/Fsg/ Fascist General

/Fsg/ - Fascist General

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.

A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction

Oswald Mosely
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Stepan Bandera
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ettore Ovazza
Gaetano Mosca
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Maurras
Enrico Corradini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Johann Plenge
Alceste De Ambris
Gabriele d'Annunzio
Juan Perón

Types of Fascism

British Union
Meme futurism
Clerical Fascism
Brazilian Integralism

"[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly."~Oswald Mosely

Other urls found in this thread:


"Capitalism is . . . a method of industrial production. To employ the most comprehensive definition: Capitalism is a method of mass production for mass consumption, financed en masse by the emission of private, national and international capital. Capitalism is therefore industrial and has not had in the field of agriculture any manifestation of great bearing.

I would mark in the history of capitalism three periods: the dynamic period, the static period and the period of decline. The dynamic period was that from 1830 to 1870. It coincided with the introduction of weaving by machinery and with the appearance of the locomotive. Manufacturing, the typical manifestation of industrial capitalism, expanded. This was the epoch of great expansion and hence of the law of free competition ; the struggle of all against all had full play. In this period there were crises, but they were cyclical crises, neither long nor universal. Capitalism still had such vitality and such power of recovery that it could brilliantly pravail.

There were also wars. They cannot be compared with the World War. They were brief. Even the War of 1870, with its tragic days at Sedan, took no more than a couple of seasons.


the theorists of liberalism could say: "You, the State, have a single duty. It is to see to it that your administration does not in the least turn toward the economic sector. The better you govern the less you will occupy yourself with the problems of the economic realm." We find, therefore, that economy in all its forms was limited only by the penal and commercial codes. But after 1870, this epoch underwent a change. There was no longer the struggle for life, free competition, the selection of the strongest. There became manifest the first symptoms of the fatigue and the devolution of the capitalistic method. There began to be agreements, syndicates, corporations, trusts. One may say that there was not a sector of economic life in the countries of Europe and America where these forces which characterize capitalism did not appear.

What was the result? The end of free competition. Restricted as to its borders, capitalistic enterprise found that, rather than fight, it was better to concede, to ally, to unite by dividing the markets and sharing the profits. The very law of demand and supply was now no longer a dogma, because through the combines and the trusts it was possible to control demand and supply.

Fascism has never worked.

"If today I am better off practically, I owe it to the institutions which the Fascist revolution has created."

We want the Italian workers, those who are interested in their status as Italians, as workers, as Fascists, to feel that we have not created institutions solely to give form to our doctrinal schemes, but in order, at a certain moment, to give positive, concrete, practical and tangible results.

Our State is not an absolute State. Still less is it an absolutory State,remote from men and armed only with inflexible laws, as laws ought to be. Our State is one organic, human State which wishes to adhere to the realities of life. . .

Today we bury economic liberalism. The corporation plays on the economic terrain just as the Grand Council and the militia play on the political terrain. Corporationism is disciplined economy, and from that comes control, because one cannot imagine a discipline without a director.

Corporationism is above socialism and above liberalism. A new synthesis is created. It is a symptomatic fact that the decadence of capitalism coincides with the decadence of socialism. All the Socialist parties of Europe are in fragments.

proof? War isnt an answer.

We have rejected the theory of the economic man, the Liberal theory, and we are, at the same time, emancipated from what we have heard said about work being a business. The economic man does not exist; the integral man, who is political, who is economic, who is religious, who is holy, who is combative, does exist

Let us ask a final question: Can corporationism be applied to other countries? We are obliged to ask this question because it will be asked in all countries where people are studying and trying to understand us. There is no doubt that, given the general crisis of capitalism, corporative solutions can be applied anywhere. But in order to make corporationism full and complete, integral, revolutionary, certain conditions are required.

There must be a single party through which, aside from economic discipline, enters into action also political discipline, which shall serve as a chain to bind the opposing factions together, and a common faith.

But this is not enough. There must be the supremacy of the State, so that the State may absorb, transform and embody all the energy, all the interests, all the hopes of a people.

Still, not enough. The third and last and the most important condition is that there must be lived a period of the highest ideal tension.

We are now living in this period of high, ideal tension. It is because step by step we give force and consistency to all our acts; we translate in part all our doctrine. How can we deny that this, our Fascista, is a period of exalted, ideal tension?

No one can deny it. This is the time in which arms are crowned with victory. Institutions are remade, the land is redeemed, cities are founded.

Corporatism was invented for fascism by National Syndicalists. Corporatism is the main economic system a facist society will use. The goal of corporatism is to bring every major interest group or "corporate group" into working towards a common goal for the state. This allows for the state to easily regulate every corporate group and decide what is "good" and what is "harmful" for the state, anything deemed harmful will be banned by the state.

Fascism is literally degenerate even Evola thought so. Fascism is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

>Bring up Evola
>Fails to actually cite his writings.

How could the most staunchly anti degenerate society be degenerate? And fascism is a means to an end. To all ends, to completely revolutionize human thinking and instinct.

>he hasn't read fascism viewed from the right

I don't think you what degenerate means. A civilization degenerates from tradition. Anything that claims to revolutionize anything is inherently degenerate.

I will read it.

>degenerate from tradition
Fascism is not pure traditionalist, full traditionalism is regressive. And full modernist leads to to much progressiveness. As your can see in our world today the amount of modernism and progressiveness has resulted in a stagnant and ever so degenerative society. Fascism is described as having a perfect balance of both.

Good answer. This is why it's often associated with a "third position".

Indeed, neither being right or left. The most it can be described as on the political compass is "center right"

Its a philosophy of nature more than anything...

VERY much related.

Indeed, fascists of all types were the true "environmentalists"


I just got into a debate/discussion with my dad in regard to Fascism and Democracy. He said that the reason democracy is good is because the people is capable of removing unqualified leaders, limited by a Constitution. He used Nero as an example of why absolute power, without the ability to legally remove or limited him, is a bad thing.

I was able to respond and argue against this, but I'd like to hear some of what you guys have to say. How do you ensure bad leaders don't come to power, and how do you ensure they treat the people fairly and well?

Simply tell him this, Democracy is a kingless regime infested by many kings who are sometimes more exclusive, tyrannical and destructive than one, even if he be a tyrant.

read some Alexis de Tocqueville

"Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."

I like to highlight the importance of patriotism and religion. A patriot is not going to ruin something that he loves, and should love his countrymen as much as his country. A man who believes in a power he cannot achieve and will less likely to be curropt because he will never get all the power. I do however believe in voting becuae it means shit leaders can be removed peacefully, but I don't agree with term limits

I used Tocqueville and was able to scrape out a slight win. I argued from a perspective of a Wu Wei, and the Mandate of Heaven, saying that a populace will always vote against their interests and destroy the government. A spiritually reinforced leader, with a value based elected ministerial system, is the best way. A spiritual supreme leader, who does not act as he should based on a transcendent constitution, would be removed.

He just responded by saying the only problem is that there's no such thing as Heaven. I've redpilled him quite a bit, but I still have a long way to go.

That's actually a good way of putting it.

Would you say Singapore is an example of a good system, where even though it's a democracy, the ruling party is so effective it keeps getting reelected over and over again?

Quote from Mussolini himself.

I don't think I've had my parents concede one argument regardless of any points I made or evidence I provided

and I'm talking about scientific matter (philosophy and social topics I try to avoid because it's a lot more subjective)

(have you used the old "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" line yet

Muh futurism

What does everyone think about Syndicalism in this setup?

Rare enough~

I think syndicalism is still good, its just a bit too "lefty" for me. Too much of "power to the workers"



They had some flaws tho, e.g. they were crazy enough o say that Italy should just fill the Venice lagoon with land and make highways upon it
During WWI that deeply hated everything germanic too
can provide some translations if interested

Ah well, they were certainly plans. I can fully agree hitler did a much better job in technologically advancing his country.

Redpill me on the blue division

>technologically advancing
In that same manifest, they list amongst Germany's defects "Junk industry constipation", kek

Franco sent a large detachment of troops from spain to help fight communists on the eastern front. The division was known as the "Blue Division" or "division azul" In 1943 if I recall correctly Franco requested the remaining troops to come back, but many of them denied the order refusing to leave, and formed the "Blue legion" or enlisted into regular Waffen SS units.

Fascist Italy still had some great architecture and style.

Very true, very true

I only wish there was as much colored film and photos of fascist Italy like as the third reich.




You aren't fooling anyone friend :^)

i challenge everyone in this thread to have the courage to stand up for their beliefs, to 'out themselves' as fascist in their daily lives.

don't just be keyboard cowboys. if we are going to make a difference, we must begin to introduce our ideology into the sphere of daily life.

or what? continue to hide on anonymous message boards? no...i, for one, am tired of hiding. it's time to bring our message into the light of day. this is the only way to move forward.

Why did they?

Living in California.. This is especially hard for me, I slip redpills whenever I can though.

Why did they what? Stay?

I'd like to keep my job lad

are you trapped there because of work, school or family?

or are you just used to the environment (nature and familiarity of town)

When did colour photograph become mainstream/were developed btw?

All of those, I've lived here my whole life and unfortunately the career I want to choose, is best here. I can do it in any other state, but I would make shit compared to as here. And I'd want to have a family one day, so I just want to be financially secure.

I have no idea on that. It was in the 50s wasn't it? I know mainly all the pics from the third reich have been colorized.

I don't back down from a challenge and the whole world would instantly swarm

besides that's something a fanatical muslim would do (unable to function amongst different ideas)

I would prefer to have peace of mind over shifty loyalty from half hearted NS

it's too early to risk the rest of my life's peace of mind

I'm thinking of my family too (they would be targeted for my views )

Muslim fundamentalist are fascist. Your only safe place is onle you fucking terroist anywhere else ans we are coming to kill you.



>10 years too late to have beautiful colour pics of all the parades
Just why

Thank god for colorization

How can fascism realistically be enacted in the West?

The thing about fascism is that it can be crafted, tweaked, and molded to fit whatever environment it is going to be used in. Any country can use fascism, all they must do is craft their own to suit their problems and situation. Which is what america would do, I've still not completely put together exactly how American fascism would work. I've got a general idea on how it'd operate though.

Definitely, even thought some of them look weird
>pic related
Just found a documentary "fascism in color - mussolini in power" on youtube if you're interested in colorized videos from Italy

I've got to sleep now m8s. I've asked for someone to take over the thread in the discord I've created, so hopefully someone else comes. Anyone who wants to help contribute info and media to these fascist generals feel free to join.


I understand that, but the question is how does a movement or a party actually manages to succeed while being anti democratic.

Remaining Democratic and winning Democratically would be key at first, remember even hitler won Democratically.

goodnight user
long dreams of white women in wheat fields

Right, so then the question becomes, how do we convince the masses who are used to absolute freedom, to choose national strength over individual pleasure?
Seems impossible in today's society (not to be a defeatist or anything).

Not do nothing wrong

Fascism starts at the family. The family is the most basic unit of the nation. Family > race > city > state/province > nation. We start by running our families with these values. If we do this the result is exponential. Our kids then have families with these values.

So the answer is starting from the ground up. We start with our families by living these values. Then we educate those that live in our cities/towns and run for or vote for fascists in local elections. We must work our way up. The journey may seem daunting, but it is possible.

*checks flag

wait just a fucking minute

what's this how do "we" convince the masses

call me a literal Nazi for years and now it's "we"

*scratches head

pretty sure you're looking for the Civic Nationalism thread sir (make a left passed the shower room)

This is the National Socialist thread (you know .. literal Hitler Nat Soc

now please, we're busy

I completely agree with your analysis

however the biggest hurdle in the way of it is young men

I often say exactly what you wrote and every single time I get the usual get out of here "roastie, feminist" (white knight)

.. "white women are unreliable "

they can't make the connection in their heads that the half nake girl they're posting is the genuine "roastie" and the girl making them work a little for her time/affection is wife material

that's been the problem for many years and I honestly think now is our best chance to get these mgtow types to at least grant women some trust (women didn't vote for Hillary as much as expected)

that's just my perspective (as a male btw)

Good point. White women skewed towards Trump. We would have lost the election without them. White women aren't even a fraction as bad as the MGTOW types say. The truth is MGTOW is a product of cowardice. They're afraid to trust another human being such an intimate way.

Might you get cheated on? Maybe. But all things worth doing involve risks. We need to have courage and conviction. I've dated dozens of girls before I met my fiance. Having a family is one of the greatest things you can do.

Bumping this great thread. We need more fascist generals.

>reminder that all jews are shapeshifting lizards

what Trump does is almost irrelevant from now (calm down lol let me explain :)

he was a test for our people (could we unify for a common purpose against disent from familiar voices)

our women went through the most difficult test since they got the right to vote
our white women, just saying that brings me pride *heart flutters*

they have proven themselves more loyal than at any other time in history

they fought against everything thrown at them

they were presented with a choice between more *perceived* freedom, luxuries and advantages

and the "horrors" of being subjugated, disenfranchised and imprisoned to a basic lifestyle

this election proved to me that women have logic and reasoning ability (equal to or greater than men)

our intelligent women saw through the deception and allure of historic opportunity

our beautiful women choose us as shabby and disillusioned as some of us have become

my faith in them never seized because history has proven them reliable

now is just the beginning for us as men to prove ourselves

our women forged our weapons and armor

it is up to us to put our faith in their craftsmanship

after all, they created us as men

I Love You White Women

My loyalty is to you and you alone

Thank You, may Heaven be our witness

That it did.

Americans can't be fascist

Sure but just read evola and understand metaphysically and esoterically what female and male energies are

Says who?

ITT: LARPing neckbeards

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you really want a xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, misogynistic totalitarian state that punishes people for just being who they are?

Evola for one
you're all just playing pretend

Not an argument.

I doubt you can even describe fascism

Go read some Giovanni Gentile.