Self Improvement Thread? How to obtain this physique? I'm slightly overweight but have a gym membership, meal plan...

Self Improvement Thread? How to obtain this physique? I'm slightly overweight but have a gym membership, meal plan, and a will to power.

Why would you ask this place instead of going directly to the gym and ask somebody that knows and can actually help you, retard?

Working out and crying everyday.

hey, give him some credit, at least he isn't asking /fit/ for advice



Morrissey is looking damn good

This thread is also for general self improvement and what not

first you're going to need genetics you dont have. Then you'll need a whole lifetime of proper diet and regular weight training. So basically, unless you're 14 and willing to start now, you will never make it.

do martial arts user, it'll improve your life alot

I'm nineteen and only about 20 pounds over weight. Have already gained some muscle doing basic arm workouts. I can do this.

steroids, good lifting routine, good diet.

Suggested Martial Art?

Been reading Think and Grow Rich lately and feeling very inspired by Trump etc. Do you guys have goals you're working towards? I have trouble choosing goals because there are so many possibilities

I've been working on getting fit for a couple years now and have made some decent progress. Lost over 40 lbs and am much stronger and more active in general. I thought getting fit would make me feel more confident and more attractive to women, but of course neither of those things happened.

opinions go apart on that
i'd start with boxing then go for jkd/kali, muaithai or kravmaga

I'd like to become the strongest I can be in body, mind, and spirit.

How the fuck do I improve my social skills if I'm a fumbling autist with no friends besides a few fellow NEETS and I live in a shitty decaying suburb? Also, until the last year and a half, I've devoted most of my life to video games and surfing the internet.

No seriously, I want to improve. This existence is fucking awful, and I'd rather not kill myself on the off chance I have to relive my life/memories over and over again when I die.


Read the sticky faggot

Swallow the iron pill

Brute force it by getting a job that forces you to have a minimum of social interaction.

Lol. Not if you're not genetic trash.

I do kickboxing. Dope as shit and for hard fuckers
I think the idea behind TaGR is you choose something very concrete and easy to imagine I.e I'd like to have 500k

brazilian jiu jitsu is to a guys body what yoga is to a girls butt, and you learn how to hurt people

Can you give a short summary on how to truly swallow the iron pill

why not try drugs? that's how I cope with loneliness. Works pretty well

No fucktard that's not the answer. his answer is self overcoming.

don't listen to these fags, bjj is the only martial art that matters, every thing else is window dressing

I do mang. Weed got me through when I started developing actual self-awareness and realized just how much I fucked myself.

But that is a dead end. I want to improve and conquer my problems, not keep running from them.

But I just don't know how.

There are self-help methods for everything from de-cluttering to being more productive at work to learning confidence to improving one’s health, and the list goes on. The desire to improve oneself is laudable inasmuch as it recognizes that we are imperfect creatures living in a world that is less than what we were intended for. However, self-help aids miss the point. Humans are not in need of self-improvement. We are in need of a Savior. This is not to say that all self-help methods are inherently bad; simply that anything that emphasizes Self to the exclusion of God is off the mark.

When we come to faith in Jesus, we are made completely new (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are counted righteous before God, yet we are still in the process of actually becoming righteous. This is called sanctification, and it is a work of the Holy Spirit in us. God doesn’t just improve us; He actually transforms us and gives us new hearts. Even though sanctification is a work of God, it is a process in which we participate. We do things like pray, study the Bible, learn from sound teachers, and engage in Christian fellowship to help us know God more.

Guys, you keep saying NEET and i dont fully understand that status because i can't imagine someone living off the welfare and doing nothing with their life. Can you explain to me what it actually means ?.

Don't fall for the weed meme mate. Fucking awful shit. Just focus on getting out more

Get lost taco nigger

The herbal jew