Why is there such a strong correlation between having blonde hair and being first world?

Why is there such a strong correlation between having blonde hair and being first world?

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

explain this meme

France, Spain, and Italy aren't first world?

Light hair != blond hair

Not even memeing by the way

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

Because blonde people are overwhelmingly white Europeans and white Europeans are amazing at building successful civilizations

its supposed to confuse newfags, but since theres always new memes it could confuse literally anyone.
its just meaningless jibberish. kinda like the old fingerboxes people would talk about or how people would write "11/2/13 expect us."


They were until they put women in charge

This fucking thread again.

I know this has to be either one guy behind multiple proxies or a group but, fuck off with the divide and conquer tactics.

We all know damn well this thread will devolve into shit-flinging and "my graph says x" 'haha but u are wrong this photo says x'

wherever theres a "blonde hair" identity in the world you see leeches following them. Even here in the states, you have many nordics from same region and they literally follow them because it comes with such great quality of life.

It's simple. Humans stayed in Africa for 140,000 years and didn't evolve or do shit. Then some left and spread out over the world, developing and advancing and evolving and shit. Niggers stayed behind in the same place to still eat bugs and wipe their asses with leaves

graphs >> muh feelings or ancedotes

Cold climates breed smarter people

>Why is there such a strong correlation between having blonde hair and being first world?

correlation doesn't equal causation


>more civilized than Southern Europe

Being first in the world at getting cucked by north africans and arabs. Congrats you fucking idiots.

Then why aren't Inuits in Canada the fucking gods of technology?

It keeps the average up also keeps disease at bay, allows for more efficient brains becuase of heat transfer, it is a climate for r selection.
They have the largest skulls and brain capacity of all humans. It was agriculture which is where the IQ comes from. Hunter gathers didn't cultivate their experience the same way.

Checks out.

Oh fuck it's actually true, colder climates equate with larger skulls...

Still, intelligence is more of a cultural thing. I mean the Egyptians were building pyramids while Romans were building mud huts. Or Muslims were studying anatomy and were at the center of scientific advance while Europeans were bleeding people to death to heal them.

The Renaissance put Europe above the world, but before that, the Europeans weren't that special compared to say the Chinese, Indians or Middle-Easterners. South-East Asia is the richest region of the world today, they will lead civilization in the coming century, not Scandinavians.

das rasis

You mean K selection.

t. autist

Why is there such a strong correlation between having blonde hair and being a fucking liberal cuck who welcomes refugees?

White altruism