How do i raise a child

Holy shit guys my wife is preggers, how am i supposed to raise a child to not grow up degenerate.
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Home Schooling

Wife is a 1st grade teacher, and i work so that isnt really an option

Charter and Montessori programs are good as well. My daughter is in Montessori and it's great, but I still have to teach her to reject the liberal BS messages.

Depends if boy or girl

Reported for posting CP.

Ive heard good things about montessori, thats just where they learn what they want right? Is it k-12?

just make sure there's some vodka and coffee in the house and he can reach the knife before you leave for work every day.

Sexist. Maybe its neither a boy or girl. Might be a pansexual, didn't you think, nazi-kraut?

Will be a boy or im gonna toss it back

O master, things without wisdom or measure can't be ruled by rhyme or reason.
When you offer apples to a sulky child he refuses: 'Take them, love!' He won't: not offered he wants them.

The discipline that is needed should be just that - the lesson that teaches not to do that again.

>Home Schooling
Not necessary unless you cannot find a school with a good curriculum. It's important that children get to play with others.

Childish behavior:
> Repeatedly misbehaving
- Reason: Receiving inconsistent or empty threats, No responsibility for their behavior
- Response: Natural consequences, point out the cause of their consequences
> Sulking/Withdrawl
- Reason: Something is concerning them but they are unwilling to confront or discuss it
> Lying
- Reason: Covering things up, avoid consequences/responsibility, social experimentation, exaggeration, attention, manipulate a situation/person
- Response: Pushing to explain further, emphasize the importance of honesty/trust/truth, make a joke (exaggerate the untrue statement)
> Selfishness
> Attention Seeking
- Response: Ignore the child

> General
- Be a good role model
- Explain your perspective (helps them to understand and empathize with you)
- Be positive (do not nag or criticize)
- Only confront behavior that is important (don't waste your time)
- Encourage good behavior
- Make the child feel important (involve them in activities)
- Be prepared for unexpected behavior
- Discourage bad behavior
- Children remember criticism more then they remember encouragement
- Encourage them to reflect on their behavior
- Give children advanced warning of things that are going to happen (so they are psychologically prepared)
- Children tend to talk about things that are roaming about in their mind

Man, I don't know. Just tech them to think for themselves, and put a big emphasis on facts. I had a pregnancy scare a few months ago, and all that shit was running through my mind. I came to the conclusion I didn't want my kid at a public school

No, Montessori still abides by state school regulations and standardized testing, but it's a more free flowing, open learning environment. Less of, "Sit down, shut up, work alone, and listen," and reinforces group work and freely engaging in learning.

Teachers still do have times in the day that they teach directly to the whole group, but much of it is the teacher checking up on kids as they discover things, answering questions to help correct them, etc.

Also yes, most Montessori programs are K-12.

Depends if not retarded

Abortion and keep it in a jar afterwards.

guys i want kids but i am a degenerate who cannot control my spending. My GF is aging (31 next month) We make just above 100k annually together but i cant get my shit together

What can i do?

Get a load of this guy.

Thanks for the good advice

stay away from the cities and don't be overly permissive and that should do it. remember you're a parent, not a best buddy and you have to override your kid's choices sometimes.

My main concern is that once they get 13 or something they rebel hard and turn into some monster giga faggot

My wife had my first baby (little girl) monday night. I'm sitting in the hospital waiting to be discharged right now wondering the same things.

Obligatory 2hours of pol/day would do it.

>how am i supposed to raise a child to not grow up degenerate.

tell you wife to quit her job

An abortion would do the trick

>Make him do physical work, take him for hunting and get him call of duty, also make sure you spend time with him, kids raised by mother grow up to be beta.

First of all, assuming your wife was a virgin until marriage and she's not a degenerate, then your wife should be a housewife so she can raise your child while you are working. Women who focus on their careers end up depressed because it is a woman's job to raise kids and it makes them happy. Also homeschool your kid so your kid won't have degenerate influences. Your wife will homeschool your kid, hence the purpose of a housewife. Women are happy raising children.

>inb4 the kid won't be social because he's homeschooled

There are homeschool sports that kids can do with other kids that are homeschooled.

If your child is a boy then you have to teach him to be a man and not a pussy beta numale. If your child is a girl then teach her to be a woman, her gender role.

I'll give you my example of a comparison between my brothers daughter and my daughter. My brother and his wife are very liberal, believed in progressive parenting and the whole, "Let your child lead and you follow," mantra. I personally think that is bull shit, parents should be the leaders (not dictators, true leaders) and reinforce good decisions in their children whether it is through positive reinforcement of said good decisions, or punishment for negative decisions.

To continue, our daughters are only a year apart (his daughter is 8, mine is 7), his daughter goes to a charter magnet program, and my daughter goes to a charter Montessori program. Both are very smart, heads of their class, and teachers seem to love them. So lots of similarities other than upbringing.

His daughter is one of the bitchiest, most selfish girls I've ever dealt with. She can't deal with anyone telling her anything otherwise or contrary to what she thinks or wants, and is quick to melt down, throw a temper tantrum, etc. My brother even admits she's out of control like that at times, he wants to change it, wants to fix it, but he can't just switch years of progressive parenting off. My daughter, on the other hand, we may have our disagreements like all parents and children do, but she is respectful of others, is one of the most well behaved kids at the table (even at 7 years old), and generally just a great kid. I get complimented on her all the time. She still has some trouble sharing, but she doesn't melt down when forced to share with her brother or other kids, and I've noticed lately she's been more forthcoming sharing with her brother so it's getting better.

So what I'm trying to say, progressive parenting is bull shit. You can find your groove with your kid whether you want to be more strict or more forgiving and see how they react, but please, please, please, do not fall for the progressive parenting lie/bull shit.

Welcome to the club.

I can't wait to raise my child with respect and intelligence.

This, progressive parenting is BS

Yea that wont be a problem, she works 9-5 mon through friday im on 24 off 48, so ill be with him for the majority

>marrying a teacher

I'm so sorry user.

Teach him how to:
1. Use greentext correctly

Also have a strong patriarchal family, basically the nuclear family which we need more in America

>get him call of duty

Literally what?

>kids raised by mother grow up to be beta.


MFW beta

Not really an option financially

>how am i supposed to raise a child to not grow up degenerate.

Cancel cable tv.

Get a second job.


good decision

And then never be home to raise the child?

What is progressive parenting

>not financially ready to have a child

Why are you having a child if you're not financially ready? How old are you, how old is your wife?

Never ever send your kid to day care, day care is the biggest meme.

Here's some tips to save money, stop paying for cable tv, you can get free movies and shows easily if you know how. Stop buying a new car of the year, you don't need it, just buy a used one for like $4,000 or $5,000. You don't need to be paying every month for a car, unless you have the money for it.

Oh, they'll rebel if you are strict, and it sucks but thats all it is: a rebellion. Deep inside they will be instilled by your values, and will eventually return to them, even if it takes a long long time, even if it takes them being a parent. Rebellious degenerates almost always return back to good if their parents raised them right to begin with because the guilt overwhelms.

This is the worst case scenario btw

Way ahead of you, only have internet

That's if you send them to public schools where they will be influenced by degenerates

Didnt say we arent financially ready, i did say it wasnt an option to cut our income almost in half

Well you don't have to be materialistic buying the new shit, that's how you waste money. You need to budget.

Im 27 she is 25 btw. Decent amount saved up, and her family is old south rich

Seriously need an answer for this

Make your child read philosophers of old. And make them read other non degenerate books. Make them study religion, and make sure the stufy languages. Do not force them too hard with it though. Make sure you teach them what work is from a young age. If you get them working from a young age they will become a much better person overall later in life.

Create structure at an early age, teach them accountability at an early age, encourage critical thinking and creativity.

From there just be prepared to bankroll after school programs and don't live in a shit neighborhood where your child will befriend low IQ kids.

are you both white?

Basically allowing your children to do what they want, and being a friend to your kids instead of being a parent




Some extra thoughts.

Consider how you want your child to develop. Do you want them to be disciplined, do you want them to be a free spirit, do you want them to follow a specific profession or choose one for themselves?

> Repeatedly Misbehaving; Throwing Tantrums
: Tantrum because of spoilt/entitled attitude (selfishness)
: Ensure that the threatened punishments will be followed through (and is appropriate for the misbehavior)
: Provide a way for the child to relieve themselves of the punishments (e.g. good behavior)

> Sulking/Withdrawl
- Response: DO NOT let the child isolate themselves for an extended period
: Change their attention to something they enjoy (think up some activity that they like and is social)
: Don't let them use sulking as a way to manipulate the situation just to get what they want

> Selfishness
- Reason: Belief that they are entitled
- Response: Period of time without things they want, punish with activities that require them to share their own valued things, encourage sharing attitude

> Attention Seeking
- Reason: Wanting to be social with others but doesn't know how (doesn't understand social cues); possible lack of self-worth and self-confidence
- Response: Change their attention to something they enjoy, activities that help them to socialize

> Aggressive, Bullying (uncontrolled anger)
- Reason: Wants to control the situation with physical violence (hitting, pushing, and yelling)
- Response: Use rules and consequences to clearly teach them how to stop behaving too aggressively
: As soon as they flare up, control them until they calm down
: Apply consequences immediately; "Because you hit your brother, you do not get to use the computer for the rest of the day"
: Let them get around the punishment if they sincerely apologize (but not if they have developed a habit of abusive behavior)

Nice meme show

don't abort then

Don't hit your kids, don't tell them they're wrong, tell them diversity is best no matter what. Basically the fast track to a liberal child.

Thanks for the effort and good advice.

You might still have time to undo.

My son is 4. Been a rocky road but he's smart, polite, tough. Just be the man you'd want you son to be, or be the man you'd want your daughter to marry. It's as simple as that. You'll fuck it up alot. But keep trying. I go through periods of depression and alcoholism but I always keep trying to get myself out of it and be a good father.


That is what women are for. Men are for working until they drop dead of a heart attack at 60.

Ill also point out that perhaps you shouldnt have had/be having a kid if you cant financially support it properly.

Your answers so far are the very excuses that niggers and degenerates use to excuse their lifestyles and the eventual missteps of their kids.

Also, help your child achieve things they want. I had a fuck off useless dad who never once helped me achieve anything, and that fucked me over till I got my shit together at 15.

Also make sure they share responsibility, like cleaning their room twice a week, and washing the floors or something.

It's a lot like raising a dog. You read all these guides on the best way to do things, then throw out 80% of what you learned and mesh it together with 20% of how YOU want to do it. You have to blend your lifestyle together with what you learned if you want to make your plan last. Following a book will just be awkward for everyone. Just don't overthink.

Once that kid comes up, everything will make sense. It will all fall into place. You will have no idea why you worried so much. It feels overwhelming because there is so much involved in 18 years of raising a kid, but that is 7,000 days to break it up into. You don't have to know or do everything in the first week or year. Only enough to get by.

And if it's your first, you WILL fuck it up in the learning process. Like not wrapping the baby up super-tight to simulate the womb during its first days out, or that baby powder is not optional. You'll get over it. Fuck ups happen. No one dies. Move on,.

Fun fact, in studies done, parents are always most proud of their first child, and the first child always comes out the best because they do take more thought and attention and work and you can't just sail by since you've done it all before.

Get a job during second or third shift then. You're home while the wife working and at work while they're asleep.

>Wife is a 1st grade teacher, and i work so that isnt really an option

yeah you have to step up and earn more so she can care for that child, or else it's going to be a braindead zombie, or find a religious school if you live near some quakers or amish or mennonites see if they have a school you can send your kid to,

otherwise you're fucked, might as well have an abortion

I know what you should do OP

Buy him video games and teach him to read Chinese cartoon image forums and ignore him as much as possible so he has trouble connecting and relating to other humans. Teach him to be a picky eater and to choose burgers over "natural" food cause everyone knows eating healthy is a myth and hoax just like global warming. Teach him that humans deserve everything handed to them on a plate and anyone who tells you that humans evolved though extreme hardships and difficult life trials throughout history should kill themselves immediately because they've never played grand theft auto 5 or watched porn while eating a baconator from wendys. Teach him that the American dream isnt about finding peace in the solitary and difficult life that humans live but to instead worship at the altar of pussy, Kim Kardashian, alcohol, denial and greed. America is such a beautiful country filled with corrupt and disaffected youth. I'm sure your kid will love you and not reject all of your beliefs in the great American dream.


Humans and kids are like plants - some people water it and some people put their cigarettes out in the pot and spill beer in and piss in their and leave French fries in it to decompose and dehydrate it and keep it out of sunlight. And the sad thing is the plant doesn't know what's good for it.

Send them to charter school , whatever you do don't send to public school. Maybe your wife could get a job there for free tuition Read this. Make your wife read it. Read it again. And take it seriously.

Degeneracy starts with children being raised by people other than their parents. The downfall of western society started in the 1950's when women left the home and went to work.

Being in a proper financial situation to raise a child means your wife shouldnt be working for the next 18 years. Her place is in the home with the children

Glad we have ids so i can discount the ideas of retards

Dont hit, dont yell, dont criticize. Let them be happy go lucky no consequences no worries children as long as they want to be.

Basically, let your little monkeys run wild and if they really really get into trouble, make them self reflect in a quiet room on what they did wrong

don't spank them unless you want them to turn into retards who cant think straight


Apparently - Shows like peppa pig, lazy town or whatever the fuck actually make your child more spoilt. So i would be very careful.

>make them self reflect in a quiet room on what they did wrong
The obvious answer is "I was wrong to not exploit the easily exploitable buttons of my moronic cuckold parents".

Protip: nobody likes cuckolds, not even their own kids.

By being strict.

What I mean by that is you need to create mental strength for the child. This is done by beatings and spankings, as often as possible. Trick the child into doing something wrong, then punch him/her out cold.

You are a grown ass man who is producing a child in an environment where nearly every advantage of being white is absent, then asking a bunch of teenagers and foreeveralones for advice on how to raise a child properly...

And im the retard...

Let your wife work the child's entire life, let them grow up in an urban area (cuz mah work is there) send them to a public school, or better yet, send them to a lovely hug circle of nu age education. They wont turn out like every other Tucker and Spencer out there. Not at all

Want some real advice? Move to a small town in the midwest. Your wife doesnt leave the home again until your child goes away to college (and you better be paying for his college in full) Send your child to Christian schools until college. Make them join ROTC, and then send them to one of the military institutes.

They will be a proper mannered, squared away man with direction, faith, and purpose in life by the time they are 26.

Most 26 year olds these days are still living at home with no income, no purpose, and no real goals further down the road than next month

This, listen to him OP, he is giving you good advice. Also don't force him to go to college, college is not for everyone. Your child should only go to college if he wants to do law, stem, or med.

Don't fall for the college meme

First, yes your child goes to college, and you or the government pay for it. Student loans exist for the bottom of society and ensure you will never be anything other than the bottom of society. Trades are for Mexicans and Pollocks. Educated white men go to work wearing a collard shirt.

Second, unless he "wants" to go for something valuable, they dont get to "pick" what they want to go to school for. That is how you get Womens Studies, Art History, and Music Theory graduates working at Starbucks. Your entire point in existing is to make sure your child is prepared for life. Not to make sure your child is eternally happy.

You talk like some underage permavirgin moron.
>homeschool your kid so he can become an autistic nazi
Home schooled kids have utterly no concept of how to deal with the real world because they live in a bubble. Keep your fucking mouth shut about subjects you very clearly have no clue about.

Op, send your kid to school. Then he'll have real world experience. Compliment these experience with some of your guidance in the home and you're golden. And above all else. Make sure you can provide for him. And no matter what bumps in the road you may face. Never divorce

But not public school.

Send him to private school or public school. But don't home school

You shouldn't insult people for being stupid when you have the reading comprehension of a turtle. I did not once say home school (and he was linking to me) Home school exists for the whackjobs that live out in Utah, cult members, and actual retards who get locked in the padded room at school.

I said Christian school. The kind of place where teachers can still hit a misbehaving child, and the kind of place that instills proper morals.

Discipline, tons of it. Don't spoil him, don't buy everything he asks.

Cute, more pix

>christcuck school
I don't think op wants his kids molested