As automation becomes more advanced...

As automation becomes more advanced, it's only a matter of time before the (((service economy))) meets the same fate as manufacturing.

When we get to the point that 90% of jobs can be performed by a machine or computer, will the guaranteed minimum income finally be feasible?

You will most likely see national/Global treaties restricting or outright banning forms of automation.

Full automation sounds great. Can be a NEET and not get shit on by society

Your going to be dead before this ever happens. When it does you still don't need communism as there will still be ways to make money.
Automation is really no different than a slave economy the only difference being no cry babies complaining about the morality of it. I could be wrong about that last part though, you leftists are absolutely batshit.

Not if the same jews running the old system run the new.

They're trying to pull off the basic income meme already, just by introducing it with no foundation to support it.

Of course it won't work this way.

people will always want other people to service them
just because you're an autist doesn't mean everyone is

Nope. When the machines and computers are that sophisticated, they will decide to eliminate parasitic humans.

Someones got to fix all the busted Automujiggas
Thats a shit load of full-time work right there.

Or you know migrate elsewhere.

Waste of energy to play war, when there are all those juice stars and resources out there.

I'll just unplug the bastard if it comes at that shit!!!

This is the stupidest argument of all. Not only it ignores that machines capable of fixing other machines are perfectly possible but it hardly fixes the underlying problem of labor/automation replacement, unless you really believe that were going to have so many robots around that we're going to hire every person out of a job as a repairman.

That's when the so called elite can get rid of all the plebs shitting up the planet and fulfil the Georgia guide stones prophecy of maintaining the population at 500,000,000. Addenda 2030 user

Jokes on them, ill be dead by then.



One of two things would happen.

1. The majority of the population will finally receive "basic living income".


2. The population will be scaled back by the unseen hand to get rid of all the "dead weight".

Either way, we are still a ways off from that ever happening. We'll get to that point eventually, but probably not until we're old.

The free market will simply create more jobs for programmers and IT-ers, the only people who would be effected at all would be the manual laborers and minimum wage workers.

fully automated luxury communism

The population will go the same way it has always gone.
Starvation will cull off the lower classes by the billions.

I think it's more of the latter.
remember the guidestones

UBI and greater focus on reducing the population via peaceful methods such as one-child policy.

>The free market will simply create more jobs for programmers and IT-ers

Right now, in the world you live in today, if you do IT work there's already a 1 in 3 chance you're a pooinloo. Indian institutions are shitting out more IT and STEM professionals than the market can absorb, they're cheap and desperate just incompetent enough to justify the wage difference. The reason why you got so many indians startups today is that that's what you do when you can't find a job, but tell me, what purpose are they going to serve when no one is consuming anything anymore? Fat lot of good Uber is going to do when everyone is cocooning because there's no point in leaving your house or money to do so.

The free market might fix this problem but it's not going to be through IT.

Hopefully the useless layabouts hoping for universal income (NEETbux) get cut off and starve to death once we stop needing cashiers at McDonald's

>but probably not until we're old.
considering the speed of technology process during the last 30 years, im not so sure about that