France YES

> muslim owned bar refuse women inside claiming the bar is for men only and it's not France inside

Politician are deflecting and claiming the video will bring racism against muslim

Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds pretty gay

Have they gone ancap?


wut. good on him though, some old dude here started a gentlemen's carpentry club to have some fun with his friends and some roastie sued them for sexism

I thought that was haram

But drinking is Haram. Which kuffir do we stone first?

Actually this video is redpilling a huge number of French, they are losing their minds as their superior feminist thought is not respected in the famous no-go zones they used to deny the existence until now.
The politics just try to dismiss it as they can but they won't be able to. Their end is near.

not in non-muslim countries.

It's a bandit religion anyway.

But this is goodm now french can make white only bars

Saw it live with a family menberon France 2 HUGE REDPILL
the next day they dropped anothe "news" about Finland saying that they can literally put they goods outside of the shops without fear of thief and then they fucking asked an Expert why and i quote " HOMOGENOUS DEMOGRAPHICS" was the fucking answer
then they proceed to fucking show a class full of white bland childs talking about how trust is important and you should trust everyone.
Thoses two Days France 2 went MAD with the redpills.

>Muslim bar


> Bar where women are forbidden.
I'd say it's a gay bar.

I don't actually mind. If the idiot wants to turn away customers, that's his mistake.
He's under no obligation to serve.

>Against Muslims
Pick one

>no obligation

>French can't leave products outside the shop
Seriously? Not even fresh produce?

I want to see that winland video


That's how you run things, based Muslims.

What the fuck France, you used to know how to run your shit.

>racism against muslim
This fucking nigger meme needs to die.

When was that?

Wow, racist much.
That woman clearly doesnt understand that she was disrespecting the muslim culture.
She clearly was confused because, as we all know, white people dont have any culture and therefore she didnt realize that she insulted the muslim bar owner by entering his completly legal halal bar.

She should have spread her legs as apologize for being white&ignorant on the spot while screaming all white men are rapist pigs.

Not if they're not in front of it or relatively close
was Denmark but here

what are you doing?

Why are you guys so uneducated?

most tacky-decorated gay bar i've seen

What? You should be thankful there are still some moral spines in your Country, it is such a shame it has to be fucking Muslims but still a better story than Liberté Eqalité Fraternité.

Now please answer:
Why the fuck is the women not in their homes being a good wife?

this. women should know their place.

Poison infidels with alcohol, all correct.

>He never went to a gay bar to pick up women going there thinking they wouldn't get hit on
Do you know how easy it is to pick up chicks at gay bars?
>No competition
>Surprise attack
>They think they're "converting" you

What are they drinking? Semen?


>Politician are deflecting and claiming the video will bring racism against muslim

Perhaps they shouldn't have brought muslims in by the millions. How many goatlovers are now in France? 5+ million?

Napoleon is spinning in his grave, heck even De Gaulle is, though he is nothing compared to old Bonaparte Napoleon.

France is done.

Tbh I think everyone should have the right to make a private establishment exclusive.
Not Muslims, though. Islam should be banned simply because it conflicts with your rights and duties as a citizen.

>and i quote " HOMOGENOUS DEMOGRAPHICS" was the fucking answer
That must've taken some balls.

Converting a gay dude into heterosexuality?
God, this is hilarious. From any point of view, utterly fucking hilarious.

Holy fuck Leb, do you not realize that IDs exist?

Women are dumb. Even if they don't phrase it that way, they feel special when a "gay" guy is interested in them sexually. They think they're so special then. Which makes it way easier.
The only down side is: you're going to be surrounded by fags hitting on you.



Yes retard, I do, I just forgot to mention the other thing.

Is this your first time on Sup Forums ?



Okay, let's go with a viewpoint of a woman going to one of these bars.
So right away a liberal one.
Do they not know bisexual dudes exist?

C'est marrant parce que il y a quelques mois je me souviens d'une histoire d'un type qui avait refusé de servir une femme voilée ou un truc du genre et là tous les connards étaient montés au créneau. Franchement qu'ils aillent tous se faire foutre, on a besoin d'un gros nettoyage ou on ne s'en sortira jamais

France you are already lost. French need to migrate to ethnic holdouts till the collapse

Bisexuals rarely go to these bars. Or when they do, it's to get man's ass.
What people forget about bisexual, it's they want to fuck a man or a woman depending on their mood, not on what's available.
So there might be some bisexuals there, but they're there for man's ass.

Why are Arabs so fucking gay?

Isn't it also haram to serve pork/alcohol to another man?

>What's a Le Pen?: The post

fuck off ahmed


>the video will bring racism against muslim
>talking about the problem is the problem

France has gone full communist

When can we deport them all?

supprime putain, déjà qu'ils nous font chier avec le drapeau blanc !

France is a strange country anyway. It is infected by leftards repeating everywhere that France is an idea, not a people so the situation is allright, meanwhile this is one of the most defiant peoples to its government. This is the only country in Europe where a party presented as nazi reaches 40% of the electorate. This is one of the few countries where everybody thinks society is fucked and that all medias are propaganda but stay honest by not collaborating anyway.
I am sure that France will wake up. In fact, it is already waking up. Everybody will be surprised, especially the French themselves.


That post gave me PTSD.

Still. Thinking they're converting anyone is a very special level of dumb.

Nier ou cacher la situation ne fait qu'empirer les choses. Comment veux-tu que la prise de conscience se fasse dans ce cas ?

Piss-stained Iceland flag.


Anyone got any articles on this, or sources of politicians avoiding the issue etc? Would love some more background what this was from.

Probably a hookah bar or some shit

way ahead of you Sven.

Come in, the majority of women can't be that dumb.
Unless you're from a rich in niggers land.

Mike spray the gay away Pence

you speak French, do the digging yourself.

Ce n'est pas comme si les Americains connaissent tous les medias Francais... commence donc avec France de Souche. Ils ont habituelllement des reportages sur ce genre de nouvelles.

no it's a pmu, it's a bar opening a little before working hours and closing a few hours after.

you can buy cigarettes, get scratchcard, play national lottery and bet on horse races. People dring coffee alchols or soft drinks, it's a gathering place, people can spend several hours in those

Mean bully flag :(

C'est pas parce que je suis de Belgique que je parle francais, toi negre. Je suis Flamand et donc ma francais et trop mal pour faire des choses serieuse et je sais rien des journals Francaise. Francais parlant est trop vite pour comrpendre pour moi aussi.

Owning a private business in a capitalist country should allow you to refuse service to anyone you want

When you were Brits.

>France 2
hum.. I am smelling something fishy here

Mijn excuses vriend.

Don't fall for the Flemish/French feud meme. I just know that you learn french in school. Anyways the site I recommended has nothing on the subject.

Je spreekt ook nog Nederlands?
The fued is real though. Culturally I feel more kinship with Dutchies. But it's mostly the political and financial issues for me. They simply hate Flamands, and they show it.

Thanks anyway, I'll find it eventually.

This man knows what he is talking about.


Een beetje? Moeder komt uit België.

I suck at dutch though. My first language is French, then English, then Italian, then what little Dutch I know.

meh, was expecting her to be told to fuck off and thrown out. instead its just French misogny- so much for muslims not integrating

Is there video of thr france 2 red pill?

It's unconscious.

are Muslims fucking gay?

wow you're really a fucking idiot
even among small-picture-guys, you're remarkably stupid.

you don't understand how the word works at all.
what are you, like 15-years-old?

I thought Muslims are not allowed to drink or be around alcohol???

Would you let a cow into your restaurant? Do most people let dogs into their bars? For muslim men women are no different, they're prizes of victory over conquered peoples or property to be traded between families.

Ahmed and Muhammed trying for bantz, but failing hard.

Based Finland.

are you 12?

simmer down, Faatah

>muslim bar
I thought that drinking is a sin?

" Here it's not the same way of thinking"
" Here it's like our home country"
It tells a lot about the situation in France

Right but if I owned a bar, I want to be able to let in whoever I want to let in. If I for some reason don't want to let in women, or red-haired people, or anyone with a glass eye, that's my decision isn't it?

It's up to the customer to decide wether or not to go to my bar. I don't see the problem.

i get your point user, but you are white guy.
If you had a bar and you would put up a sign "no women allowed" your bar would have already been burned down by bra burning femnists.

Bra burning feminists, red-haired activists, or the glass eye society would be free to not visit my bar.

There's plenty of other places they can go to.

why the fuck would you go to a bar full of guys you fucking homo?

>muslims acting like muslims bring racism towards muslims
but the problem is the rest of the world, obviously.

be sure to try and tell them that while they vandalize your bar front and go mad with rage because its "the current year" and "your a fucking white male" who has the guts to turn somebody down.

Wow that's not very progressive at all. I wonder if all the fags and feminists in Europe are finally going to get tired of the evil patriarchal Muslims and declare a poz crusade against Islam. Once Europe led a crusade under the cross, maybe they will lead one under the dildo now.

> private club
> public house
You know where the word "pub" comes from don't you leaf?

Southern customs

>Islam is enforcing traditional gender roles

I am okay with this

French journos have gone full Pen.

Someone just dropped a lot of green.

someone should firebomb them in "their country"