Why people pretend to hate Portugal?

Portugal is at the same level as Nord countries:

>8 safest place in the world.
>Small population of 5 million.
>Great health care
>Marijuana is totally legal and drug consume is not considered a crime

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The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

>Why people pretend to hate Portugal?
Because they lost all their money and power in just 15 years before found brazil.


I like António de Oliveira Salazar, but they haven't done much since

It's not the 8th safest, it's the 5th
And the population is around 10.5mil

Tell what you want but you are more prone to get raped than Sven or Hans

Why not just move to Iceland since it's so safe?

>>Marijuana is totally legal and drug consume is not considered a crime

>this is a good thing.

Kill yourself, Pancho.

Never heard of Portugal before.

Well, it is false, though.

It's legalized, but you still get confiscated if you have too much and get put in Narcotics counselling, just like any other drug.

Did wonders for junkies, though. dunno how we came up with it, out of everyone.


>population of 5 million

>being a degenerate is legal and ok
how is that good?

We had a major health crisis with AIDS and, unlike the Brazilians who only complain and rationalize these issues, we actually did something, and solved it.

Yeah, but Portugal in the 90's solving anything is pretty impressive, desu.

>Portugal is at the same level as Nord countries

Didn't know the portuguese where degenerate subhumans

We're more nordic than Estonia.


but user here in Spain we don't h8 Portugal, some of us despise them but we r just like that with everybody, despise if u r worst than Spain and h8 if u r better

Fucking saudade.

We Wuz Nords

We're just sad we have a huge buffer of normies in Spain/France/Germany before we get to the other autismos of Europe.



Portugal used to be great before communism destroyed us.
I hope someone like Salazar comes again. But the population is too left leaning and brain washed for it to happen..

Portugal is based for the Reconquista lone. no one hates them.

Sup Forums hates all the African countries

>When wine and anti-depressants don't do the job.

Hehhe, based britain with the bantz.

Based Bulgaria.

5 million?
Are you high?

Yesterday there was a thread where a Britbong was saying that Portuguese barely drank and couldnt handle it.
There were around 4 guys telling him that it was wrong, but he refused to believe

1 - Debatable
2 - Close to 11 million
3 - Great if you have a good health insurance
4 - Fake

>The portuguese of that picture are of the same color as the moors

Lets settle this once and for all
Portugal or Spain?



Not surprising considering most Moors were Iberian converts.

It's 10 millions but decreasing. Sorry about that. I'm not doing many kids lately. Or sex.

my sides

The one that did everything 70 years before and didn't need to copy their western neighbours because they didn't have any.

Native Iberians were brown?

i really like memetugal desu.
top tier lads

>I'm not doing many kids lately.

Not my Portugal

Cities are full of gypsies selling fake drugs to tourists. Completely ruins the place. In the space of about an hour I was stopped and offered "Coke, hashish, marijuana?" about 20-25 times. Not nice!

Depends on how you define "brown". The Romans described them as being quite dark:

>Namque rutilae Caledoniam habitantium comae, magni artus Germanicam originem adseverant; Silurum colorati vultus, torti plerumque crines et posita contra Hispania Hiberos veteres traiecisse easque sedes occupasse fidem faciunt [...]
>Trans.: The swarthy faces of the Silures, the curly quality, in general, of their hair, and the position of Hispania opposite their shores, attest to the passage of Iberians in old days and the occupation by them of these districts
- Tacitus, Agricola XI, ~98 AD

>Silurum colorati vultus; torto plerique crine et nigro nascuntur; Caledoniam vero incolentibus rutilæ comæ, corpora magna, sed fluvida: Gallis sive Hispanis, ut quibusque obtenduntur, assimiles.
>Trans.: The Silures have swarthy features and are usually born with curly black hair, but the inhabitants of Caledonia have reddish hair and large but flaccid bodies. [The Silures] are like the Gauls or the Iberians, according as they are opposite either nation.
- Jordanes, Getica I.xiii, ~551 AD

But bear in mind we're discussing a contemporary image drawn by someone who may have chosen that skin colour for stylistic reasons. I get that you're trolling, but let's not go over board.

>Openly admits he likes doing kids

I saw this firsthand when I went to lisbon recently.
But I don't see it happen anywhere else

what's the deal with your divorce rates? you have the second highest divorce rate in europe.

>Portuguese/Hungarian union
Interesting. Very interesting. We'd be creating the hairiest people on earth, but still.

Please, PLEASE do not use Lisbon as an example for my country.

Also, they sell you literal flour, kek. If they get caught they don't get arrested because they don't carry proper drugs.

Too many bitches, too little time.

Also, our women get bitchy/demanding as fuck, and we get drunk as fuck. Recipe for disaster.

>be me
>wake up at 6am
>catch the bus
>go to the train station
>1st thing you see at the entrance is gypsies shouting "UM EURO, UM EURO"

help me

Thats what you get for going to Lisbon

Police and citizens are afraid of Gypsies and most cases police dismiss going after one because simple they are afraid. Nothing is ever done to gypsies. Fucking parasites of Europe ruining countries.

Take some of these

are the tsygans a serious problem there?
i thought that most of them reside in the balkans

They aren't even that many and we already fucking despise them.

Even left-wing minded people fucking hate ciganos.

Porto? Every fucking day there's a gypsie mother fucker approaching me to sell marijuana.

I don't talk to strangers. Dio taught me that much.

Sounds based.
Whats the age of consent?

We need no more masons nor plumbers you can take your trash back Portugay.

I do not believe this, Iberians are happy

This, they should be tagged for extermination

Choose one and only one faggot.

"Oh amigo faz-me um jeitinho, vá lá!"
>Dá 50 centimos
"Só isto? Oh amigo dá mais 50 centimos por favor!"



This is literally our national musical genre:

Memes aside we're actually pretty stoic people. Spaniards fit the happy-go-lucky stereotype a lot more.

It's 16, but it should be 18 to keep away pedophiles like you

depends on what you call problem, they ain't as violent as blacks and they ain't as dangerous as muslims but they are really, really fucking annoying

>t. Alberto Barbosa

>Even left-wing minded people fucking hate ciganos


>Quintino says the truth
>gets flamed

And fucking dirty.

They aren't numerous, but seeing one ruins your whole day. And since they don't work, every time you go out during expedient hours, you see one, parking cars or whatever.

Not all of them, but I've heard "Não sou racista mas odeio ciganos" a lot of fucking times.

are you from Lisbon?

That guy is entertaining

Too old..

It happened in Porto too, but not quite as frequently. I've travelled all over Europe and you obviously expect the people selling shit sunglasses, selfie sticks, etc, and the occasional drug dealer, but never on the same level as in Portugal.

What should I use as the example then? Lisbon was fairly comfy overall desu and I liked most of what I saw in Portugal, but it was ruined a little bit by all these gypsies.

Do you look Portugese? It didn't help that I have blonde hair and am immediately identifiable as non-Portugese just because of that.

can't stop us faggot.

How can one nation be so sad that even their own music shows it?

That depends on what you like in a city.

>they ain't as violent as the blacks
w8 you actually have black people there and they are fucking violent?
and no im not shitposting

Braga or Coimbra. Any smaller city is pretty good, and they'll vary with your tastes. We have gypos too, but they are a lot less annoying.

I guess that if you stick to the touristy places you're fucked in the big cities. You seem to have encountered a lot more than usual, though.

I look portuguese but they weren't speaking directly at me, they were shouting at everyone in the entrance

so yeah, waking up that early just to hear some fat cunts screaming ain't funny at all

the closest thing the gypsy race has to an achievement is Quaresma, pretty fucking sad

I know portuguese with blond hair, but they don't look out of place. It's a combination of traits which will give you away as a foreigner.

>tfw the richest guy in my vila is a gipsy

most of our migrants are from Angola, they are like 2% of the population

that's why you'll see some infographs showing Portugal with the most cases of Aids in Western Europe

That sissy faggot complained about all the racism he suffered for being a filthy cigano


It's the aftermath of a colonial Empire

I think he's comparing them to American blacks.

We do have a couple black neighbourhoods that are a bit more violent than our usual ones, but they are nothing compared to Americans.

Outside Lisbon/Porto most blacks are so outnumbered they end up being pretty polite and quiet.

We're still 98% European, it's just that they usually segregate, so when you see one, you see a fucking ton.

That's because they buy an expensive house, cause up a fucking ruckus with all their trailers in the front yard, and then extort the landlord to pay them to go away. Rinse and Repeat. Fucking cancert.

well, in his defense, racism against gypsies exist, they deserve it but it exists

and you tried to do trivelas when you were yonger, don't lie


Funfact: Gypsies fear the frog

It's actually a symbol of racism for them.

Yeah, pretty much.
That and smuggling

Chutar a bola com o lado de fora do pé, para fazer um arco.

Oh shit, I didnt remember that. Yeah its true. Top kek

oh I was asking cuz I've been more and more beggars without eyes on the train and wanted to know what the fuck is going on

well being as violent as american blacks is pretty hard but they are still pretty violent in Lisbon's outskirts

I remember a news station showing a video of a party in a prison and they were pretty much all black

our gypsies just beg on the streets and do petty crime.


Não me lembro de ter feito isso, também nunca me interessei por futebol para além de jogar com os meus amigos e pela seleção (quando não estava cheia de pretos). O que é que Trivelas tem haver com ciganos?

Let's no forget

It's actually 14 btw. If you don't believe Wikipedia and other websites. Try this article


If you don't know something, google please. Don't assume.
