Redpill me on this, pol

Redpill me on this, pol
Is any of the shit they sell legit?

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Pyramid scheme

Don't fall for it

Typical pyramid scheme. The products are fine but expensive. I'm surprised they're still around.

i was a part of this for real.

It will destroy your life and friendships. You will be hated forever and it will be all your fault.

Stay away, but feel free to ask any more questions, i'll be here.

Not even kidding, bro

>Literally a pyramid scheme

How? I got invited to a meeting

Its a combination of a pyramid scheme and a cult.
The money you make selling products is piss poor.
So the way to make real money, is that you need to recruit other people to sell things for you.
They make you write down the names of every person you know, and go try to recruit them.

They will tell you that if anybody tells you that they're not joining you and selling this garbage, then that person is just jealous of your success and they want to bring you down. Literally like a cult.

Something about presuming virgin markets. Dont go.

So basically Keyani? Is there anyway to manipulate it? I just want to make some money on the side

I have no idea what youre talking about.

Amway is a pyramid scheme. All of the products are "legit" in the same way everything you buy from the store is "legit," the problem is the prices are much higher than the store's prices. The company primarily makes money by making their distributors buy the products knowing that the average person can't sell them.
Google amway and read up on them, you don't want to be involved in this. As far as ruining your life that might be a bit of an exaggeration unless you really get taken for a ride, Amway's sales model supposedly relies on you selling their products, realistically you won't be able to do that because their stuff is more expensive than the store's stuff, you might get a few pity sales from friends and family, and Amway reps will pressure you to do more until they view you as an annoyance looking to squeeze them for money. You can make money doing Amway, but you need to be charismatic as fuck and a borderline sociopath. The real money in Amway is signing on a bunch of stupid fuckers under you who keep buying and pushing product in your "downline."

I wanna make money but I don't want to be cunt. The meeting was basically
>all jobs are pyramid schemes where there is a cap on progression
>thats not us

I don't know what "Keyani" is.

like said there's no way to make money selling their product, the money is in recruiting new people and getting them to recruit new people. If you take this route you have to be comfortable with the fact that you're essentially ripping your marks off and selling a lie, you also have to be a smooth motherfucker and able to sell these people on this bullshit while also pretending that you're a "true believer" to the Amway higher ups. It's not worth it, also putting Amway on a resume in the future is a really bad idea, any employer that sees that will assume you're retarded.

gee.. it should still crash sometime soon since they cant keep selling forever?

If you don't want to be a cunt then Amway probably isn't for you.

All jobs aren't pyramid schemes, you provide a service/product and you are compensated for it. Amway is a pyramid scheme because it is nearly impossible to make money on the products, money is made by recruiting new people and sending the cash from their initial buy-in "up" the pyramid.

Oh, Keyani (sure im spelling it wrong) was this "organic salmon oil" that could cure anything, and you have other people sell it for you. When you sign up they give you a car, that you're financially responsible for. It reeks of scams, I knew a girl who gave up a full ride to UW to sell their shit full time

Like goji berries from the Himalayan mountains

Pyramid scheme. They make their money by conning Trump supporter types.

They already have issues spreading in the U.S. since most people are aware of them. They target people without a lot of life experience, usually college students or desperate people in rural areas. They're huge in Utah, Mormons for a lot of reasons make great marks.

They're targeting India too, the head of their Indian operations got arrested a few years ago, but they're still active.

Yeah, man, get some of that good pyramid mummy money.

Yeah that sounds like the thing that they're about.
Amway has an uncomfortably close relationship with the Republican party that always pisses me off. I wouldn't get too cocky though, they and Cutco steal plenty of Bernie's money every year on college campuses.
Sooner or later you've got to pay the Mummy user.

No, it's all bullshit. The majority of their revenue comes from recruiting new members.

I almost got sucked into a similar pyramid scheme early this year, the World Financial Group, which is very similar to Amway. I was lured by a woman into attending one of the meetings under the hope that I would be able to earn money. The atmosphere of these meetings was cult-like. They emphasize positive thinking all the time. It's almost like brainwashing.

They have professional people there who work in real jobs but do this as a gig for extra money. But for most people who join, they won't be able to make a cent. The money goes to the people at the top. The only way you'll make money is if you recruit other people. All the stuff they sell is crap.

>all these people calling it a pyramid scheme

you guys realize Trump nominated a DeVos to his cabinet? His campaign is just as much a con as this company.

There's no perfect candidate, I'm willing to put up with a certain amount of bullshit out of Trump and his administration if he delivers in other areas. Even if he does jacks shit that already makes him a better candidate than Hillary would have been.

If you want to make some money on the side trust me, it's easier to get a part time job or even to make money on youtube or something

you won't get anything from amway until maybe 9 months in and if you even get that you're in like the 5% of people who stay in through ruining all their friendships and relationships and wasting all the time you have.

I feel guilty, years later. I made a guy join, he was poor and smoked week. he payed like $120 or $220 to join, then there was no help for him and he couldn't do anything himself of course. I realised i stole $220 from him, my friend for the chance to get some money in a few months if he too recruits all his friends and ruins his life.

I couldnt encourage him to do it, i couldn't give him back the money cause they guy above me signed him up, i feel bad about it to this day.

If i saw him again today I'd pay him back twice over but i never have.

I had too many friends never talk to me again once i tried to get them in as well.

You can yourself richer by far by flipping burgers even btw.

Most of the product is bought by people trying to get more people to sign up, not actual customers. There is a secondary market that sells motivational materials, books, seminars and meetings that arent amway products but you will be told to buy every month. One guy I went to school with used to post 'go diamond'after every facebook post

i loved an indie energy drink. amway bought it and jacked up the price.

Wow fuck that freshman year graphic design product logo. This has gotta be a scam

>The company primarily makes money by making their distributors buy the products knowing that the average person can't sell them.

Former member here. I used to routinely attend there meetings. Speakers actually advised people to buy from themselves. That way, members can earn points and be "reimbursed" through commission. They actually routinely parroted this as a "good idea" since we all use similar products in our every day lives. What they neglected to mention is that if you buy a $10 bottle of toothpaste and make $2 commission, you're still out $8. When you could have just bought the $3 toothpaste at Walmart, saving yourself both money and time.

Furthermore, the "buy from yourself" strategy isn't really tenable since many of the products Amway sells aren't common, every day items.

This "tactic" also clearly illustrates what Amway is doing. Amway's members aren't "independent business owners", they are captive customers.

>There is a secondary market that sells motivational materials, books, seminars and meetings that arent amway products but you will be told to buy every month.

At my local "Amway house", this is where the real money is.

>One guy I went to school with used to post 'go diamond'after every facebook post

Half of my high school graduating class got suckered into Amway.

About that, how about you leave them a message


I'm not asking for joining, I know the shitty pyramid scheme. Some guy from Amway is selling Amway products to my mom.
Once, I remember, he made her stop taking some pills the doctor gave her (I don't remember what where those for) because they could "Make fat store in her brain". Instead of taking those pills, the amway guy told her she should buy some of his products, that of course are free of all that brain fat, and are natural.
Fortunately I convinced her of taking the pills again that same day, and told my mom to ask the seller what kind of degree he has to despise the doctors medicine.
The seller then told my mom that he had assisted to many conferences and symposiums, and that he had read many amway's books.
Apparently you can become wiser than a doctor by doing conferences.

fuck amway. it went from same price as a soda to one of the most expensive. now the only way they can make sales is by forcing their amway slaves to buy.