Government makes me pay for public education that I don't even use

>government makes me pay for public education that I don't even use
>in fact I think the public education system is garbage, but if I refuse to pay they will throw me in jail

Why is this allowed?

Any autist with 4chanX can spam with eggmen shit. Kill yourself....

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

The entire society that you live and function in starts at public education. The guy that engineered the system that brings water to your home went to public school.

It's allowed because as a tax payer you have a say in how those schools are run through your representative government.


13years of free school gets you a job a McDonalds.

Its setup to teach niggers how to count to ten and spell their own name.

Shit is garbage. Government school is free daycare and pro feminism.

13 years gives you an opportunity to compete, faggot. All I have is a GED and most people on my level work with have a BA or MA.

You're being taxed so they can condition your children with lies, and if you refuse to pay jails in your future.. Time to burn it down

Liberals and other types of statists, mostly.

>We need to make sure our kids are educated, so lets set up a monopoly on education that stifles innovation and has no incentive to improve.

Because an educated population is beneficial directly and indirectly to you.

I know people will say "education doesn't equal intelligence" but it's a good way to keep kids busy while doing something that can, if they put in effort, productive for them

>schools pay teachers shit
>only people willing to get paid shit are liberals
>school system systemically corrupted by liberals who have Teacher tenure and are dug in like ticks
>private primary schools cost $5k/year
>Trump is going to give tax credit for cost of private tuition

Not even in office yet and Mr. President is going to save me around $45k.

because muh social contract goy.

Public schools indoctrinate shit like tolerance and diversity is strength into your kid, removes their ability to think for themselves, and readies them for a life of subservience. There's a reason why well off parents pay a lot to send their children to private schools.

Here's a compromise a lot of people might like. While your kids are in school, and if your children are not in a public school, you're temporarily exempt from the taxes going to public education. Paying twice for education is ridiculous and not everyone wants to send their kids to some shitty school filled with nig nogs and white trash. Alternatively, you could do what people have been asking for for some time and give vouchers for private schools equivalent to the per student cost of public schooling. I support public education as a baseline or bare minimum despite its deep flaws but it seems to exist at the expense of private schools.

The general counter argument to this is, if everyone could magically afford private school, classroom size would double and costs would go up because more demand but no more supply. End result would be a degraded private school experience, more money going into private school coffers, and a net decrease in cost for private school (after the gross cost has gone up and rebate applied)

heed my warning goyim

The counter argument to that is, those schools can have a basic entry level exam? Thus niggers have to congregate in the only schools that they can get into and you no longer have to pay for your fucking children to be force fed lies, and diversity.

Private schools are also a way for kids who do poorly in public schools to get additional attention. Perhaps Tyrone is too distracted in a public school setting and would benefit from a more structured environment. Entry level exams would essentially bar under-preforming students the opportunity. The legality of such a thing is highly questionable.

Now if the student scores in the special education ranges, the private school could simply state that they do not have the facilities for that.

Prep schools on the other hand already have entry level exams in place.

Cause you let em lol fuck taxes man laissez faire just cheat your taxes

Grammar schools, desu.

They're bringing them back in the UK.
There is hope yet.