I ever want are indica. I'm trying to relax, not have a mini trip.

I think every state starts with medical and then goes recreation, if they do. If people were creating a blatant negative stigma on medical then there wouldn't be recreational. They also get better access to weed with medicinal. That means less street deals.

> If people were creating a blatant negative stigma on medical then there wouldn't be recreational.
>weed has only existed for the last 2 years
It's a bit of a cyclical effect. It's the entire reason why it's illegal in the first place (those degenerate mexicans!) and the same reason why its taken literally several decades to even acknowledge the medical benefits in a professional light.

>The God Emperor allows us to smonk wid
>smonk wid

I didn't know that Jews were actually half Nigger well now I know for sure Kikes are half Nig nog blood.


I get that the brain is talking to parts it normally wouldn't, on LSD, but is this good?

An adult stoner with a bullshit weed card isn't slowing down progress. It's the doctors that make recommendations to the people trying to run legal weed. In NY they are trying to block expansion because they are worried about kids getting access to their parents legal weed. They repeat the BS about people killing themselves on edibles. Then when they are questioned on the dangers of pills they just talk about monitoring dosage.

It was easier for me to get weed as a kid than alcohol, drug dealers don't ID.

Pot growers shun Miracle-gro and even boycott it for their anti-weed practices in the past. Basic miracle-gro actually kills marijuana plants on purpose, it's in the formula. Hence the boycott.

>What kind of benefits do you see?

more tax money not getting stolen by Wall Street

>You mean like alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and ibuprofen

don't forget the prime offender Sugar, sugar is a deadly narcotic

bro your problem is that in NJ mob good freemasons have taken over the medical field and are pushing patients back into the black market, these guys working at the dispensaries are freemason cops with mob ties

>miracle-gro actually kills marijuana plants on purpose


you're crazy

nitrates are nitrates