Why do millenials/liberals look down on blue collar jobs?

Why do millenials/liberals look down on blue collar jobs?

they don't

They aren't glamorous jobs.
They wont get you on the news, a following or rich.


All millennials are temporarily embarrassed millionaires who think life is a ladder where they'll keep advancing until they're rich and famous.

Because they're not glamorous. We're talking about a generation whose most notable goal is "be famous."

Maybe this. Also women are starting to realize that brains make the bread now days

>red neck
>white trash
>uneducated racist

The Left is chock full of racism, classism, and sexism. They're just too self-absorbed to notice their own hypocrisy.

Because most of them come from upper mifdle class suburban house holds where no one worked in a factory. Therefore they deem it undesirable, and look down on others that do.

Problem is there wouldn't be white collar jobs without the sweat of the blue collar jobs to back it up. Remember when manufacturing is gone, theres no reason to have millions of supporting office jobs done here, they'll be offshored also.

It's a good question OP. I have massive amounts of respect for anyone who works and earns their own way through life. I'm not sure how millennials think they can have an opinion on half of the shit they stick their nose up in the air and make judgmental comments on.

Millennials are pathetic. Living at home when you're in your late 20's doesn't make you rich and successful. it makes you pathetic.

Because they're (((University Educated))) and have this false idea that they're the cream of the intellectual crop for getting into a dumbed down institution, and see themselves as infinitely more valuable than a dirty, manual worker.

>temporarily embarrassed millionaires

this is such a stupid fucking phrase that has no basis in reality. Nigger nobody past the age of 18 actually thinks they're going to be a millionaire one day

everytime they make the news here it's because their unions are protesting some bullshit and the most common ones people see are the road workers standing around doing fuckall, eh

wrong. i do.

but keep believing that thaibro, that's why you'll never make it


But it's good to dream. So I'm not going to hate.

because they are shit jobs that ruin your body and usually you dont end up with much money either especially with cheap foreign workers taking over

They're looking down at the people, not jobs.

t. Millenial

I said
>past the age of 18

underage b& fagut

Depends on the millenial, and where they are located. Rural Midwest most young men aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, farm work, factory work, whatever. Millenials in general will turn their noses up at jobs like these because the college Jew has been pushed so hard in their high schools. College itself isn't a problem, but it isn't for everyone, and when you get someone who isn't cut out for college, they pick useless classes and degrees that won't benefit them.

For example I know a friend who instead of going to college just learned a trade after high school and is now earning $80,000/year.

But I also have PLENTY of friends all liberals who decided to go to university and get meme degrees, never worked a day in their life and they are now broke in debt living with their parents.

Because everyone was taught to go to college and get a white collar job in order to make good money but little did a lot of us know that plumbers for example can make six figures.

But the mentality is definitely there.

Young people have this idea that if they start working for example, as a cook in McDonalds.
Then after a few years they'll become the manager, and then after a few years they'll advance again and again until they're basically part of the 1%.

They don't want to face the reality that the service industry will keep growing while all other jobs slowly disappear.

I'm pretty hard right leaning and I fucking hate white trash. They are basically the same as niggers only they steal at a lesser rate, but they all take welfare. The only reason I look down upon blue collar jobs is because I know I'd have to deal with these fucks all day
t. Lived on a farm my entire life

That lady is as pretty as a flower, smells twice as nice, and contributes less than half to society.

I genuinely feel sorry for the man her wallet is attached to.

This is a large part of the right answer

>One of Jewry’s particular characteristics is a dislike of physical labor. His physical appearance alone did not predestine him to physical labor. But as the result of generations of inbreeding and of his racial mixture, the Jew made this his goal. He would rather trade, leaving work to others. His Talmud doctrines assisted him. In Germany, we hardly ever saw a Jew among miners, farmers, masons, and earth workers, or other professions that involved heavy labor. When a Jew did work, there was some sort of “big business” involved. Then he could work for quite a period. The decisive factor, however, is that the Jew has no ethical relationship to labor, as we do. For him, labor is one of various possibilities for exploitation. He does not create value, but rather his goal is to heap up money.

Yes they all want humanities and liberal arts faggot jobs.

They're mad white people are still doing them even though they import shit skins for shit labor.

What blue collar jobs can provide more than 50k per year that aren't physically crippling?

The median income where i work is 80k per year. Can i make that blue collaring it up? Doing what? On whose dime?

Liberals are weak, feminine, status whoring morons who would rather make $12/hr. working at Starbucks than $35/hr. working as a plumber.

They don't care about actual success, only the appearance of it.

This is also why they lost the election, but won the polls.

Really what's he do? How many hours does he work? How many dicks did he have to suck to get $80,000 a year that literally any brainlet with no aspirations and complete acceptance of wage cuckery would do?

Lazy plus no future. The future belongs to the one post gen z.


This is what their parents told them to do, because it worked for them back when the economy wasn't half bad.

You do realize after doing the labor for years you become the manager or supervisor and sit in an office right?

>SEETHING nu-male who fell for the college meme detected

Yes they do. That's why they all go to college under the assumption that they're all going to be CEOs one day.

Most liberals are rich kids that live off their parents and all have a commune in college bubbles.

They have no idea how the rest of the population live, as they get older and get more experience most turn away from their hipster ways.

That top is hideous

Probably something like plumber who works 80 hour weeks and is in constant pain and has no time to enjoy the money and is probably fiscally insolvent if he owns his own business.

>low intellectual requirements
>often hazardous to health
> are very likely to be automated in the coming decades
>often low pay
> populated by people of low socio-economic class in general

the first and the last reasons are the most important

What do you do?

>inb4 stock trader, professional gambler, unicorn cockgobbler
>inb4 they unironically defend receiving NEETbux from the State

>You do realize after doing the labor for years you become the manager or supervisor and sit in an office right?

No? That's very uncommon these days. More like i would sell out to some big brand plumbing company when i could not undercut them any longer.


Leftist indoctrination

By being spoiled little shits who never had to work a day in their lives and think that anyone who wasn't given everything to them are plebs.

>> are very likely to be automated in the coming decades

This is true more for the white collar jobs than the blue.

Robotics will not catch up to computers in our lifetimes, so we can expect that jobs that are less labor intensive will be the first to go, like desk jobs.

Human creativity is overrated. All college jobs can be more cheaply replaced than blue collar ones.

Because we have been living comfortable lives for a long time. There are no hardships and most millenials don't know the actual value of hard work and manual labor.

Actiually I went into the trades and realized I could make a living but wouldn't have time or energy to educate and raise them properly and now I make twice as much working from home. Also im much less stressed and angry now that my money works for me instead. Have fun under your supervisors desk while your wife gets fucked all day because her man isn't around

A wise swede,
sometimes it happens

Programmer, $80,000 a year 40 hours a week in a comfy ass red state.

They live in urban areas and have college education. For them, a blue collar worker is a lower-middle class white man, because a minority blue-collar worker is actually a victim of systemic racism.

These white blue collar workers are ignorant about the world and are racist because they never experienced the comforts and academic freedom of an urban area. They're too dumb to read a book and make a blog on intersectional feminism, they're only good at working with a wrench because the Bible told them to believe in a magical fairy tale instead of science.

>become plumber
>find conservative church
>marry wife who wants shit load of kids
>start business
>once you turn 40 have sons that can do the nigger work

We have been telling them they don't want to end up "flipping burgers" for a living

>millenials/liberals look down on blue collar jobs?
They don't even go that much to STEM jobs tbqh. It's not even they look down on blue collar jobs. It's more like they don't want to do anything requiring effort (STEM for mental effort, blue collar jobs for physical effort) and want to get $$ just by doing nothing but having some bullshit social science/humanities major.

Them being my children

Because their parents told them to get a good job they needed to go to college. Thus anyone who didn't go to college has a "bad" job.

Theres more blue collar voters than white. Also more pink.

Young people are just lazy or illegals stole their jobs. Besides you are working or you are free.

>waste life fixing pipes while wife cucks you
>to raise kids who will probably end up cucked by the MSM
>lose the ability to work before i can save enough for retirement
>end up walmart greeter

Yeah, that's not much of a plan.

>not listening to people with more knowledge and life experience than you
Degenerate and retarded all at once good job

Baby Boomers and their offspring have neither.

ok good luck with that
let's hope your plumbing business won't go under within a year

Accurate observation. Funny thing is I'm a conservative and this scorn towards blule collars is not only in liberals but also upper class conservatives also.

Nothing disgust them (not me per se) than the implication of joe plumber having something in common with them Mr Upper Middle Class soontobe startup owner.

>>waste life fixing pipes while wife cucks you
that only happen if you are shitty beta or ignore them
>>to raise kids who will probably end up cucked by the MSM
ditch the electric jew
>>lose the ability to work before i can save enough for retirement
dont be a fatass

Who has the picture of her twat?

Also, how much money is made on YouTube with say 1 million views?
Because some millenials actually make money but I'm not sure how much.

I am a "Blue Collar" Electrical Contractor.. White Collar Lib pussies aren't the only ones who can make money.. And most 'Good' Woman prefer a man whose Hands reveal their hard work.. not manicures with paper cuts or keyboard calluses.

This is the best shit I've read today

They've been brainwashed into the "do the job you love" rather than the much more practical "love the job you do" mindset.

Also, lazy, spoiled, entitled, etc.

I didn't want to be a coal miner when I was 14 but I am one now and I'm very proud of my job and the work I do.

They don't. It's a meme used to justify hiring more foreigners.

Blue collar fag here. I have a job, that while piss easy, is so absurdly monotonous that I was literally the only person around willing to take it. The pay is quite good to compensate for the sheer boredom of it. When upper crusts ask me what I do, they look at me like I'm an insane lion tamer. Let me tell you, anyone with a pulse could do my job - its just that the average millenial would rather be unemployed than take bottom feeder positions like mine.

Before you ask, my job is basically construction/manufacturing. Assembly line kind of work.

There are plenty of unfilled jobs like this if you look around, so when liberals/millenials whine to me about being jobless I can only laugh at them.

I always bring in outsiders for management positions because I'm a dick. Also, kids think they can shit talk me without consequences.

>parents go to school when it's still affordable and has some sort of academic integrity
>prices skyrocket and the value of a degree plummets
>young people, regardless if they take grants or loans or pay out of pocket, end up paying more for school than they would pay in rent for a year
>parents not realizing this because they're already done with this shit and are enjoying the pleasures of secured jobs they worked for twenty years ago continue to tell you that only a college education will grant you a good job
>fall for the "old and wise" meme and get cucked by academia

I love the pun but your definition of success is absurd
Status triumphs money. People rather be a low income NYT intern than a rich plumber.

Moreover I think low status workers now that. Thats why you get sucessfull plumbers talking how much they make and how they are in six figures. You don't see that pattern in upper class professions who also make good money. No brain surgeon will say "Yes I'm a brain surgeon but I make six figures"

Status is independent of wealth.. to an extent

Is that Victoria Justice?

>The separation of worker and employer now seems complete in all fields of life. How far the inner Judaization of our people has progressed can be seen from the small respect, if not contempt, that is accorded to manual labor. This is not German. It took the foreignization of our life, which was in truth a Jewification, to transform the old respect for manual work into a certain contempt for all physical labor.

Says one who doesn't work in the industry. Most big companies have on the roll small firms who they sub contract works to. My boss celebrated getting on the roll with one of these companies with a trip around the world.
I could never work in the same office day after day week after week would end up killing myself when I see offices and the atmosphere people work in I dont understand how anyone could think that's a good job. To sit there on a computer and do the same thing every day around the same people and same environment and be told that this is a good job is a complete joke.

Most tradesman later in life fall into doing more roles like foreman supervisor or part of the job that requires paperwork. I myself walk around site all day supervising 12 lads and spend Friday in an office in the city doing paperwork and sorting out materials.
The thing with a trade is that this is where most of the valued future engineers come from, the on site experience is worth more than any degree.

Most blue collar jobs simply exist for someone to have a job. They're also unfulfilling and might as well be replaced by robots.

t. blue collar millenial

Bella thorne? She is an actress and model she is doing fine.

Because we want to earn enough to afford to raise a family. Blue collar jobs are for poorfags


It's hilarious how they act as if the meme degree is a ticket to look down on everyone. Then when sometbing breaks they have no idea what to do, call someone to fix it... show up and look, tell them you can fix it for $800. They pay you, fix it in 5 mins and leave.

Yeah if your to retarded to avoid the meme degrees, don't get mad just cause I know how to change with the tides and lead a successful life

This All millenials are culturally americans so they look down on manual labour and want to be famous.

Blue collar workers do more for the world than white collar workers.

There's some merit in saying that it's undesirable to work a job like this. You can't possibly enjoy it ALL the time, even if you find yourself not minding it for the first hour, but that still takes up at least 40 hours of your week to do a mundane job in solace. I would rather put a hot javelin up my ass than work at Starbucks, but the career prospects at Starbucks are much more appealing and rewarding than your assembly line stuff.


>Why do millenials/liberals look down on blue collar jobs
Do they? 40% of minimum wage workers are millennials.

When did you get into? How hot are these women? How often does she get blacked while your out of town pinching pennies to buy her shit? These are questions you need to ask yourself

Most unemployed NEETS dont want to accept the fact that they are stupid and unfit for highpay jobs and want to leach on society and parents.Its okay fags harsh times are coming losers like you will perish,the day of the rope is nigh.

Because I prefer to be a plumber working 8 hours/day, rather than an accounting employe working 9 hours bringing back work home also in the weekends all for the same money. At least this is the scenario here in Italy.

Who is going to buy all of your shitty products when nobody has jobs to make money, retard?

Humans are meant to work. Apathetic people are 100% of the time worthless pieces of shit

Most of them want to feel special and blue collar jobs are too normal for them

Top kek, a welder or coal miner can easily make $50,000 his first year, which goes a long way if you don't live in the communist part of America.

Meanwhile, your degree in history or whatever stupid shit you have is worthless if no one needs a historian (which they don't unless an old one retires or dies)

>that only happen if you are shitty beta or ignore them

Which if i'm self employed as a trademan is very likely due to the 90 hour workweeks.

>ditch the electric jew

Not really possible if i want them to not be complete social rejects in school.

>dont be a fatass
Backbreaking labor doesn't care about body fat.

>There are plenty of unfilled jobs like this if you look around, so when liberals/millenials whine to me about being jobless I can only laugh at them.

Seems to be a problem with the whole country or "they took pour jobs" wouldn't be a meme.

Internships are also a scam. Seems everyone falls for it. It is ultimately better to get a blank slate than someone who comes in with assumptions.

And what are you? What do you do? How much do you make? How often do you see qts that hold a good job taken a second look at your brainlet ass in your work cloths? Can you realistically court a women with high intellect and a good job? Your a beta in respect to time and money

Agreed. You shouldn't be able to get your Engineering degree without On-Site experience.. preferably a Journeymans Ticket. Same as a Home Inspector. In Canada you can be one after a Few Month course. It teaches them just enough to mis-inform or scare the shit out of people with false or half information.

>Meanwhile, your degree in history
engineering bud

so useless....

>I'd rather be tightening steel tubes around people's toilets all day long than to sit in an air-conditioned room just to bring back slightly less money
>I will also ignore the fact that a big portion of managers have background in accounting

>They wont get you on the news, a following or rich.
I worked at a company that was ran by someone who was on blue collar millionaires as a tech. We all made six figures or close to it.

Because going to college is an expensive investment and is only worth it if you get to look down on those who didn't.

Going to college and seeing what a lot of people in industry do without a degree has been really humbling, to say the least. Particularly farming, a necessary job. It upsets me when libs want to push towards a premature adoption of automatization to kill jobs for those at the lower end of the spectrum and fuck up business that can't make that investment.

It also upsets me hearing "wow look at all these uneducated people who voted for Trump." I'm a fucking engineer. A lot of college students are studying to be engineer. In what fucking way does being an engineer make you some master of politics and economics that your opinion matters more? I can't tell you shit about farming, or even a lot of industry since I want to go into research. Yet all of these people are sure their opinion matters more because they paid 40k for a piece of paper.

It fucking upsets me.