Post pictures of your personal Jews

These and porn. I've already cut out weed and alcohol from my life. Watching porn much less than I used to. What curses of Jewry have you fallen prey to, Sup Forums?

Phone posting, which is why the image is fuckin sideways

I go through about 2L of Bacardi Black a weekend

I used to keep the bottles, had stashed them up for about four months

I'm trying to get rid of porn that's it.

How fucking stupid can you get, man?

Pretty fucking stupid in my youth. It is next on the chopping block, assuredly

I don't go to the gym, or exercise. I own a few cars that I don't drive, yet still pay insurance on them, and spend way too much time on Sup Forums. I also almost always eat out.

Pretty normal amount of consumption. You are good 2 go

Opioid dependant. Getting of of that, almost done weaning.

Vaping, used to smoke.

Also anv actual jew. Unfortunately I don't personally operate any levers of power


why? It doesnt even come close to real smoking

>It doesnt even come close to real smoking

Exactly. It's 1,000x better. Not only did I quit smoking and save money, but I have lost weight since I can have an e-liquid flavored like anything I crave.

Also convinced 2 people I know to make the switch from ciggies, including one pregnant chick.

only porn, but I'm thinking of taking up weed casually

I'm going through a rough patch

Does tea count for a jew?

I tea is probably 80% of all liquid i consume.

Stop watching porn


all my person 'jrews'

you are my best consultant


>Captcha: Tea

>Also anv actual jew
You can beat this. I believe in you.

things will get better user, 2017 will be /our year/

Iv'e tried that. Just think rationally -> how will doing weed make your life any better than it is now?

It is just a way to avoid doing things. If you are smart, just remember a time you have done weed, and remember why you stopped. Think deep, and commit the lesson to memory, and you won't ever go back unless surronded by a bad influence (which you probably won't do if you have something going for your life in the first place amirite)?

If the jews were behind vaping then why is the FDA lobbying so hard to make it impossible to buy vape products or introduce newly innovated (read: safer) products on to the market?

You think the FDA is jews. You think small businesses are the jews. You literally think everyone and everything you don't understand are (((the jews)))

>too much Sup Forums
>too much social media lurking
>too much coffee
>not enough cardio



Smoking is shit but I would rather smoke than vape because vaping is not also shit its also fucking gay and numale tier.

I quit smoking from one day to another and never smoked again.

You became a vape faggot. Sad!

>It doesnt even come close to real smoking

It tasted and feels nothing like smoking.
But it feels a lot like water pipe evcept vapor is warm.

I had a pineapple water pipe (with tobacco inside an actual pine apple) and my vape with pineapple flavor, i think my thing actually won.

And you can deliver nicotine in any amounts including ridiculous.
strong liquid feels pleasant, taste nice and can deliver a nicotine kick stronger than your first cigarette in your life.

managed to quit cigarettes and benzos

So you... smoke cigarettes, but you don't smoke weed? That's fuckin retarded

You cut out 2 things that are arguably better for you from a health standpoint maybe not for productivity I guess.

anyone here taking any mental medication? I'm using the pharma jew

99% of vapers are people who no longer smoke cigarettes but still enjoy delicious flavors and delicious nicotine.

I have never met a single cloudfag in my life, despite Sup Forums telling me those are the only people that vape.

All the vapers I know are parents, vets, and middle aged women.

What aspect are you talking about, afaik/seen everything can be matched except the tobacco burning flavor. Tobacco flavors are fresh tobacco instead of burning, but all other aspects can be matched.

After a time though, vaping becomes is own hobby instead of just a means to an end. I don't want it to be like smoking anymore, so it's moot for me, whether it's like a cig or not.

>was literally outlawed because of the alcohol, tobacco and fabric jews

>camel menthols
You have to be 18 to post here


Don't listen to him , THC makes everything easier and you will still be productive. It's like non degenerate heroine

Is vaping less degenerate than smoking? It's like having your pleasure without the downsides of the combustible jew.

I retired the coffin nails and replaced my water pipe with a volcano vaporizer, and I've noticed how nice I smell and I no longer have a smokers cough.

Sup Forums Jew is my Jewiest Jew


I've left the sect, I was forced to bar mitzvah, and promptly left after.

Sukot and purim are fun tho

kek I understand your confusion polskabro but burger culture is weird, almost no one smokes over there and they think cigarettes and alcohol are way more addicting and destructive than they are

My jews:
Porn has got better though.

Water pipe is not even up for discussion here m8.

Its for muslims und culturless liberal numales.

People who do waterpipe are not tolerated in my social circle. Also everyone who does waterpipe is a degenerate/loser/scum/dumb.


vaping is basically like having a portable hookah you can do outside if not better.

Besides it can be dirt cheap, especially if your cigarettes are expensive.
If you get into mixing your own liquid it get almost "for free" levels of cheap.

And you can just dip liquid under your tongue if on a plane or somewhere where you cant smoke.

I go through about a 5th of Wild Turkey every other day. Drink about half a 5th a day.

I used to smoke 2 packs of Camel Turkish Royals a day, I weened myself off and have been smoke free for 2 weeks so far, haven't craved a cigarette so much as I've craved the physical habit itself, so I just keep a toothpick in my mouth.

No caffeine, little sugar, no fast food otherwise. My water comes from my well, so I'm good there at least.

I only drink coffee, and beer socially, never liquor. Weed sometimes but I only smoke it if offered. The only drug I still actively seek out and consume is lsd. It has some next level restorative powers that lets me plan out my years by the quarter and foresee them happening.

Muslims also invented decimal digits 0123456789

Stop using them.

>Camel crush


Personal jews:
>pack a day
>fell for the university meme
Defeating the jew on these fronts:
>no alcohol
>no drugs

All the vapers I see are people who looke like worse groomed copies of that numale archetype with the crazy beard and hair that gets always posted on pol.

Also its just embarassing. You are telling yourself that you are too cowardly to go for the real stuff, the manly smoke but also too weak to abstain completely.

Stop vaping

I smoke hella weed.

I used to be free to pussy, but I've been working on that.

If you don't get any now, don't chase it. Not worth it. Find you a life passion, put your head down and make the world know how good you are at it.

Women are a distraction

>THC makes everything easier and you will still be productive. It's like non degenerate heroine
I've smoked pot before I just never made a habit out of it (because I only smoked pot I bought myself once)

I certainly didn't feel like getting a lot of work done kek. I heard at some point when you're old enough there are no permanent changes and you can start it and drop it anytime without harm

not like spain where people are poor as fuck yet still manage to spend gorillions on bullshit like cigs, alc and coke. that's not weird at all

kys spain is literally the fucking worst and should be nuked asap

Stop projecting Kadyrow

how'd you get addicted to benzos? how hard and how long?

>Computer, the electric Jew
>Don't work out but walk and bike so I'm not fat
That's it

Jack Daniel's

No porn.
I'm a stud

>not like spain where people are poor as fuck yet still manage to spend gorillions on bullshit like cigs, alc and coke. that's not weird at all
>kys spain is literally the fucking worst and should be nuked asap

literally no relation to what I said you dumb nigger, europeans just smoke and drink casually more


Stop Waterpipe now.

Hookah is not allowed for whites.

You are degenerating to sand nigger levels while using this shit.

how is celibate a jew

Is mtg a Jew? It's the only thing I do that isn't self improvement in any real capacity.

Why? I like vaping.

Roofed an entire house by myself while blitzed. It helps.

Tea is part of your cultural identity, much like vodka, semechki, and pravda. To give those up would be following kikery.

>Is mtg a Jew? It's the only thing I do that isn't self improvement in any real capacity.
only if you spend a lot of time and cash on it, stuff is pretty addictive dude

besides posting on Sup Forums

From a right-winger perspective, I am not furthering my race as a white man with generally good genetic traits

Well, I have a few legacy decks.
Not sure if shitposting can be counted as degenerate.

>You can stop whenever you like
depends on how much weed you have and how much perks you have put on willpower. And there are always the three days. But those are nothing compared to any other cold turkey.

>Didn't get anything done
Also depends on what you do. Don't operate heavy machines or try to write reports when high, but works quite well for shit talking and writing.

I quit weed a few weeks ago. Video games as well. Still drink the red fermented Jew. Don't have any plans to stop that. Porn use is minimal. I need to work on my temper most of all. The anger Jew is really hard to control.

Smelling like an ashtray is not "manly"

Now excuse me while I go enjoy this tank full of nicotine infused deliciousness

I love monster but shit man at least switch to the blue "lo-carb" flavor. That shit is like 300 calories a can otherwise.

>fell for the white Jew

Managed to kick the smokes and the energy drinks. I don't miss the drinks and I'm coping well with the absence of nicotine. Porn and cannabis will be the next hurdle. I've quit weed before (just let it run out and dont reup, 2 ez) but the porn demon is especially entrenched. Gonna take some effort to pull out the hooks.

>camel crush

sissy boi detected

Pol and porn are my Jews. Just can't shake the naked internet Jew.... Why live

This stuff is pretty good in moderation. Old fashioned with no fruit is the shit.

>muh ashtray

fucking faggot better kill yourself right now

Depends entirely on the person. My friend functions better while smoking.

When I'm stoned I get really into it, but my mind is all over the place so I make tons of mistakes along the way, but in the end it always gets done.

I prefer to be drunk over stoned. Not too terribly drunk, but when I'm buzzed its slows me down to the point I can get shit done and not make as many mistakes.

Problem is getting to that very fine line of buzzed and drunk, and staying there.

At least that's not a menthol.

Enjoy your popcorn lung.


The web jew, it is the final boss, porn is doable, but you can't really live in a modern society and not watch porn, you get triggered about 10 times on the way to the shop by yoga pants, even thought i look at them with true disgust, because it's degenerate when you come home and your girlfriend don't want to fuck you are fucked.

>quits weed and booze
>still smokes cancer sticks and drinks kidney stone juice

have fun with your horrible diseases

Too paranoid to post pics with any metadata,

but I guess my vice is dip. Copenhagen long cut wintergreen or extra long cut black. Also been taking more Adderral. When I'm done with finals I'll cut back on that shit.

here's a list of my own jews:
>social smoking
>nipple rubbing prior to masturbation (induces estrogen production and is very addictive, beware)
>watching tv while eating
>sleeping during the bus ride instead of reading

Come on i cant post a picture a mountain it cocaine here.

sex with palmela

It's true though. I smoked for 5 years. I was outside taking a bread, chatting with another coworker who still smokes cigs. I was down-wind so her smoke was blowing at me. I smelled it on me for the next few hours and it was awful.

Before I started vaping I couldn't smell the smoke (or barely did - and it didn't bother me)

I have huge respect for everyone that managed to successfully kill this jew after having a pack a day of it for years. Ridiculously hard

>he fell for the healthy tobacco meme

>video games
>this entire website
>not working out enough
My porn habits are becoming less degenerate though. and I'm starting basic training in the forces so I can fix tanks and shit so maybe that'll help me as well.

Most juices are made without diacetyl. Even so, the levels of diacetyl used in vape juice was negligible compared to the amounts people with actual popcorn lung would encounter.

Internet and vidya
Procrastinating and mediocrity in my degree
Inability to get gf

I've fallen prey to the alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, heroin, and pharmaceutical jew in recent years. Luckily I've lived to tell the tale. I've cut all of that shit out of my life since the day before Trump's election.

Every vaper i see in Chicago is a cloudfag

Helps to keep me awake on long drives and manage my temper when I got a rough spot in life. I'll stop when I get married

Way too much desu. Pretty low by a LOT of standards, but any is too much

I'm an insomniac, I don't think I'm giving that one up any time soon

the anime jew

you said that everything you do, besides mtg, is self-improvement in one way or another. Shitposting may not be degenerate (but it is), but it certainly is not self-improvement.

I killed it. Smoked a half pack a day for like eight years. Nicotine lozenges saved my life. Also a paranoia that I was dying. Going to the lozenge sucks dick for about three days. Then it's awesome as fuck.

>nipple rubbing prior to masturbation (induces estrogen production and is very addictive, beware)