Mfw I'm a 6'4", 104kg, dark brown haired, green eyed slavic/baltic master race mix that has impregnated a blond haired...

>mfw I'm a 6'4", 104kg, dark brown haired, green eyed slavic/baltic master race mix that has impregnated a blond haired, blue eyed nordic beauty

Inb4 she admits to you she's jewish

>not including dick size

you must be new

We both had DNA tests done for fun. She had some French in their, the rest was Scandinavian.

>mfw castizo
feels good man

Good job.

i meant mestizo

What are you, Bolivia?

We have almost the same stats except I'm nordic/baltic mix.

if you are master race why are you proud of mixing with the inferior nord?

me settis are 6ft, 180lbs, blond, blue eyed, wide frame supermenschen aryan

We wuz Nazis and sheit!

Because our babies will be even more of a master race.

>inb4 the baby is brown

>tfw when I am a 5'6" brazilian white/jewish and impregnated a pale-skinned 5'9" elite Japanese ojou-sama

Sounds like good children may come to you, Slavbro. Good job.

Just because she has blue eyes and blonde hair doesn't mean she is nordic unless she is actually from a nordic country, which Britian isn't.

>brasileiro e judeu

She is from a nordic country. We were both not born in the UK.


But does she call all inferior races by their proper names i.e. Niggers, prairie nigs, mudslims ect and does she hate Jews, if not you have some work to do but we are here to help you have done well so far

She believes Europe should be for Europeans and believes Islam is not compatible. She is not a 14/88 larper or anything like that, just understands things would be better for all of us if Europe remained European.

>tfw half white half black 5'8 165 pound mutt who has impregnated several white girls between the ages of 18-25 because uni girls are sluts

And no I don't know or care if they ruined their lives by keeping the babies.

We have been together for several years and intended to make a baby. I'm so happy that I'm shitposting instead of working.

jesus u got me hard

Good for you. I wish you well.

Why did that get you hard?