Native Americans

I have a question for ethno-nationalists. I agree with you that Europe should be ruled by native Europeans and not by immigrants, but why shouodn't the United States be ruled by native Americans? Just like in Israel, colonists from Europe and Russia basically colonized the land or deceived native Americans, but our native land is Europe and wouldn't it be better to give main power to native Americans while we take lesser positions of power? Even if we "brought civilization", it wasn't our land. And no, I 'm not an irrational left cock, I just completely agree with Bobby Fischer here.

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That ship sailed. They have their reservations and all they choose to do there is drink themselves to death.

Do some research and you'll that so called "Native Americans" weren't the first ones here.

>give injuns a chance to autonomously rule themselves
>they just get drunk and don't have jobs instead

Because civilization is better than savagery.

A smattering of indigenous people warring amongst themselves don't constitute a country.


Where are the Indians in NA now?
1- Very small numbers in reserves (have themselves often mixed ancestry)
2- Great majority whiped out by colonist diseases.
3- Mixed in the population. Many people have very far Indian ancestry.

Who counts as actual heirs of the pre-Colombian Indians?

They don't have a right to the land #1 because if you stretch your timeline enough you'll see they weren't the first ones here, #2, lost in multiple wars fair and square, and #3, traded the rest of that land away for beads and other shiny shit with no value.

So then why doesn't this logic apply to Israel? The Israelis have universities and laboratories on their side while the Palestinishits have rocks and dirt, and have always had that even before muh evil Zionists arrived. Why do goyim get to conquer and ethnically cleanse untermensch but not Jews?

But if you apply that logic to Israel you can say jews weren't the first ones too. And they didn't know the value of these trades?

the whole New World has millions of foreign white, blacks and asians, making it impossible to send them all back. Regional segregation is the only solution

Because by the time Europeans showed up outside of Mexico, Native Americans were being slaughtered by diseases.
Louisiana was bustling with life, but when Europeans discovered it it was devoid of humans.
Same goes for most of America. The only reason there were still tribes of natives in the north was the cold climate demanding a stronger immune system.

And you know what those tribes did?
They sold their land for trinkets and beads.

There is so much wrong with this point of view. not first ones here? Which group of humans were?

>if you revise history enough you'll clearly align with muh anglocentric dominance

Nope. White people showed up THEN disease ripped through the first nations.

Disease spreaded faster than Europeans did.
As soon as Cortez made landfall near Veracruz, the natives were fucked.

If you apply that logic to the British isles, picts would run the country

That's only feeding my point. FIRST Cortez lands, THEN native communities suffer from disease. You only evidenced cause and effect.

If we gave power to natives our land would be conquered in short notice. They're such a small and insignificant group the kikes don't even try to use them for leverage.. no one goes after the indigenous vote or tries to appeal to them. They do not matter and are content to sit in their reservations getting drunk.

Also, this was never a cohesive nation before European settlers gradually made it one, starting with the first 13 states and eventually putting the whole continent under one banner. It wasn't an easy task. Most of this land was several hundred native tribes all fighting one another for dominance, and tribal territories changed constantly through conquest. The idea of a "Native American" race wasn't even in their minds, only tribes. Whites are the ones who thought of them as all the same, they all had different cultures and most disliked each other. Hence when they allied with the settlers against each other; they even liked the settlers better than their enemy tribes. So to insinuate that this entire landmass is somehow the native peoples' as a collective is a sure display of stupidity and ignorance, and one only a stupid SJW rainbow-haired faggot fed propaganda could come up with.

Now, that's not to say the US government didn't do some fucked up shit to some tribes. That much is true.

Literally relies on Texas instruments for historical information.

And west Africans were brought over as migrant labor.

>Dinesh D'Souza
Into the trash it goes.

*revisionism intensifies*

Basically this, hell I live in oklahoma and you hardly ever see pure bloods anymore. Plus the ones that are left either run casinos or are depressed alcoholics

Nice revisionist history buddy. We promised them large tracts of good land repeatedly, but we repeatedly violated those terms and pushed more and more of them onto smaller areas of desolate land.

What's done is done, and the majority of Indians left are mixed to the point of being white washed anyway