If you're allergic to dairy you're not white

If you're allergic to dairy you're not white.

White people regularly drink milk that's 3% or fatter.

I used to be able to drink milk, but now I can't do milk/ice cream/etc but can still do cheese/cook with milk. I just quit drinking milk because I think drinking milk was kinda gross, when I was like 8, and it seems my body forgot how to handle it, I just throw up if I drink too much.

Am I white or nah?

>Drinking milk
found the goyim

Why can't non-whites' sensitive little tummies handle milk?

>Mongolia dark blue
For some reason I thought the nomads would be sucking their animals off a lot

What happened here?



>What happened here?

Swedish-African exchange program.

>implying this would involve swedes displacing africans

Go brush your tooth.

God swedes are retards (even when right). This isn't politic. This is now a redpill thread


I'm of irish stock and i can drink it no problem, but it tastes kind of gross. however after i finish a glass i usually feel pretty good. i feel healthy i guess? the milk over here evidently can have puss in it. so supermarket milk seems pretty gross desu and raw milk is illegal for some reason.


Eastern european sex slaves sold to african muslim kings by arabs/moors


so this is why americans are such fucking pussies, i am getting strong eating MEAT while they eat GROWTH FLUID made for BABY COWS

The Sahara - lack of data probably.

>ingesting growth fluid
>not strong.

Here it's seen that only ethnic Russian can tolerate milk. Finnic and turkic and mongolic people all cannot - except goat milk.

Finland I think has highest lactose intolerance in Europe, but strangely is also one of the highest consumers. I guess the Swede genes counteract in 1/2 the population.

>drinking milk
>current year
>still falling for the Dairy Jew

they are - Mongolians, Tibetans and most north Asians are milk drinkers. but they used China's data for Tibet, and it looks like they misused it to represent Mongolia's stats too

I've seen this before but do you have the source?

everybody uses it in coffee, we are crazy about coffee

Yeah it makes me mad that we cant just get raw milk, let the consumer take the risk of getting sick from it. Whats so crazy about having two choices for milk, and cheese, and almonds, etc. I hate pasturization.

Tfw drink 3-6L full fat milk every week.

This. Milk on cereal, milk in tea and coffee, milk in soups, milk in custard, milk in baking, pints of milk, and of course, milk protein shakes. Put real butter and cheese in everything I can too. I use it wherever I can substitute it for water. Makes life taste better and easier to hit high calorie target for training.

cows are so small oh wait

I never thought about just subbing out water for milk, I wish I could just buy 24 pack bottles of milk like I do for water hahaha.

Most likely. You can lose tolerance just from not drinking it regularly. My mom and sister can't drink it but I can and I drink like 2 gallons a week.

>tfw my family and I don't get sick from drinking whole milk
Hola my fellow aryan brother.

Divide and conquer thread, sage goes into all fields.

Enjoy your thyroid & gut auto-immune issues.

Source: Having milk atm.

Nope, Greece does. Finland has the fourth lowest.

What about gluten?

I'm 2nd generation Italian at 50%, how white am I?